Cub Scout Leader Position-Specific Training

Attention all Den Leaders and Pack Leaders! You’re about to start a new year with your Cubs, and you deserve to get the tools and resources to make your program fun and successful. That’s why we invite you to kick off the program year with Cub Leader-Specific Training!

Online Training

You can take position-specific training online by signing into your account at Each position has a separate training module.

Although online training is easier, many leaders find it more rewarding to take a live in-person course. Not only does the in-person course allow you to cover all of the positions in one sitting, but it also gives you a chance to meet other leaders and share ideas and experiences. Live training is fun! Even if you’ve already taken the online training, you’ll probably learn something new by attending a live course.

Live Training

Basic Information

Every Cub Scout leader should take basic training… and when we do it in person, we make it fun! We can run it two ways:

  • A 90-minute to 2-hour session for one specific position: Den Leader, Cubmaster/Assistant Cubmaster, or Pack Committee.
  • A 4-hour session that covers all the positions.

Either way, you will…

  • Learn about your role in delivering a fun and successful Cub Scouting program
  • Find out what resources are available to help you
  • Pick up new skills, program ideas, games, activities, and more
  • Meet other leaders and share ideas

This training covers the same requirements as the online courses, but many leaders find the live version more rewarding and more enjoyable. This course also gives you a chance to meet other leaders and share ideas and experiences. Once you’ve completed Youth Protection training (online) and this course, you can proudly wear the “Trained” patch on your uniform.

This Year’s Courses

We’ll be running position-specific courses several times throughout the day at each of our Cub Leader Kickoff events… don’t miss it! More details are below.

More courses will be added over time. Check with your district training chair for more information or to arrange a course near you. To run this course, we need a free meeting space, a pack willing to “host,” and a commitment from at least five leaders to attend.

What to Bring

When you attend a live Cub leader-specific training course, you should…

  • Wear your Scout uniform — or the closest thing you have to a uniform (for example, a pack t-shirt)
  • Bring a handbook for your level of Cub Scouting, if you have one

Fall 2017 Kickoff Events

Cub Scout Leaders – join us for a great kickoff to the year! Activities will run throughout the day and you can come and go as you please. Here’s what’s on tap:


  • In-person position-specific training (Den Leader, Cubmaster/Assistant, Pack Committee).
  • Workshops on crafts, skits and songs, ceremonies, working with youth with disabilities, and more.
  • Youth protection training and help with online recordkeeping.
  • Leader guides for sale, registration materials, and other resources to save you a trip to the council office or the Scout store.
  • Outdoor cooking demos and a delicious lunch!
  • Vendors and exhibits.
  • Fun activities for your Cub-age youth (so you’re welcome to bring your own kids… we’ll take care of keeping them busy!)
  • A chance to meet fellow leaders and get resources to start the new year off strong!

This event is a great chance to meet fellow leaders, share ideas, and get ready for a fun and successful year of Cub Scouting!

Locations, Times, and Additional Details

Saturday, September 16, 2017
St. Mary’s Church
392 Hanover St., Hanover
8:30 AM to 4:00 PMDetailed scheduleRegister online
Saturday, October 14, 2017
Covenant Congregational Church
204 Center St., Easton
8:30 AM to 4:00 PM Detailed Schedule
Register online

Lunch on both days will be available between 11:30 and 1:30 for $5.00. Meal tickets can be purchased in advance or at the door. We would greatly appreciate pre-registration so we have a good head count for food and training materials.

Course flyer — please share!

For more information, contact Chris Lamie.

Handouts and Links

Handouts will be posted after the course.