A Troop for Girls is starting in Hopkinton!
If you or someone you know has a daughter between the ages of 11 and 17 and would like the opportunity develop their character, their physical and mental fitness, engage in being a good citizen, learn more about the outdoors, and develop as a leader, please feel free to join us for an information session as we start a new girl only Troop in Hopkinton under the Boy Scouts of America.
We recognize that there are many questions and we hope that this informative session will help create healthy and productive opportunities for our youth for years to come. Interested guardians and girls are welcome to attend.
For questions, please feel free to contact Kim Brennan at kim.brennan@comcast.net or Matt Peters at matt.peters.scouts@gmail.com.
Visit www.scouting.org/scoutsbsa/ for updates and information.