National BSA Member Fee Increase 2022

The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) has worked to keep the membership fee as low as possible. As you know, costs continue to rise, and the annual fee must be increased to address the fiscal realities we face to deliver a safe and quality Scouting program.

To ensure we have the resources to fulfill the promise of Scouting, the following national membership fee structure will take effect August 1, 2022.

  • $75 for Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing and Sea Scouts participants
  • $45 for Exploring participants
  • $45 for all adult volunteers (includes cost of background check)
  • $100 for a unit charter/affiliation fee
  • $25 one-time joining fee for new program participants in Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing and Sea Scouts (Not pro-rated)
  • $15 for Scout Life magazine; this is the first price increase since 2005

The Mayflower Council Activity Fee will remain at $36 per youth member.

The national membership fee helps cover the cost of essential services, including program resources, liability insurance for those participating in approved Scouting activities, criminal background checks, youth protection, and the development of intellectual property for national, council, and unit programs. As we move forward, we will continue to look at the membership fee structure and how we deliver the Scouting program for future generations.

Online registration remains the preferred method of transferring youth and will become the way to register new youth beginning August 1.

Thank you for your understanding, together we will continue to provide a great Scouting program for our families.

Family Den Pilot Program

Mayflower Council has been accepted into the Boy Scouts of America National Family Den Pilot Program.

Scouts Honor: Eric H., Troop 28BT Cohasset

Eric H. of Troop 28 Cohasset Earns Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams National Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award

Eagle Scout created “first responder sensory kits” to help first responders 

Wrentham, Mass. — The National Eagle Scout Association established the Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams National Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award to recognize valuable service of an exceptional nature by a Scout to a religious institution, a school, community, or other entity. 

The award recognizes a Scout for their Eagle Scout leadership service project, which is part of the requirements for earning the Eagle Scout Award. Each year, local councils select a council-level winner, and each region selects a region-level winner from that pool. A national winner is then chosen from the four regional finalists.

On June 13, 2022, The Mayflower Council, BSA proudly presented the 2021 Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams National Eagle Scout Service Award of the Year to:

Eric H.
Troop 28 Cohasset
Sensory Kits for First Responders

Eric’s project raised awareness of autism while providing first responders with the resources and tools they need when they assist people with special needs. His project included: providing 80 sensory kits to multiple towns in the surrounding South Shore towns of Cohasset, Hanover,

Hingham, Hull, Norwell, Scituate.

Eric saw this need for sensory kits after experiences with his older brother, who has autism, where first responders were not equipped to respond to his brother’s needs. To address this need, Eric spoke with a family friend who was a former EMT and Eric’s brother’s teacher at the Amego School in Franklin, Mass., to form his idea of creating a “first responder sensory kit” go bag. 

The kits contain items to help first responders communicate with the person in need as well as bring them comfort.

Following the presentation of the Adams Award, Eric also received a citation and a medallion from Brigadier General (Ret.) Emery Maddocks of the Military Order of the World Wars.

“We have a really outstanding project to recognize,” said Gen. Maddocks of Eric’s Sensory Kits. “For dedication to the principles of the Boy Scouts of America as evidenced by not only by his achievement of the highest achievement in Scouting – the Boy Scout Eagle Award –but further by [earning] the 2021 Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams National Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award.”

Scouts Honor: Carlie B., Troop 209GT Newton

Just before Memorial Day, one Mayflower Council Scout collects clothes for veterans…

Beyond trips to the beach, hot dogs, and lawn mowing, Memorial Day retains one true purpose: Remember.

And while some Scouts will carefully place flags beside the graves of those who served, and many others will proudly march in parades, one Eagle candidate sought to remember and honor those veterans who still walk among us.

Carlie B. of Newton’s Troop 209G explained her project on its GoFundMe page.

“My name is Carlie,” she posted. “I’m a 13 yr old Life Scout in troop 209 located in Newton, MA. I’ve partnered with the… New England Center and Home for Veterans as part of my Eagle Scout Project.”

That partnership – noticed by WHDH – garnered Carlie and the project some well-deserved attention at this important time of the year.

“I think that joining scouting teaches you plenty of great lessons in life,” said Carlie. “it really helps you out.”

And in turn, Carlie – who raised almost $17,00 – helped out many veterans; 250 or so were gifted clothing, toiletries, and shoes.

Speaking of the good turn, Carlie implied she simply followed the example of another Scout.

“My dad, he’s an Eagle Scout,” she told WHDH’s camera. ”And so, when I receive Eagle in the next few months, I will become an Eagle Scout just like him.”

 Here at the Mayflower Council, we think her fellow Scouts should follow Carlie’s example, too.

Newton’s Srikanth Family Is An Inspiration

Troop 209G Scoutmaster and her Scouts garnered national attention from Bryan on Scouting…

Scoutmaster Sangeet Srikanth is a trained educator. But she insists that some of the most important lessons are taught outside the classroom.

“None of the experiences in Scouting can be measured in terms of letter grades, GPA, test scores,” she told Bryan on Scouting. “But you can witness and experience it every day in your son and daughter’s life.”

It was a chance exposure to Scouting that changed the lives of Sangeet, her son Arnav, and her daughter Anishka.

Bryan Wendell of explained that Srikanth “first learned about the BSA in 2010 on a family trip to Boston when they happened upon an event celebrating the BSA’s 100th birthday. Her son, Arnav, wanted to sign up right away. Her daughter did, too, but this was before the BSA had opened all its programs to young women.”

Enter Troop 355 of Newton. Or, make that, Arnav entered the venerable unit. Then, fast forward to 2017, and an Eagle Scout court of honor.

“Every rank advancement was a clear sign of leadership building,” explained Sangeet. “Every merit badge was a new life skill.”

Two years later, it was Anishka’s turn to join Scouts BSA.

“Every day, my admiration for her increases as she excels in her maturity and ability to deal with the challenges of life,” Srikanth said.

However, it’s not like Arnav or Anishka were alone on their journey. Their mother was there – unofficially – every step of the way. 

Later, after a two-year stint as an assistant Scoutmaster, Sangeet was named Scoutmaster of Troop of 209G.

It’s a commitment, but Srikanth indicated it’s more than worth it.

“It’s about five to six years from start to finish — weekly meetings, camping trips, outdoor trips, and finally the long-awaited Eagle project,” she says. “Some families find it hard to commit with their own busy careers.”

That said, the end rewards, particularly for Eagle-earners, are worth it. 

Meanwhile, Sangeet hopes that other families, particularly those in the Indian community, see Scouting as a viable adjunct to traditional education.

“Scouting structures their lives and gives them the most valuable experience that even the best classroom education may not fully provide,” she said.

Youth Applications Online Transition

As we continue our work to enhance the traditions of Scouting here in the 21st Century and augment the privacy and safety of our membership, the Mayflower Council will soon look to move most membership functions online. Long story short, the days of youth paper-based membership applications are coming to an end.

Extensive New Member Marketing Campaign

At their February 16 council executive board meeting, $250k was approved for a major marketing campaign to help entice new members to join Scouting in Mayflower Council. The campaign is being directed by the Council Marketing Committee and managed by Mittcom, a local marketing firm who excels at integrated campaigns unitizing social platforms. The executive board agreed to direct the funds from the council endowment fund.

Tips And Tricks: Let Them See Us At Our BEST!

One of the best ways to promote our programs and encourage new membership is to continuously promote our units and activities to the public. By doing so, we can create several positive outcomes if we show our units, activities, and programs off “at their best.”  

Those benefits include: 

  • Increased awareness, participation, and community support for our programs (such as “Scouting for Food,” etc.)
  • Increased opportunities for fundraising (Friends of Scouting or “FOS,” Eagle service projects, etc.)
  • Increased possibilities to recruit new members and volunteers

On a unit level, here are some ideas and ways that you and your leadership can easily promote your programs and units within the community:

  • Know your local representative. Look on Facebook for your town’s Patch page (there should be an email address to reach out to). If not, sending a message may get better results.
  • Know how to reach your local news outlet. Community Newspaper Company, owned by Gatehouse Media, has weekly publications and the “Wicked Local” websites available for free in many communities within the council footprint. These publications & sites cover the local/community news. Scroll to the bottom and select CONTACT US to locate the reporter/editor for your community and send any upcoming events or ideas about your unit to them. 
  • Does your unit have an organization Facebook page? Starting one is easy. Use it to share National Council and Mayflower Council posts and promote your upcoming community events. Don’t have one? Stay tuned for information on how to create and maintain one!
  • Join and share your local unit event posts on your community’s local Facebook page! Also, make sure you monitor and follow up on any comments added to your shared post. Note: There will ALWAYS be someone who may try to speak negatively about your event/post, etc. As the OP (original poster), you may be able to hide their comments. Regardless, take the high road and kill them with KINDNESS when responding. Possibly send a message to the admin for the page and let them know what is going on if a note is particularly nasty.
  • Local community access channels exist in almost every community, too. Some shine a spotlight on community organizations and events. Contact your local community access studio for more information. BTW: Some of these studios can also be helpful with the Movie Making Merit Badge for your Scouts.
  • If you partner with another community organization throughout the year, make sure to share your “good news” or upcoming events with them through social media or directly through their leadership; this might also be a good time to mention the usefulness of Twitter and Instagram.
  • Be sure to send your good news to your local town officials (mayor, town council/select board, etc.)

Of course, all of the above ideas take a certain level of commitment from your unit committee or leadership to make it work. So, consider asking for a volunteer or parent to help – it’s important. After all, spreading our good news will show your unit’s commitment to your community. 

Welcome to Operation: Re-Engagement

As part of the Mayflower Council’s Spring Membership Campaign, we would like to encourage your participation in Operation Re-Engagement between now and March 31st, 2021. This effort, which is council wide, is designed to invite former Cub Scouts who may have dropped from your roster back into your pack. Your participation will be beneficial to the health of your pack, district, and the Mayflower Council.

Here’s How To Make This Work…

  • Download a report of Scouts who have dropped from your unit over the past two years. Step by step instructions on how to download this report on is available here.
    • NOTE:  Be sure to select the FILTER Button and enter dates from 1/1/2021 through 1/1/2022.
  • Reach out via a callout campaign (If necessary, designate several volunteers to help you) to the parents of these “lost Scouts” to invite them to your next pack meeting. Use this meeting as an opportunity to welcome them back into Scouting by encouraging them to re-register with your pack (Some key points to promote with the parents include the Pinewood Derby in May, upcoming pack meetings, Chuck Wagon Derby in June, summer day camp and other activities you have planned for your pack.)
  • If they indicate interest in re-joining, whether as part of the callout campaign or at the pack meeting, refer them to your page on

A Few Tips for Success…

  1. Review the list with your volunteers to see who may have a friendly/personal connection with certain parents. Sometimes a call from someone they know can be very influential.
  2. If your attempt at a callout does not work, try an email.
  3. If the parent indicates interest in attending the next pack meeting, schedule a time to remind them, whether it’s another callout, or an email reminder a week prior to the meeting.
  4. If possible, work with them 1-on-1 with the online application. Try not to let them to “do it when they get home.” Remember, after that meeting, life happens. Help them transition back to Scouting by helping them in that moment, instead of possibly losing them to the things that happen after they leave your meeting.
  5. Consider using your April meeting as a membership building meeting, whereby these “lost Scouts” can come back to re-discover the Scouting experience.

We appreciate your effort in Operation Re-Engagement. If I can be of assistance, please email Rob or call him directly at 508-217-4623.

Spring Membership Campaign

As part of The Mayflower Council’s Spring Membership Campaign, we are primarily focusing on Scouts BSA troops and Venturing crews and 4 opportunities to increase participation in these aspects of the Scouting Experience.   


The Spring Membership Campaign involves several different elements: 

  • Operation Re-Engagement
  • Webelos To Scouting AND Scouting to Venturing Transitions
  • Peer To Peer Recruiting
  • April Membership Event


We have complied LINKS for the following documents to help you succeed, including: 

PLEASE NOTE: Once you have set a date for your April membership event, please let the council know by filling out the form located here.


  • Top five units who recruit between now and May 31st will receive a weekend cabin at one of our camps.
  • Any Scout who recruits a friend using our peer-to-peer campaign will be entered into a drawing to win one of three restaurant gift certificates


Additionally, the following resources are available upon request: 

  • Photos/videos from BSA  
  • Buddy cards 
  • Posters/fliers to promote your membership event 
  • Sign in sheets for your membership event 

Simply email Rob to reserve yours.  

NOTE FOR VENTURING CREWS:  Use this as an opportunity to invite prospective members to an upcoming meeting or event.  Additionally, we will be working on getting you information on Scouts who have “aged out” of Scouts BSA.


If you would like to set up a time, please click here to schedule a time with Rob to discuss.


You can also register here for Virtual Office Hours on Tuesday, March 22nd and Monday, March 28th from 7 to 9 PM each night. 


We appreciate your effort with our Spring recruiting effort.