
A great time was had by all in Hudson as Pack 3104 held their Pinewood event at Hudson’s Mulready Elementary School.   One of the assistant judges of the colorful Pinewood cars was Mulready Principal, Kelly Costa.

Pinewood preparation included every Scout customizing their own laminated “ID Racing Pass” that they got to wear while watching the heats.  Boy Scouts from Hudson Troop 77 were present to assist Cub Master Andrew Hermann retrieving cars and running the Track’s operations.

The races this day were matched up as Lions/Tigers, Wolfs/Bears, and Webelos/Arrow of Lights. Halfway through the day, Cubs and parents were treated to snacks and a pizza lunch as well as a group photo of the Pack and it’s leaders

After all the Scouts had their races but before trophies and awards, there were additional races for the ‘Siblings Group’, a race for Unified participants, and finally, a race for the adults.  Check out some of these photos from this amazing day of fun!  Photos were taken by Eric Leger.









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