Membership Resources

The Mayflower Council wants to help you grow your unit. We want to be able to offer every youth in our community an opportunity to join an organization that prepares youth to become responsible, participating citizens and leaders that are guided by the Scout Oath and Law.

Unit growth is a very important part of a unit’s health! Units with strong recruitment activities and well planned joining nights will have much more success throughout the rest of the year. The Mayflower Council realizes this and has put together some tools and materials that we hope you will use to increase parent participation as well as grow your unit’s membership. A great way to get new parents and youth engaged in Scouting is by letting your community know about the fun, exciting things that your unit is doing.

Below you will find both new and time-tested tools that Mayflower Council has put together to help your unit with their Spring and Fall recruitment drives. Please keep this page in mind when you start planning your recruitment drive.

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Lion Scout Information


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Scouts BSA Information


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2024 Recruiting Initiatives

Membership Support Materials

Unit Success Workshops

Around the Campfire Podcast

Mayflower Council’s “Around The Campfire” Podcast, a show designed specifically for unit leaders and volunteers. Hosted by Rob DiFazio, an Eagle Scout from East Bridgewater serving on the Membership & Unit Service Team. Each episode will be packed with useful information. Don’t miss out on this informative podcast!

Membership News & Updates

Stressed Out? Scouts Can Try These Techniques

January 27th, 2022|

Scouts in the UK have some ideas for in-the-moment relaxation… Getting back into the routine of things after the Holidays is supposed to put folks on even footing. It’s supposed to be comforting to [...]

Scouts Honor: Thomas R., Troop 101 Northborough

January 26th, 2022|

Eagle Scout project garnered 300 new LEGO sets for Boston Children’s Hospital Recently, children at Boston Children’s Hospital received almost 300 new LEGO sets from a former patient turned Mayflower Council Eagle Scout - [...]

Annual Recognition Dinner Postponed

January 20th, 2022|

Due to the recent spike in COVID-19 cases and in an abundance of caution, for the health and safety of our attendees, the Council Recognition Dinner has been postponed until April 28 at 7pm [...]

Scouting For “Unbored” Kids In The Winter

January 19th, 2022|

A helpful post from Scouting Magazine outlines information about boredom… We’re just a few days into winter, and my kids are already tearing the paint off the walls. Beyond school break and the COVID [...]

So Far, So Good: A New Scoutmaster’s Story

January 18th, 2022|

Via storytelling, this concise, helpful book tackles the wide breadth of emotions that come with being a Scouter… I found it! For several weeks since becoming a leader in my son’s Scout troop, I [...]