October Roundtable

Below are the event flyers, training newsletters and other information from our October Roundtable.


2019 Museum of Science Overnight Flyer

2019 Tread Lightly Trainer Course

District Leadership Summit

Freeze Out 2020

Mayflower training news Oct 19

October P-Bruins Game Tickets

November P-Bruins Game Tickets


September 2019 Roundtable Flyers

The handouts from this month’s Roundtable meeting:

Shadow Box Form

Scouting For Food

Camp Resolute – 100th Anniversary Camporee

Philmont 2020

Training Newsletter

Webelos Woods

Sachem Fall Camporee


May 2019 Roundtable Flyers and Discussion

We are making all the event flyers, training newsletters and other information from our May 2nd Roundtable available!

Click here for PDF of all May Roundtable Handouts

Our May Roundtable featured:

A conversation about how Unit leaderships work with Scouts with disabilities.

Some of the resources we have to give are the following links:

Scouting.org Disabilities Awareness

Advancement for members with Special Needs

Scouting with Special Needs and Disabilities information Sheet

Questions, comments, or ideas for the District’s leadership?

Send an Email to: Headwaters@mayflowerbsa.org

Our next District Roundtable will be at Camp Resolute!

June 6th – check our calendar for the time and location: HERE 

Come join us for an outdoor meeting of fellowship and grilling before we break for the summer.  Get a chance to see Camp Resolute if you haven’t and talk with your District leadership, commissioners, committee teams and other Leaders! for a fun evening.

See you there!

April 2019 Roundtable Flyers and Discussion

If your Unit was not able to attend our April 4th Roundtable, not to worry.  We are making all the event flyers, training newsletters and other information available!

Click here for PDF of all April Roundtable Handouts


Our April Roundtable featured:

Metacomet District Executive, Nick Keyes, lead a discussion about recruitment tactics for your Units.  We brainstormed about methods that other Troops and Packs have used to recruit, having an online presence for your Unit, updating your BeAScout Pin through my.scouting, and much more.  Here is a link to the long list of ideas that we all contributed to.

Brainstormed Recruitment Ideas from Headwaters District April Roundtable

What can your Unit do to recruit?

  • Plan fun events and have your Scouts invite friends, use buddy cards as invitations
  • Make a detailed plan for your Fall recruitment campaign and talk with your District Leadership about the resources that Mayflower Council can provide to your Unit
  • Send a Unit representative to Roundtable for event and recruitment materials
  • Reach out to local businesses to partner with, i.e. libraries, schools, newspapers, clubs, your chartering organization, restaurants, etc.
  • Wave your Unit’s Flag! Show up to Town Events in Uniform, show your Town that you are there and you are active!  Put our Pack/Troop/Patrol Flags when you are at events or doing community service

Questions, comments, or ideas for the District’s leadership?

Send an Email to: Headwaters@mayflowerbsa.org

Our next District Roundtable will be:

May 2nd at 7:00 pm

Milford High School Cafeteria

31 West Fountain Street
Milford, MA 01757

Make sure to send a representative so that your Unit is kept informed and in the loop. Come talk with your District leadership, commissioners, committee teams and other Leaders!

See you there!

March 2019 Roundtable Flyers and Powerpoint

If your Unit was not able to attend our March 7th Roundtable, do not worry.  We are making all the event flyers, training newsletters and other information available!

Click here for PDF of all March Roundtable Handouts

Our March Roundtable featured:

Questions, comments, or ideas for the District’s leadership?

Send an Email to: Headwaters@mayflowerbsa.org

Our next District Roundtable will be:

March 7th at 7:00 pm

at Milford High School Cafeteria

31 W Fountain St
Milford, MA 01757

The topic in April will be: Spring Recruitment of Scouts! Tips, Skills, Ideas, and resources that are available to your Unit through your town and through your Council!  We will have some resources available to you at Roundtable!


Make sure to send a representative so that your Unit is kept informed and in the loop.  Come talk with your District leadership, commissioners, committee teams and other Leaders!

See you there!

Headwaters February Roundtable Handouts

If your Unit was not able to attend our February 7th Roundtable, do not worry.  We are making all the event flyers, training newsletters and other information available!

Click here for PDF of all February Roundtable Handouts

Our February Roundtable featured:

  • Updates from our District Dinner – Scheduled for March 23rd – registration is open HERE NOW!
    • Join us for a night of honoring the hard working volunteers that make Headwaters a successful District!
  • Updates from out Investment in Character Team
    • Since our January Roundtable, the Mayflower Annual Fundraising Campaign has launched! Our Investment in Character Campaign for 2019 has been kicked off well! Headwaters has the goal to raise $25,000 by May 31st and we are already at $4,100.  To help contribute a gift to the Headwaters goal, click HERE, to help us reach our goals in the communities in your town, contact us here: headwaters@mayflowerbsa.org
  • We had a great presentation from a representative from Eastern Mountain Sports about the cold weather activities and gear that your Scouts should use to have a fun, safe, and tech-savvy, rugged winter expedition!  We hope everyone who attended learned something new!

Questions, comments, or ideas for the District’s leadership?

Send an Email to: Headwaters@mayflowerbsa.org

Our next District Roundtable will be:

March 7th at 7:00 pm

at Milford High School Cafeteria (again)

31 W Fountain St
Milford, MA 01757


See you there!

January Roundtable Topic: High Adventure

While almost everybody in Scouting knows about the four High Adventure Bases; Philmont Scout Ranch, Northern Tier, Sea Base, and the Summit, there are many other “lesser known High Adventure” opportunities for Units, and they may be closer than you think!

Scoutmaster from Troop 1 Northborough and Headwaters District Chair George Brenckle put together a presentation for our January Roundtable that talked about what to consider when planning a Scouts BSA trip.  Have you thought about the process of choosing a High Adventure Trip? Is it going to be across the country or up the road? Is it going to happen this summer or next year? How far in advance should planning start?  How about your budget, what kind of trip can you do that won’t break the bank?

We shared ideas at Roundtable in an effort to start thinking outside the box when it comes to exciting program for our Scouts.  There are plenty of adventures in Massachusetts state parks as well as through Boy Scout Councils in neighboring states.

Click the link to check out our High Adventure PDF to see the topics that sparked our conversations:

High Adventure is for Everybody


If your Pack or Troop has a cool trip or a fun activity that you are proud of, we want to hear about it! Post your pictures and adventure stories to our Facebook group: Headwaters District or email to headwaters@mayflowerbsa.org to have it posted here on our District Webpage!


Also: check out our fliers from the January Roundtable here including one for upcoming information days about going to Philmont in 2020!


If your Unit was not able to attend our January 3rd Roundtable, do not worry.  We are making all the event flyers, training newsletters and other information available!

Click here for PDF of all January Roundtable Handouts

Our January Roundtable featured:

  • Upcoming Klondike Derby in February
  • Summer Camp Opportunities for Packs and Troops
  • Breakout sessions for Packs to discuss what makes a good Blue and Gold Dinner and Troops to learn about opportunities for Youth Leadership Training
  • District leadership and Commissioners remind everyone to reach out if you have any rechartering questions or paperwork to turn in.  To get in touch email: Headwaters@mayflowerbsa.org
  • Our Chapter of the Order of the Arrow, Taunkacoo Chapter, held their Chapter meeting

Questions, comments, or ideas for the District’s leadership?

Send an Email to: Headwaters@mayflowerbsa.org

Our next District Roundtable will be:

February 7th at 7:00 pm

at Milford High School Class Rooms (not the cafeteria this Month)

31 W Fountain St
Milford, MA 01757

Headwaters December Roundtable Handouts

If your Unit was not able to attend our December 6th Roundtable, do not worry.  We are making all the event flyers, training newsletters and other information available!

Click here for PDF of all December Roundtable Handouts

Check the PDF for Nomination Forms for the District Award of Merit and other District Awards! All of these are due by February 8th 2019.

Our December Roundtable featured:

      • Upcoming Klondike Derby in February
      • Summer Camp Opportunities for Packs and Troops
      • Breakout sessions for Packs to discuss what makes a good Blue and Gold Dinner and Troops to learn about opportunities for Youth Leadership Training
      • District leadership and Commissioners remind everyone to reach out if you have any rechartering questions or paperwork to turn in.  To get in touch email: Headwaters@mayflowerbsa.org
      • Our Chapter of the Order of the Arrow, Taunkacoo Chapter, held their Chapter meeting

Questions, comments, or ideas for the District’s leadership?

Send an Email to: Headwaters@mayflowerbsa.org

Our next District Roundtable will be:

January 3rd at 7:00 pm at Milford High School, 31 W Fountain St
Milford, MA 01757

Headwaters November Roundtable Handouts

If your Unit was not able to attend our November 1st Roundtable, don’t worry.  We are making all the event flyers, training newsletters and other information available!

Click here for PDF of all November Roundtable Handouts

Our November Roundtable featured:

  • Our Council Key Three came by for a fire-side chat with our District leaders.  We all discussed the Council Executive Board’s goals for the future and what matters, concerns and questions are facing our Pack and Troop leaders right now.
  • A presentation was made about the Rechartering Process!
    • What can your Unit be doing right now to start? Check your youth roster and registered adult positions and training
    • Get your questions answered and get started at our Council Recharter Webpage
    • Two recharter workshop and turn-in days have been scheduled

If you need to get in contact with your District Leadership, email us at Headwaters@mayflowerbsa.org

Our next District Roundtable will be:

December 6th at 7:00 pm at Milford High School, 31 W Fountain St
Milford, MA 01757