

Advancement is the method by which we promote and encourage the ongoing involvement and commitment that keeps members coming back for more. It works best when it is built into a unit’s program so that simply participating leads to meaningful achievement and recognition—and to a continually improving readiness for more complex experiences.

The council executive board, through its advancement committee and district advancement chairs, is responsible for implementing and facilitating advancement and processing most special awards and recognition’s. To initiate the advancement or recognition process, a Scout or Venturer should contact his/her unit’s leader (Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, Varsity Team Coach, Venture Crew Advisor, or Sea Scout Skipper).

Tom Bednarz
Council Advancement Chair

Common Questions

Where can I find the most recent merit badge counselor list?
The merit badge counselor list is now available in Scoutbook. Click here to find out more.

How do I become a merit badge counselor or edit the badges I counsel?
The Mayflower Council has revised the process to make it easier for those interested in becoming a counselor and those who are currently a counselor looking to change their badges. Click here to know more.

Are there any supplementary documents needed to obtain the rank of Eagle Scout?
Scouts in the process of attaining the rank of Eagle Scout by complete the Eagle Scout Application (for youth who completed requirements before July 1, 2022) Eagle Scout Application (for youth who completed requirements ON OR AFTER July 1, 2022) and Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook found on the National BSA website.

What are the important emails and links for Eagle Scouts?

There is a new process for submitting Eagle Scout project proposals. Please review this document for the most up to date info.

Is there an award used to recognize extraordinary bravery or meritorious action?
Visitors interested in recognizing a registered youth or adult who has performed, or attempted to perform, a life-saving act or has performed another a notable act of service that put into practice Scouting skills and/or ideals, please visit the Life Saving and Meritorious Action Awards page on the National BSA website.

Helpful Links

Advancement News

Cub Scout & Scouts BSA Yo-Yo Programs

June 30th, 2021|

Completing the Cub Scout Yo-Yo Preview Adventure and finding fun recruitment giveaways just got a lot easier. Order customized Yo-Yos, choosing your color and adding a logo, or purchase case packs of 12 Yo-Yos, [...]

Lifesaving and Meritorious Action Awards

June 18th, 2021|

Lifesaving and Meritorious Action Awards recognize registered youth and adults who have performed an attempt to save a life, or to recognize notable acts of service that put into practice Scouting skills or ideals. [...]

New Event Registration & Calendar Platform

May 26th, 2021|

Our council has begun transitioning to a new online event registration platform named Black Pug, which is used by almost half of all Boy Scout councils nationwide. The previous system, Doubleknot, was a major [...]

19 Cub Elective Adventures Retiring in 2022

May 11th, 2021|

Every year Cub Scout Adventures are reviewed to identify trends and determine interests of our youth, den leaders and Cub Scout families. In our ongoing efforts to keep the Cub Scouting Adventure program relevant [...]

Virtual Little Philmont 2021

April 26th, 2021|

Join Hundreds of Other Scouters at the Virtual Little Philmont 2021 Event and Get a Taste of the Philmont Experience Friday, May 21 from 9pm-10:30pm EDT Saturday, May 22 from 10:30-2pm EDT Virtual Little [...]