Events for Jan 2025 › Training

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Become part of a National movement and join us for a weekend of camping and Leave No Trace activities and course work in the outdoors. This course is designed to teach both adults and senior Scouts the Leave No Trace and Outdoor Ethics message. You will learn how to plan and prepare for your trip, take advantage of durable surfaces to camp and hike, properly dispose of waste, leave what you find, minimize the impacts of campfires, respect wildlife, and respect others that may travel your path in days to come. Upon completion of the course, you will gain a deeper understanding of what it takes to protect the outdoors so that others may enjoy it as much you do! In addition, you will become a Leave No Trace Trainer and empowered to educate others by:

  • Teaching the BSA Leave No Trace 101 course
  • Leading group awareness sessions and workshops
  • Assisting individuals working on their BSA Leave No Trace Awareness Card and other outdoor ethics awards.

This course will be of interest to any youth or adult who is associated with either implementing or training for any BSA outdoor program or for anyone who would like to pass on the knowledge of how to treat the outdoors and protect its beauty for others to enjoy. Youth must be at least 14 years old and First Class rank or higher. Youth must be willing and able to conduct themselves appropriately for an adult training experience that is tightly scheduled and highly interactive.

This course will be given in a backcountry setting, so bring a tent and backpack filled with your personal gear as we learn the principles of Leave No Trace and put those lessons into practice. We’ll supply the food and the training materials. All you’ll need is enthusiasm and a desire to want to protect the outdoors, minimize your “human footprint” on those locations that you plan to visit, and passion to pass on your knowledge to others.

Registration ends on September 5, 2021

Cost:  $105.00
