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Come and be a Squanto Sasquatch for the weekend!

All Webelos are welcome to Camp Squanto for The Great Webelos Klondike! Compete in the Klondike Derby amongst Webelos from other packs while testing your scout skills through various stations. Scouts will demonstrate first aid, knot, and map and compass skills as well as shoot bb guns and other amazing activities! Do you have what it takes to be a Squanto Sasquatch?


Youth = $15 includes Hat, Patch and Lunch

Adults = $10 includes Lunch

Optional Hats = $7.00

Optional Patch – $2.00

Advance registration is required and must register by December 10, 2018 to receive your hat and patch at event.


Klondike Participant Manual

Klondike Map


See FLYER for additional information
