Investment in Character Update – Feb 2019

Hello Headwaters District:

Our Investment in Character annual fundraising Campaign is underway and going well.  On January 7th, Headwaters District kicked off our efforts to raise $25,000 by May 31st.  We have been reaching out to Pack and Troop Key 3 members to ask if our team can talk to your Unit about helping reach our goal.  Several Units have been generous enough to sponsor a Scout for one year of the Scouting program with the gift of $311.65!

We want to keep everyone updated about our status along our campaign.  At the end of February we tallied up a total of $6,329.00, just about 25% of our goal!

Those who generously donate to our Investment in Character campaign with a gift of $311.65 (cost of delivering the Scouting program to 1 youth for an entire year) will receive a special edition “2019 Investment in Character” Council Shoulder Patch. In addition to one of these Council Shoulder Patches, donors who make a gift of $1,000.00 or more will also receive a Mayflower Council 20 ounce Yeti Tumbler.

If you are interested in learning more about our campaign please visit our webpage: Campaigns and Gifts

If you are interested in getting involved with our IICC team, contact us at

Support us as we invest in the future!