For our latest #meettheteammonday on Mayflower Council’s social media, we sat down with John Bishop, Mayflower Council’s Brand Ambassador…
John, what is your favorite aspect of Scouting?

At the State House in Boston.
“I have the luxury of seeing Scouting from several different angles; first and foremost, it’s through my three sons, who are active in Hudson, Massachusetts’ Scouting program. My oldest, Jack, is part of Troop 512, Crew 1923, and Ship 323 (Weymouth). Meanwhile, Scott enjoys Scouts BSA (Troop 512), and Luke is in Cub Scouts (Pack 3104). I am a proud committee member for all of those units. My work with the Mayflower Council is the proverbial cherry on a rewarding personal Scouting ‘cake.’ Thus far, my favorite moment is when Jack, Scott, and I slept over in the U.S.S. Massachusetts with ‘Troop 2’ – just like my dad and I did back in the day…”
What brought you to the Mayflower Council?
“Just after the pandemic, I worked on the websites and social media for several of our local Hudson units. At that same time, my kids were getting into the program, and as we came back strong from remote Scouting, each of them seemed more embedded in their dens and patrols. As they grew into the program, so did my commitment, so much so that I wanted to expand my work beyond my town. I sent a note to Rick Riopelle [Mayflower Council Director of Field Service / COO], and my part-time work for the Council commenced.”
What is your Scouting background?

John’s three boys, Luke, Scott, and Jack and his wife Andrea.
“I would love to say I was a great Scout, but despite the efforts of some amazing leaders, I was not. I topped out at Tenderfoot with Hazardville, Connecticut’s Troop 108 (although I did earn the Mile Swim badge). Again, thanks to great leaders, I was an accomplished Cub Scout with Pack 391 Enfield, Conn., earning my Arrow of Light, crossing over to Boy Scouts, and heading to camp with Troop 108. In my adult Scouting, my oldest son Jack rekindled my current passion for Scouting, and I am proud to report I have far eclipsed my youth camping count and skill set while with Mayflower Council and its units (although I haven’t attempted another mile swim, yet).”
Council Duties
“I am the ‘social media guy’ and try to write stories as often as possible for the website. Within those capacities, I am involved in many, many facets of the organization’s efforts. I really enjoy taking photos at events and posting smiling shots of Scouts, Scouters, and families.”
Personal Favorites

At Camp Resolute
color Blue
drink Diet Coke
treat Ramen
hobby World War II history
food Chicken noodle soup and chili
animal “Cats. I have six. Tito, Teddy, Tommy, Padme, Juno, and Annie.”
place Disney’s Hollywood Studios, Camp Resolute
music “Varies. Audien to Fleetwood Mac to Big Bad Voodoo Daddy.”
Feel free to contact John if he can help enhance your Scouting experience or publicize an important event for your unit or Scouts.