Providence Bruins

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The Providence Bruins invite you to kick off your scouting year with an outing to a Providence Bruins game in October or November.  Save big on tickets plus scouts and siblings receive P-Bruins hat, commemorative Scout Patch and popcorn!


Dates Available:

  • Sat, Oct. 20 @ 7:05pm vs the Sound Tigers
  • Sun, Oct. 28 @ 3:05pm vs the Sound Tigers
  • Fri, Nov. 9 @ 7:05pm vs the Penguins
  • Sun, Nov. 11 @ 3:05pmvs the Penguins
  • Fri, Nov. 16 @ 7:05pm vs the Phantoms
  • Sat, Nov. 17 @ 7:05pmvs the Americans


To reserve a date for your pack, troop or crew or for more information, please contact Caroline Mattos at the Providence Bruins, 401-680-4720 or via email at

Discounted tickets are:  $22.00 each

Look forward to seeing your Scouts at a Providence Bruins game this fall!
