Unit Program Planning

To deliver the promise of Scouting, your unit needs a great program. And to deliver a great program, your unit must Be Prepared with a plan. With many units returning to in-person meetings and activities, it is a good time to review upcoming program plans and to plan for the upcoming year.

Your unit’s annual program plan also helps with:

  • Developing the unit budget
  • Setting goals for popcorn sales
  • Recruiting youth – Families like to see what fun activities they can expect
  • Recruiting help – When you know what events are coming up on your unit calendar, you have more opportunity to ask parents to help out with specific tasks

Program Planning Resources

National BSA Member Fee Increase 2021

The national annual membership fee is increasing by $6, about 50 cents per month effective August 1st, because the costs associated with Scouting, including the cost of liability insurance, continue to increase and the organization is not able to subsidize the increased costs as it had in the past.

Multi-Council Membership Kick-off June 10

Learn how to grow your unit in the day of virtual Scouting, expand your program and fund your adventures for free. Since our event is being held virtually we won’t do breakouts, so you won’t miss anything!

Changes Coming in My.Scouting

A new Position Manager tool, found on the Organization Manager page of My.Scouting, will be rolled out in the next few days. This new tool updates and replaces the current Organization Security Manager and gives any currently chartered unit the ability to change leader registrations without having to fill out applications and take them to the council service center.

Position Manager will allow Chartered Organization Representatives and their designees to change any leader positions, except the Chartered Organization Representative, with the drag of the mouse. It will require an overnight sync, and then the new leadership position will be updated in the unit.

The assignment of functional assignments like key 3 delegates and membership chair can be done in Position Manager, too. The below job aid will illustrate the new tool and its features.

Virtual Little Philmont 2021

Join Hundreds of Other Scouters at the Virtual Little Philmont 2021 Event and Get a Taste of the Philmont Experience

Friday, May 21 from 9pm-10:30pm EDT
Saturday, May 22 from 10:30-2pm EDT

Virtual Little Philmont 2021 provides a unique opportunity to hear from leading Scouters who continue to deliver high-quality programs for our youth. Several topics will be addressed with a variety of focused break-out sessions on subjects like recruiting, involving parents, leading a troop, helping Scouts stay engaged “after Eagle,” utilizing digital tools to reach your Scouting audience, and more. This exciting event can be a catalyst for increased knowledge and energy within the Latter-day Saint Scouting community.

We’ll open the event on Friday evening (May 21st) with a fireside chat with Rex Tillerson, former BSA National President, former U.S. Secretary of State and former Chairman/CEO of ExxonMobil.

We’ll continue the event on Saturday morning (May 22nd), addressing various topics necessary to continue Scouting with energy, increased knowledge, and enthusiasm. Come join us!

BSA System Maintenance Updates February 6

In efforts to provide a more stable and secure MyBSA environment, the BSA will be migrating an internal database server to new hardware. During the maintenance window of Saturday, February 6, 9AM EST to 2PM EST, MyBSA and applications accessed via MyBSA will be unavailable.

The following services will have disruptions during this maintenance window: Web applications hosted at the National Office, MyBSA, MyTools (Legacy), Internet Rechartering, Internet Advancement and applications that are accessed via MyBSA.

Updated Charter Agreement

The BSA National Service Center has just released a new Charter Organization Agreement that must be signed by either the Institutional Head and/or Chartered Organization Representative.

We understand that a number of units have already submitted their charters to their unit commissioner or district recharter representative. If a unit has submitted their packet with the old form, your district executive or a member of the council staff will be reaching out to let you know that the unit must submit the new form. We understand this is an inconvenience, the importance of this updated agreement is critical to Chartered Organizations. The new form includes language directly addressing insurance and indemnification of the Chartered Organization.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may bring, the number one priority is always the safety and protection of our members and partners.

Transfer & Multiple Now Done On My.Scouting

On the “My Application” tab you can transfer yourself as an adult volunteer or your youth member from
unit to unit.

Unit leaders will be able to transfer youth by going to the new “Roster” feature in “Member Manager” and “Organization Manager” and select the youth who
need to be transferred, then click the “Transfer” icon.

This will create a transfer application which will be sent to the new unit with the ability to be approved in “Application Manager”.

Transfers will take 48 hours to sync with the new unit.

The “Roster” tool also allows unit leaders to email other leaders in the unit directly from the tool.

Editing youth and adult profiles, and printing rosters and membership cards is also available in the updated tool.

New Video Resources Can Help Den Leaders

With the pandemic limiting some in-person activities, these videos offer an easy-to-deliver virtual alternative for leaders.Your Content Goes Here

Changes to Council Activity Fee Aug. 1, 2020

Dear Scouting Families,

Families today have many options, but Scouting continues to stand out as a safe and fun atmosphere where a kid can be a kid all while preparing them to become an even better adult.

As we look toward the future of Scouting, the Mayflower Council is committed to providing a  wholesome and cost-effective Scouting experience.

Our activity fee is being increased out of necessity to support critical safety components of our organization like youth protection resources, criminal background checks, technology upgrades and insurance coverage rates which have risen substantially over the past few years.

The Mayflower Council staff and board volunteers have worked tirelessly to keep the cost of Scouting as low as possible for our families. Our council is fiscally sound; however, it is crucial that we continuously review our financial structure in order to guarantee the longevity of our local programs.

Over the past three years, our council has maintained the activity fee and subsidized rising core costs – the greatest being insurance coverage – to keep fees as low as possible. Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to subsidize these costs at past levels.

Additionally, COVID-19 coupled with the challenges created by a National BSA bankruptcy, has required our council to consider how these external factors will impact Scouting in the MetroWest and South Shore.

As a result, the Mayflower Council has been forced to make dramatic changes to expenses because of the decreases in our traditional revenue sources.


  • Family participation in our annual Investment in Character fundraising campaign has fallen from 16% to only 5%.
  • Due to COVID-19 camp restrictions we have absorbed $406,000 in camp loss of revenue
  • We have reduced our expenses by 31%
  • The Mayflower Council Staff has been reduced by 10%

The decision to increase our activity fee was not made lightly, but it is necessary to fulfill our promise and continue to offer the level of Scouting our families are accustomed to without any decline in service. Many factors went into increasing the council activity fee and it was imperative that the information was conveyed in a timely manner to our units and families.

The activity fee will allow the Mayflower Council to provide:

  • Medical and accident insurance coverage as well as local liability insurance for all registered members.
  • Free tent camping at Camp Resolute, Camp Squanto and Nobscot Scout Reservation.
  • Camp fees that are as low as possible while enhancing camp properties.
  • Free required training course for adult leaders.

For a comprehensive list of how the Mayflower Council supports units and Scouting families click here.

After careful consideration, and approval by the Mayflower Council Executive Board, beginning on August 1, 2020, the activity fee will be increased from $30 to $36 per youth member (50 cents per month) in Cub Scouting, Scouts BSA, Venturing and Exploring. (the previous activity fee excluded Lions, 18 – 21 year old Venturers and Explorers.) The fee will not apply to adult members and will be prorated on a monthly basis. The new fee will not apply to existing members until their unit recharters for 2021.

One hundred percent of the recently increased annual National registration fee goes to the National Boy Scouts of America Council to support Scouting for you. Including: Scoutbook; Youth Protection Training; liability insurance; program development and much more.

If you have questions on the council activity fee or the National BSA membership fee, please do not hesitate to reach out to your district executive or email us at communication@mayflowerbsa.org.

We thank you for your commitment to Scouting in the Mayflower Council and urge you to continue to be an advocate for Scouting as our programs are preparing thousands of youth across the MetroWest and the South Shore of Massachusetts, for life.

Yours in Scouting,

Mike Rotar
Council President

Josh Paulin
Council Commissioner

Bryan Feather
Scout Executive / CEO