Virtual Merit Badge Offerings – August-Round 2
The Mayflower Council has secured merit badge counselors to teach a few merit badges virtually. Scouts can now sign up for the following virtual merit badge offerings.
Space is limited, please sign up as soon as possible. Each course is only $10.00.
Click on the merit badge you are interested in to sign up.
Communication – Have you ever thought about how to improve your skills of holding a conversation? Can you teach a skill and give a speech about a topic you like? This Eagle Required Merit Badge is for you to think about how we communicate with others! You must attend all sessions. Tuesday’s, August 18, August 25, September 1 and September 8 from 7:00 – 8:00 pm.
Citizenship In The Nation – Now is an important time to take Citizenship in the Nation. Join us to have conversations about the founding principles of the United States, how our local representatives work with others around the Country, and how our Scouts can do their best to do their duty to their country! This course runs for 2 consecutive weeks. You must attend all sessions. Wednesday’s – August 19 and 26 from 6:30 – 7:30 pm.
Citizenship In The World – What does it mean to be a Citizen in the World? How well do you know governments around the world and how they work together? Do you know what an Ambassador does? How about World Wide Scouting? Join us for this Eagle Required Merit Badge and learn all about it! This course runs for 5 consecutive days. You must attend all sessions. Monday thru Friday, August 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21 from 10:00 -11:00 am.