2019 Report To The Commonwealth

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Join fellow members of Scouting from all over Massachusetts, as we share the Scouting Story with members of the House of Representatives and State Senate at the State House in Boston.

Itinerary includes: Informal Session, Presentation of Colors, Presentation of Citations, Photo Opportunity in the Senate Chambers, a Lunch break (Scouts need to bring a brown bag lunch), and a tour of the State House.

All Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturers, Sea Scouts, and Explorers are invited to attend.

Service Project Opportunity:                                                                                   

When we arrive, we will be collecting donations for the Greater Lowell Disaster Relief Fund to aid our friends in the Merrimack Valley who were affected by the recent gas explosion. Please consider making a donation. If you’d like to write a check, they should be made payable to The Essex County Community Foundation (in the memo section write: Greater Lowell Disaster Relief Fund).
