Headwaters District Eagle Project Proposal

To all Headwaters District Life Scouts:

If you have an Eagle Scout service project proposal that is signed on page E by yourself, your Troop Leader, your Troop Committee and your Beneficiary, then it is time for the last step to get you started on your Eagle Scout project.

The last piece is for a representative from the District Advancement Team to meet with you and review your project proposal.  Our District Team has set up four (4) dates this Summer specifically for face-to-face meetings.  Each Tuesday at Camp Resolute, our team members will be available to meet and discuss your project.

We will be at the Rugoletti Pavilion next to the dining hall.  Meetings start at 3:30 to 6:30 pm.If you are available between those times, please let us know when you will arrive by emailing Headwatersadvancement@mayflowerbsa.org

Tusday dates in July: 9th, 16th, 23rd, and 30th

Please bring:

  • Completed Eagle Scout Service Project Proposal with the signatures on page E.
  • Arrive in your field uniform (Class A).
  • Your best attitude to discuss the benefits, pros and cons, expectations, and challenges ahead for your Eagle Scout Service Project!


We will see you then!


Note: for the remainder of the year, we will be conducting these face-to-face meetings at the Headwaters District Eagle Scout Board of Review nights.  These happen twice per month and can be found on the Mayflower Council Calendar or on the Headwaters District Webpage.