Wilderness and Remote First Aid

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In an abundance of caution, we will be canceling the Wilderness and Remote First Aid training, that is scheduled for April 18-19 because this training brings a large number of Scouters together. As might be expected with such a fluid set of circumstances, we cannot give you a definitive date when or if the Wilderness and Remote First Aid will be rescheduled. We will be issuing full refunds to everyone by the end of the month.

The Wilderness First Aid course includes training on what to do in the case of:

  • Head (brain), neck, and spinal injuries
  • Heat-related emergencies
  • Hypothermia
  • Altitude-related illnesses
  • Allergies and anaphylaxis
  • Burns
  • Bone and joint injuries
  • Wounds and wound infections

The course is based on the Boy Scouts of America’s “Wilderness First Aid Curriculum and Doctrine Guidelines” and has been reviewed and/or supported by the American Camp Association, American Canoe Association, and the National Recreation and Park Association. Wilderness and Remote First Aid also offers enhanced content and topics to meet OSHA’s Best Practices for Workplace First Aid Training Programs.

Course participants must be at least 14 years of age and possess current certification in Adult Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation/Automated External Defibrillator (CPR/AED).

Important Notes:

  • WFRA participant manuals and skill sheets will be mailed to the address provided during registration. Participants are expected to review this material prior to the course.
  • Please come dressed appropriately for the weather, as some of the instruction will take place outdoors.


Registration Deadline – Thursday noon prior to start date.

Location:  Dining Hall
