Meet the Team: Felicia Vaytsman

For our second #meettheteammonday on Mayflower Council’s social media, we sat down with Felicia Vaytsman, Mayflower Council Membership & Community Partnerships Executive.

Felicia, what is your favorite aspect of Scouting?

“My absolute favorite thing? That it’s a FAMILY program! That we’re all in this together, as a family! My son and daughter both enjoy the program, the outings, and the events that Mayflower offers our community. I love hiking with them and doing things we may not otherwise do. When we go camping, it’s such a fun experience, and it fills my kid’s ‘nature bucket,’ which, for them, is a deep bucket and really, truly, brings such good energy to their souls. When they get to walk the field at Fenway or Polar Park donning their uniform with ‘Den Leader Mom,’ it gives them such pride to do those special things and wear their important uniform.”

What brought you to the Mayflower Council?

“In very early 2024, my kids were interested in the WooSox sleepover. As I was on the Mayflower Council website, I saw there was a job opening for a ‘Membership Executive.’ The role sounded a bit intimidating, especially since I had been a stay-at-home mom for five years by that point. However, so much of it sounded appealing and something I wanted to try! I was also very pleased by our Scouting experience thus far and found myself passionate about spreading the word about Scouting.”

What is your Scouting background?

“Scouting first piqued my interest when my son entered Kindergarten in the fall of 2021. We were at his school’s open house, and the Cub Scouts had an info table. I was talking with one of the moms who was a Den Leader. She explained the program, and it sounded really interesting and something I thought he and I would love. However, the Pandemic was still going on, and… I opted to wait a year.

“Then, a huge change in our lives came about. My husband’s job required him to relocate to Massachusetts from the Chicago area. We got here in June 2022, just as summer was beginning, and the first thing I did was research ‘Cub Scouts near me,’ and there, our journey began.

“I inquired about the program and also said, ‘I also might be interested in being a Den Leader.’ Which, if those words are ever uttered… It’s over, you’re hooked.

“So, I became his Tiger Den leader and loved it. My son was so excited about what they were learning and really proud that his mom was his Den Leader. That following year, my daughter was entering Kindergarten, and I asked my son if he would mind if I switched and led her Lion Den to encourage her Scouting career—he, of course, obliged.

“So now both of my children are in Scouting; I’ve completed Tiger Den and Lion Den leader, became the New Member Coordinator this year, and am the Lion Den leader for the 2nd time to support the newest Cub Scouts in our Pack.”

Felicias Personal Favorites


color pink

drink Polar seltzer

treat DQ ice cream

hobby walking the neighborhood admiring the old homes and architecture

food all of it?

animal cat

place the beach

music 90s rap & alternative

Council Duties

  • Felicia helps foster relationships in communities to form new units where they are needed;
  • Works with charted organizations to ensure strong relationships;
  • Attends community events to promote Scouting across the board.

Feel free to contact Felicia if she can help foster your Scouting experience.