Cranberry Harbors District Training

Chris Lamie, Mayflower Council’s Training Chair, and a lot great volunteers put on an in-depth seminar for Cranberry Harbor’s District Committee on Saturday, January 12th.

Topics included:

  • Chairs/Vice Chairs
  • Activities and Civic Service
  • New Unit Organizers
  • Training
  • Advancement
  • Fund Development
  • Camping/Outdoor Program
  • Membership

We hope some of you were able to attend, and more will be able to attend this type of training in the future.

For more information, please visit

January Training Newsletter

Click on image to download


Health and Medical Records

We hear this question often “Is a medical form required for this activity?”  The answer is yes!  All Council and District activities like Camporees, Klondikes, Chuckwagons, etc are required to collect a medical form for every youth and adult participant.  These forms are filed by unit and returned to the unit leader or designee at the end of the event.

The Boy Scouts of America and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts require that we retain health forms collected for summer camp up to 36 months.  These forms are maintained in a secure, offsite facility.

As a rule, all units should collect an Annual Health and Medical Record for all youth and adult members as well as parents who are regular participants.  These should accompany the unit on weekend outings and field trips.  These forms should be reviewed and updated on an annual basis.

See the attached for more information regarding this policy as well as the link to determine which form is appropriate based on your activity.


Mayflower Council and BSA National Health and Medical Records

December Training Newsletter

Click on image to download


Youth Protection Training


The BSA released a new YPT program in February ‘18. All registered adults must take this version of YPT. We want to say thank you to all who have taken the time to do this… but also remind everyone that we need the rest of our leaders trained before the end of the year. If you haven’t taken the new YPT by the time your unit renews its charter for 2019, your registration will be dropped. We need to comply with national policies and make sure all leaders are up to date on how to prevent, recognize, and respond to abuse. Our youth deserve no less!

If you need to take YPT, go to and take it today. If you have already taken the new YPT (for example, a live session this summer or fall) but you are still receiving notifications that your training is out of date, please contact our volunteer training chair ( or your district training chair and they will try to help you get your record straightened out.

November Training Newsletter

Below is the November Training Newsletter

Click on the picture to download a PDF.


Location Change for Training Events

Due to circumstances beyond our control the location for tomorrow’s Den Chief Training, Youth Protection Training and Cub Scout Leader Training events has changed. The new venue will be United Church of Christ – Abington,10 Bedford St., Abington, MA 02351. Please share this update with anybody you know who may be planning to attend. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Learn To Save A Life



Did you know that Mayflower Council offers training and certification in CPR/AED, Professional Rescuer CPR/AED, First Aid, and Wilderness and Remote First Aid (WRFA)? Our team of volunteer instructors offers this training at a discounted rate for Scouts and Scouters. We only charge what it takes to recoup the cost of Red Cross certification and to maintain our teaching supplies.


Below is a partial schedule of our offerings through June 2019.


Please, before you consider signing up for any of these courses, take note of the following:


  • We limit registration in these courses to 20 participants so that each participant gets enough instructor attention.
  • CPR/AED (current within two years) is a prerequisite for WRFA.
  • “First Aid” is a basic first Aid course. It is not a prerequisite for WRFA. If you want to take WRFA, you don’t also need to take “basic” First Aid as a prerequisite
  • WRFA is required by the BSA for two adults accompanying youth BSA members to any BSA “high-adventure” venues, or any real (away from a road) wilderness location.
  • From October through May we will offer WRFA five times vs. the three times we have offered the course previously. Based on demand in previous years, we offer this training once in the fall and four times in winter/spring. Please plan ahead and register early. If you realize at the last minute that you need this training, it may be too late to get into our course.
  • Minimum age for certification in CPR/AED and/or First Aid is 11. Minimum age for WRFA is 14. Certification in these courses is for two years.
  • The per-person fee for CPR/AED or First Aid certification is $35 for BSA-registered individuals, $60 for non-BSA registered individuals. The per-person fee for WRFA certification is $90 regardless of BSA affiliation.
  • Most of the courses below will be at Nobscot Reservation in Sudbury. Courses in other parts of the council will be added over the next few months.


Mayflower Council CPR/AED, and First Aid Training and Certification Opportunities, October 2018-June 2019


CPR/AED: Tuesday, October 16: Sign Up Here

WRFA: Saturday-Sunday, October 20-21:  Sign Up Here

CPR/AED: Tuesday, November 6: Sign Up Here

First Aid: Tuesday, November 27: Sign Up Here

CPR/AED: Tuesday, January 8: Sign Up Here

WRFA: Saturday-Sunday, January 12-13: Sign Up Here

CPR/AED: Tuesday, February 5: Sign Up Here

WRFA: Saturday-Sunday, February 9-10:  Sign Up Here

First Aid: Tuesday, February 26: Sign Up Here

CPR/AED: Tuesday, March 5: Sign Up Here

WRFA: Saturday-Sunday, March 9-10: Sign Up Here

First Aid: Tuesday, March 26: Sign Up Here

WRFA: Saturday-Sunday, April 6-7: Sign Up Here

CPR/AED: Tuesday, April 9: Sign Up Here

First Aid: Tuesday, April 23: Sign Up Here

CPR/AED: Tuesday, May 7: Sign Up Here

Professional Rescuer CPR/AED: May 18: Sign Up Here

First Aid: Tuesday, May 21: Sign Up Here

CPR/AED: Tuesday, June 11: Sign Up Here

Questions: George Ecker, 781-235-6104,


Den Chief Training

What’s a Den Chief, you ask?

It’s a Boy Scout or Venturer who makes a commitment to assist a Cub Scout den. The Den Chief program is a “win-win-win-win”: the pack and den get a helping hand (someone who’s probably great at teaching Scouting skills and leading skits, songs, and games!), the Cub Scouts get a role model who inspires them to grow in Scouting, the Den Chief gets valuable leadership experience (and credit toward rank advancement), and the troop or crew gets an ideal recruiter working directly with the pack. Once you’ve recruited your Den Chiefs, set them up for success by getting them trained! Our training team will be offering Den Chief training on:

September 29th – Norwood

October 13th – Weston

October 27th – Hanover

December 1st – Hanson

Click on the date to sign up!

Program Kickoff For Cub Scout Leaders

Attention Cub Scout leaders: Please join us at our upcoming Cub Scout Leader Training Festivals:

Norwood on September 29, Weston on October 13, and Hanover on October 27!

These events are a great chance for new AND experienced leaders to kick off the year with basic training to set you up for success (earn the “Trained” patch for your position), workshops on a variety of other useful topics, a chance to pick up leader guides and other resources without a trip to the council office or Scout store, and delicious food. We’ll also run a fun program for Cub Scout-age youth while their parents are getting trained. This festival is a great chance to meet and share ideas with fellow volunteers.

Registration is open for all three dates: pick the date that works for you and just come for the sessions you want. We hope to see you there!