

Update on the 19 Cub Scout Elective Adventures

In May of 2021, it was announced that 19 Cub Scout Elective Adventures would be retiring at the end of this program year (May 2022). See details here. Elective adventures are reviewed for content and popularity. These 19 have been the least popular based on sales and advancement data. They will be archived in [...]

By |2022-03-23T13:21:58-04:00March 23rd, 2022|Advancement, Council Wide, Featured, Unit Resources|

Grace W. Opens Friends of Scouting Campaign

Scouters, Scouts, Friends, and Family Remain Impressed with Mayflower Council Standout… Sometimes you just have to stop and listen. Such was the state of affairs at the annual Friends of Scouting (FOS) opening event held in January. Newton’s Grace W., one of the first-ever young women to earn Scouting BSA’s highest honor – Eagle [...]

By |2022-03-23T13:08:25-04:00March 23rd, 2022|Council Wide, Featured, Fundraising|

Tips And Tricks: Let Them See Us At Our BEST!

One of the best ways to promote our programs and encourage new membership is to continuously promote our units and activities to the public. By doing so, we can create several positive outcomes if we show our units, activities, and programs off “at their best.”   Those benefits include:  Increased awareness, participation, and community support [...]

By |2022-03-19T17:55:20-04:00March 23rd, 2022|Council Wide, Featured, Membership, Unit Resources|

Scouts Honor: Jack B., Troop 12, Framingham

Eagle Scout service project brings “tactile reading” to children Watertown’s Perkins School… They say, what goes around comes around. And for Life Scout Jack B. of Troop 12, Plymouth Congregational Church, Framingham, coming back around led him to Watertown.  As a toddler, Jack participated in an infant-toddler program at Perkins School for the Blind. [...]

By |2022-03-19T14:41:06-04:00March 21st, 2022|Council Wide, Featured|

Welcome to Operation: Re-Engagement

As part of the Mayflower Council’s Spring Membership Campaign, we would like to encourage your participation in Operation Re-Engagement between now and March 31st, 2021. This effort, which is council wide, is designed to invite former Cub Scouts who may have dropped from your roster back into your pack. Your participation will be beneficial [...]

By |2022-03-19T17:27:20-04:00March 19th, 2022|Council Wide, Featured, Membership|

Spring Membership Campaign

As part of The Mayflower Council’s Spring Membership Campaign, we are primarily focusing on Scouts BSA troops and Venturing crews and 4 opportunities to increase participation in these aspects of the Scouting Experience.    WHAT’S INVOLVED  The Spring Membership Campaign involves several different elements:  Operation Re-Engagement Webelos To Scouting AND Scouting to Venturing Transitions Peer [...]

By |2022-04-14T16:44:13-04:00March 19th, 2022|Council Wide, Featured, Membership, Unit Resources|

Tips & Tricks: Let Them See Us At Our BEST!

One of the best ways to promote our programs and encourage new membership is to continuously promote our units and activities to the public. By doing so, we can create several positive outcomes if we show our units, activities, and programs off “at their best.”   Those benefits include:  Increased awareness, participation, and community support [...]

By |2022-02-16T16:49:34-05:00February 7th, 2022|Council Wide, Featured, Membership|

Temperature Drops But The Fun Factor Stays High

Cub Scouts can #AdventureOn during the winter months… Yes, it’s cold. Yep, it’s snowy. However, just like Scouts BSA, Cub Scouts can still find outdoor fun, too. That was the theme of a recent repost of a 2010 article entitled, “Hot tips for cold-weather fun with Cub Scouts.” For Scouting, Mark Ray wrote: Tim [...]

Do You Know How A Pinewood Derby Kit Gets Made?

Sure, you might know how a Pinewood Derby car gets made, but how about the actual kit? “Who knows how a Pinewood Derby kit gets made?” Shhh. Put your hands down. Signs up! Okay now. Yes, you know how to build a kit, but do you know how that kit gets made? Well, true [...]

By |2022-01-25T16:45:59-05:00February 1st, 2022|Council Wide, Featured|

Scouts Honor: Molly J, Troop 1920 Plymouth

What do you do when your Girl Scout Troop stops meeting? Well, if you are Molly J, you join a Boy Scout troop, then found a Scouts BSA Girls’ Troop, earn Eagle Scout, and finally garner the title of “VFW Scout of the Year” in Massachusetts. NBD. The Order of the Arrow is in [...]

By |2022-02-23T17:32:25-05:00January 31st, 2022|Advancement, Council Wide, Featured|
