New Windows

Peter Lanciano and Matt Karpacz of the Hammer Crew reframed openings and put in 6 new windows in Cabin 31 at Nobscot. Not shown are other loyal members of the Hammer Crew who also worked on this project.

Celebration Event For The Inaugural Class

Mark your calendars for a special event celebrating leadership with America’s First Female Eagle Scouts. On the evening of February 21, 2021, at 8 pm Eastern, the BSA will mark this historic milestone. Plus, Scouts across the nation will be invited to join a national call to service in 2021. Help us ensure every Scout in the Inaugural Class is recognized and celebrated by filling out the form attached.

Speak A Language Other Than English?

The interpreter strip is a visible sign to others that you’re available for conversation in a language other than English.

It’s Recharter Time

The chartering process is one of the oldest traditions in Scouting. It is the formal document and process that certifies the agreement between a Chartered Partner chartering a Scouting unit and the Boy Scouts of America.

Our Scouts Continue To Shatter Records

Over $121,000 sold online! Mayflower Council Scouts are doing amazing! Let’s keep this total growing.

Trail’s End is launching new incentives to help Scouts hit their goals before the holidays. Your unit will receive an additional $25 Gift Card for every $750 in Online Direct Sales between Thursday, November 5 (8 PM EST) through Thursday, November 26 (8 PM EST).

Scouts will earn bonus Gift Cards, and 15 Scouts will win their choice of an Xbox Series X or PlayStation 5!

If You’re Not Registered To Sell Popcorn Online:

  • There’s no better time than now to start! Sale ends on December 31!
  • Free shipping on orders $30 or more directly to your customers.
  • Easy to use and share via social media, text and email with family, friends and neighbors.
  • Download and use the Trail’s End App for contactless ordering and payment.
  • Participate in the sale even if your unit is not selling.
  • Generate revenue for your unit without ever handling product or inventory.
  • Scouts can sell virtually from anywhere.

Text APP to 62771 to get a link to download

2020 Scouting For Food Collection Reporting

Did your unit participate in Scouting For Food? We have heard a number of units collecting an amazing amount of food for their community food pantries. Northborough Scouts collected over 10,000 items while Westborough Scouts brought in 6,800 pounds of food. How much did you collect? Please fill out our brief form below with the amount of food collected and don’t forget to enter your service hours too.


To report service hours to JTE, follow the instructions below. Every person and hour counts. Please be sure to use our link to report food collected directly to the council as we do not have access to that data through JTE, only your hours reported roll up to the council score.

We’re Looking

Do you know a great landscaper? How about a dependable snow removal/plow?
Our new council service center in Milford is in need of both of these. If you are a licensed contractor and interested in beautifying our new home, please contact Rick Riopelle for more information.

Farewell Good Friend

It is with mixed emotions that we announce the retirement of Rick Poirier, Director of Support Services.  Rick has been an integral part of the Mayflower Council and the Boy Scouts of America for 38 years. He is an Eagle Scout, NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout, Vigil Honor member of the Order of the Arrow and past recipient of the Founder’s Award among many other achievements and accolades.

Rick started his career with the BSA in 1982 as a District Executive in the Narragansett Council in Rhode Island. In 1986 he joined the legacy Old Colony Council as where he served in many positions including: Senior District Executive, Field Director, Camp Squanto Camp Director, Assistant Scout Executive and staff advisor to various council, regional and section committees over the past 35 years. In 2017 he was named the Director of Support Services for the Mayflower Council overseeing the council’s camping operations and summer camp programs.

Rick has been a staple of the Scouting program for nearly four decades and his knowledge, skill, and passion for Scouting will be greatly missed! On behalf of the council executive board, staff, volunteers and Scouts of the Mayflower Council we wish Rick the best.

Please join us in wishing Rick well as he retires from professional service on December 1 by submitting a congratulatory letter to be put into a memory book for him as he opens a new chapter in his life. Letters may be emailed to or mailed to Mayflower Council, BSA 83 Cedar Street, Milford, MA 01757. Kindly submit by November 25.

Youth Protection Training Guide

Tips For Taking Youth Protection Training Online!

Learning Plan
Total time: 72 minutes


The safety and well-being of our youth is of paramount importance to our organization, and integral to everything we do. We must continue our commitment to providing a safe and secure environment at all times for all our youth members. After completing all three modules and passing the exam, it may take up to 24 hours to see your certificate in My.Scouting.

Overview And Policies V2 – total time: 24m

This module will help you to recognize, respond and report the different kinds of abuse experienced by youth. Importantly, you will also know the barriers to abuse and how to utilize them to help create a safe space for youth. After completing all three modules and passing the exam, it may take up to 24 hours to see your certificate in

Sexual Abuse V2 – total time: 25m

Child sexual abuse is considered a public health concern by experts and health organizations. This module covers the different types of sexual abuse. After completing all three modules and passing the exam, it may take up to 24 hours to see your certificate in

Bullying V2 – total time: 13m

Bullying is any unwanted, aggressive behavior by an adult, a youth, or a group that involves an observed or perceived power imbalance and is repeated or is likely to be repeated multiple times. This module covers various forms of bullying. After completing all three modules and passing the exam, it may take up to 24 hours to see your certificate in

YPT Certification Test V2 – total time: 10m

This exam must be passed with a 75% or better passing criteria along with the other mandatory modules to receive credit for the YPT course. After completing all three modules and passing the exam, it may take up to 24 hours to see your certificate in

2021 Silver Beaver Award Nominations

In Scouting, we say “it’s about the youth” and none of our adults are involved for the recognition, but every now and then we need to say thanks especially to those volunteers whose leadership and example has left a lasting positive impact on the program and the broader community. One way we do that is through nominating a Scouter for the Silver Beaver Award, the highest adult recognition a council can bestow. Take a few moments to reflect on volunteers within your unit or district and consider nominating them for the Silver Beaver Award.

A detailed nomination form is available by clicking here and all nominations must be received by Friday, December 4, 2020.

Completed nominations should be emailed to:  The awards will be presented at the Council’s Recognition Dinner to be held sometime in the Spring of 2021.

Frequently asked questions about the Silver Beaver Award:


To recognize registered Scouters of exceptional character who have provided distinguished service within a council.  The award is presented by the National Court of Honor on behalf of councils.

Who Can Earn This Award?

Anyone may nominate any deserving registered Scouter to the council, which selects recipients for the following year. Each council may process their own annual allotment of Silver Beaver awards and shall send a list of Silver Beaver awards presented each calendar year to the National Court of Honor no later than January 31 of the following year.