Council-wide July Roundtable

Thank you for joining us at the Council-wide roundtable held on Wednesday, July 15.  Below are a few slides presented at this meeting as well as videos from our Council Commissioner and the national announcement on the bar date.

A message from the Council Commissioner

Explanation of the Bar Date

Headwaters June 4th Roundtable Follow up

Hello Headwaters

Thank you to the Pack and Troop leaders that joined our Roundtable team on Thursday for a conversation about the recent changes and announcements to Scouting.  We appreciate everyone that shared their thoughts, questions, concerns and comments through our anonymous Google Survey (link below).  These concerns will be analyzed by our District Leadership and brought to the conversation with the Council Key 3 and other District Key 3s.

The Council is planning to hold two Council-wide Roundtables so that we can collaborate and answer questions as Scouting and the state of Massachusetts start to reopen and update safety measures.  They are scheduled for July 15th and August 19th.

At our Roundtable we showed a few items on our screen that everyone asked to have sent to them, so we have attached the documents below:

1 – Troop 14 Bellingham shared a Super Cub Summer Passport – 2012SuperCubSummerPassportEDIT

2 – they also shared a Summertime Passport for Cubs to check off the activities they complete on their own – SummertimePassport2014

3 – Scoutmaster from Troop 22 Whitman has shared their April Virtual Campout agenda –  April_Virtual_Campout

Take a look at these resources and make edits for what works best for your Pack, Troop or Crew!

Our message from last night: The only limit to what we can still do as Scouting Units is our own imagination.  Let’s get creative and find the new way to provide an excellent Scouting program!

Additional links:

– Trainings –

– Popcorn Kickoff Meetings:

– Summer Camp Resident camp FAQ –

– Adventure Day Camp –

April Roundtable: Remote Programming Ideas

Hello Headwaters,

Below are some of the notes and topics that were discussed at our Virtual District Roundtable at the start of the month.  We had a long conversation about remote programming ideas and what both Troops and Packs can be doing to keep their Scouts engaged and connected.

Headwaters District is also here to help your Unit!  We can help you host meetings for your Unit or for your Committee.  Get in touch with to talk with our Key 3 (listed on our District Webpage) and we can help set up a Google Hangout meeting.

Resources for Units:

Ideas for Remote Programming from April Roundtable:
(These ideas were suggested by those in attendance in the chat)

  • Does your Unit have ideas of how to continue doing some Community Service?
    • “We were talking, the adults of Troop 100, about doing separate days of trail cleanup, 1 family at a time kind of thing”
    • “At our Committee Meeting, recognizing that we will be socially distant for Earth Day and that many are out walking, to encourage our scouts to take a trash bag and do their own clean up – perhaps a prize for the most trash collected at month’s end.”

Share your ideas with us!

We’ll be hosting another Virtual Roundtable on May 7th.  Check our Council Calendar for a link and more information.  Check your emails from our Roundtable Commissioner Nick Keyes –

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy.

April Roundtable

April Training Newsletter

2021 National Jamboree

2020 Tread Lightly Trainer Course

2020 Summer Camp Staff

March Roundtable – Headwaters District

Below are the event flyers, training newsletter and other information from the March Roundtable.

HW Pinewood 2020 event flyer

Headwaters District Dinner

Chuckwagon Derby – Camp Resolute

BALOO – spring 2020

2021 National Jamboree

2020 Staff Flyer Camp Resolute and Squanto

Providence Bruins Games – March

Mayflower training news Mar 20

IOLS – spring 2020

Questions answered from January Roundtable

Hello Headwaters,

A lot of questions were asked at our January Roundtable! Below are the answers to the questions we had.

  1. How long can an unregistered youth attend unit events without registering?  Are they covered by BSA insurance? – A Scout may attend a trip, meeting or overnight to see if joining the unit is the right fit for them. For these occasional events, the prospective youth is covered by the BSA’s liability insurance. Unit leaders should use their discretion and good judgement to avoid a youth from creating a pattern for participation without being registered.
  2. What is the difference between a “Near Miss Incident” and an “Incident”
    1. A near miss is an incident that did not result in injury, illness, or damage by definition but that had the potential to have done so. Reporting these is important in order to track dangerous conditions or situations that arise during your unit’s program.
    2. Here is the link to the BSA’s incident reporting website:
  3. Does a Charter Organization’s insurance become involved when an incident occurs? – This depends on the incident. At our Roundtable we talked about approved and not-approved Scouting activities that units can look up in the Guide to Safe Scouting (Link here). If a unit is intentionally not following the GSS, a Charter Organization could be liable for damages or injuries that occur. Charter Organization Representatives should communicate with Committee Chairs and Unit Leaders to ensure that Safe Scouting practices are being followed on trips and at meetings. (Link to Age Appropriate Guidelines for Scouting Activities and Link to Age Appropriate Camping Guidelines)
  4. How many Scouts can share a tent at summer camp? What about when there is an odd number of Scouts? – The troop should use their best judgement in this situation.  There is no reason why a youth can not be alone in a tent if the Troop leaders expect them to be responsible. Troops probably shouldn’t have a first year Scout alone in a tent if it can be avoided.


Make sure to sign up for Mayflower Today, the Council’s weekly newsletter, at the bottom of the website!  It has launched a new, biweekly segment called “You Ask, We Answer” where your questions will be answered and shared.  Submit your questions at this link!

Please join us the first Thursday of the month at Milford High School at 7:00 pm for more news, training, information and Scouting connections!

February Roundtable

Below are the event flyers, training newsletter and other information from the February Roundtable.


Cranberry Harbors District Dinner

2020 Scouting Report to the Commonwealth Flyer

2020 Staff Flyer Camp Resolute and Squanto

Cranberry Harbors Dist Pinewood Derby


2020 Polar Challenge Freeze Out

Post Road District Dinner

Headwaters District Dinner

Headwaters Pinewood

Mayflower training news Feb 20

Outdoor Ethics Guide Course

January Roundtable

Below are the event flyers, training newsletter and other information from the December Roundtable.

2020 Summer  – Camp Resolute Kickoff

Council Recognition Dinner

Cranberry Harbors District Dinner 

Polar Challenge / Freeze Out

Post Road District Dinner

January – Mayflower Training Newsletter

Scouts BSA Klondike 

Webelos Klondike

December Roundtable

Below are the event flyers, training newsletter and other information from the December Roundtable.

2019 Museum of Science Overnight

2019-2020 District Award of Merit Form

2019-2020 District-Awards Form

Mayflower Training News December 2019

Scouts BSA Klondike – Hosted by the Sachem District

Webelos Klondike Flyer – Hosted by the Sachem District

November Roundtable

Below are the event flyers, training newsletters and other information from our November Roundtable.

Wood Badge Brochure

Scouts BSA Training Day – 2019-11-09

Reporting Community Service Hours update 2019

Philmont 2020 Flyer – Girl Troop

P-Bruins November Schedule

Membership Fees

Additional Disclosures and Background Check Authorization

Mayflower training news Nov 19

LNT May 2020

Freeze Out 2020