Scouting At A Distance Award

Scouting At A Distance Award
For Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturers & Leaders

Mayflower Council would like to recognize Scouts and adults who are Scouting at a distance with a patch that is sure to be a collector item. Requirements for Scouts and leaders to earn this award are simple.


  1. Complete the requirements for the appropriate rank
  2. Complete online award completion form
  3. Order your patch.
    • The link to order your patch will be provided when you submit your online completion form
    • Patches are $4 each
    • Our patch design will be available soon and we think it’s so cool
  4. Award is available for a limited time requirements must be completed by September 30 and patches must be ordered by October 15.
  5. Contact Joe Livingston if you have questions about the award.

Continue to follow all applicable state, local, and council guidelines. We encourage you to take and post pictures of your events and post them on social media with the hashtag #mayflowerscoutsinaction #scoutingatadistance

Scouting At A Distance Award Requirements

Cub Scout Den Requirements (complete 3 out of this list)

  • Attend an in person den meeting
  • Plan and practice a den skit or song
  • Participate in a den campfire (can’t be the same as the den meeting from above)
  • Perform at least one hour of community service with your den
  • Participate in a den scavenger hunt

Scouts BSA Patrol or Venture Crew Requirements (complete 3 out of this list)

  • Attend an in-person patrol or crew meeting
  • Plan and attend an in-person patrol or crew camping trip
  • Participate in at least two hours of community service with your patrol or crew
  • Go on a 5-mile hike with your patrol
  • Participate in a patrol or crew scavenger hunt

Adult Leader Required

  • Ensure you are 100% trained for your current position through your My.Scouting profile (for ASM, SM, and Crew Advisors if all that is missing is IOLS an in person training submit email to your local council to be notified when this training will be offered next)

Adult Leader Elective Requirements (complete 2 out of this list)

  • Facilitate an in person meeting utilizing the guidelines provided at the time based on local guidelines
  • Explain Scouting to a non Scouting family or to a community group of your choice
  • Share through social media or a letter to the editor explaining the values of Scouting and what Scouting means to you to help spread the positive message of Scouting
  • Following Youth Protection Guidelines ensure at least 1 Scout advances a rank or earns a MB (not virtual if allowed by local guidelines)

Changes to Council Activity Fee Aug. 1, 2020

Dear Scouting Families,

Families today have many options, but Scouting continues to stand out as a safe and fun atmosphere where a kid can be a kid all while preparing them to become an even better adult.

As we look toward the future of Scouting, the Mayflower Council is committed to providing a  wholesome and cost-effective Scouting experience.

Our activity fee is being increased out of necessity to support critical safety components of our organization like youth protection resources, criminal background checks, technology upgrades and insurance coverage rates which have risen substantially over the past few years.

The Mayflower Council staff and board volunteers have worked tirelessly to keep the cost of Scouting as low as possible for our families. Our council is fiscally sound; however, it is crucial that we continuously review our financial structure in order to guarantee the longevity of our local programs.

Over the past three years, our council has maintained the activity fee and subsidized rising core costs – the greatest being insurance coverage – to keep fees as low as possible. Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to subsidize these costs at past levels.

Additionally, COVID-19 coupled with the challenges created by a National BSA bankruptcy, has required our council to consider how these external factors will impact Scouting in the MetroWest and South Shore.

As a result, the Mayflower Council has been forced to make dramatic changes to expenses because of the decreases in our traditional revenue sources.


  • Family participation in our annual Investment in Character fundraising campaign has fallen from 16% to only 5%.
  • Due to COVID-19 camp restrictions we have absorbed $406,000 in camp loss of revenue
  • We have reduced our expenses by 31%
  • The Mayflower Council Staff has been reduced by 10%

The decision to increase our activity fee was not made lightly, but it is necessary to fulfill our promise and continue to offer the level of Scouting our families are accustomed to without any decline in service. Many factors went into increasing the council activity fee and it was imperative that the information was conveyed in a timely manner to our units and families.

The activity fee will allow the Mayflower Council to provide:

  • Medical and accident insurance coverage as well as local liability insurance for all registered members.
  • Free tent camping at Camp Resolute, Camp Squanto and Nobscot Scout Reservation.
  • Camp fees that are as low as possible while enhancing camp properties.
  • Free required training course for adult leaders.

For a comprehensive list of how the Mayflower Council supports units and Scouting families click here.

After careful consideration, and approval by the Mayflower Council Executive Board, beginning on August 1, 2020, the activity fee will be increased from $30 to $36 per youth member (50 cents per month) in Cub Scouting, Scouts BSA, Venturing and Exploring. (the previous activity fee excluded Lions, 18 – 21 year old Venturers and Explorers.) The fee will not apply to adult members and will be prorated on a monthly basis. The new fee will not apply to existing members until their unit recharters for 2021.

One hundred percent of the recently increased annual National registration fee goes to the National Boy Scouts of America Council to support Scouting for you. Including: Scoutbook; Youth Protection Training; liability insurance; program development and much more.

If you have questions on the council activity fee or the National BSA membership fee, please do not hesitate to reach out to your district executive or email us at

We thank you for your commitment to Scouting in the Mayflower Council and urge you to continue to be an advocate for Scouting as our programs are preparing thousands of youth across the MetroWest and the South Shore of Massachusetts, for life.

Yours in Scouting,

Mike Rotar
Council President

Josh Paulin
Council Commissioner

Bryan Feather
Scout Executive / CEO

New England Scout Shops Opening Soon!

That’s right! We’re happy to announce the New England Scout Shop in the Brickyard Square Plaza located in Southborough has reopened with modified operating hours to help further your Scouting adventure! Over the last several weeks, we have been working hard to implement enhanced safety measures that make yours and our team members safety the top priority!

Effective today, you’ll notice the following changes upon entering our location:

  • Hand sanitizer is available for customer use in all Scout Shops.
  • We’ve implemented rigorous cleaning routines throughout the day and have temporarily closed fitting rooms.
  • Prior to beginning every shift, all team members must complete an Employee Health Screening to ensure they are ready and able to work safely.
  • Every team member is provided with facial coverings to use during their shifts and are asked to frequently wash their hands.
  • Social distancing markers are placed in every Scout Shop.
  • All product returns are being disinfected or quarantined for five business days before returning to the salesfloor.
  • We have updated our payment systems to need fewer signatures and to accept contactless pay to include Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay.
  • Plexiglass sneeze guards are installed at checkout points, in areas of the country where required.
  • Limited occupancy regulations will be in place in compliance with state and local requirements.

While not mandatory in every Scout Shop, we respectfully request you to follow social distancing and safety protocols recommended by public health officials, including wearing a facial covering when visiting our stores to help protect yourself and our team members.

Now that we have re-opened, we are very excited to announce that we’ve redesigned our in-store shopping experience with your safety and convenience as our main goal.

Effective today, you can purchase any of our 600 Cub Scouts and Scouts BSA Advancement related products online, and have the order gathered, bagged, and set aside for you to either pickup in-store, contactless curbside, or have the items shipped directly to you!

Click on the image below to check it out.

Looking ahead, we will continue to evaluate and modify our safety measures and in-store experience with you and our team members in mind. In the meantime, we’re taking this seriously so we can get it right. We cannot wait to welcome you and our Scouting community back to our Scout Shop!

New England Scout Shop

23 Turnpike Road

Southborough, MA  01772

Days/Hours of Operation

Monday: CLOSED
Tuesday: 10:00 – 6:00
Wednesday: 10:00 – 6:00
Thursday: 10:00 – 6:00
Friday: 10:00 – 6:00
Saturday: 10:00 – 1:00

And finally, to help reignite your Scouting adventures, we are working on a one-of-a-kind, special offer to celebrate our re-opening. We hope to be able to announce the details in the next day or two. So be sure to check your email and follow us on Facebook for the announcement!

Remember, every purchase made in our store supports the future of local Scouting.

National Recruiting Webinars

Join the National Recruiting Webinars happening this summer. These regular, one-hour sessions will cover topics important to recruiting in 2020, including geofencing,, Zoom 101, online registration, and much more. Plus, the hosts will answer your questions. Mark your calendars.

Register today!


June 24 – 8:00 pm:  National Recruiting Webinar – Virtual Recruitment Events, Working with Schools

July 9 – 8:00 pm: National Recruiting Webinar, Tech Edition –, Invitation Manager

July 16 – 8:00 pm: National Recruiting Webinar – Scoutbook 101, “Who’s Zooming Who?”

July 23 – 8:00 pm: National Recruiting Webinar – Geofencing, Search, Social Media, Peer-to-Peer Recruiting

August 6 – 8:00 pm: National Recruiting Webinar – Local PR How-to’s Print, Digital, Video

August 20 – 8:00 pm: National Recruiting Webinar – It’s Not Too Late: Five Things You Should be Doing Now

National BSA Member Fee Increase

Dear Scouting Family,

Today the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America announced an increase to the annual membership fees. These increases are a result of rising operational costs and COVID-19, which has created a substantial unplanned loss of revenue due to mandated Scout Shop closures and shortened high adventure base seasons.

Locally, our council is also facing financial challenges and we are doing our best to address the impact of three months of office closure, activity cancellations, diminished fundraising campaigns, and the loss of some of our summer camp season. We know, however, that our staff and volunteers will continue to do their best to offer high-quality Scouting experiences during these challenging times.

We understand many of our Scouting families are also dealing with similar financial issues. We do not want finances to be a barrier to participation in Scouting, and will do our best to assist families who need it, to the fullest extent possible.

We are aware some of our members may have heard about these fee changes this weekend via social media. The Mayflower Council did not share this information previously because the National Council requested that all councils wait until June 1st before distributing this news. Some councils, unfortunately, chose to share the information prematurely, which may have spawned some confusion. The Mayflower Council apologizes for any inconvenience this action may have caused.

Please review the infographic below. Click here to view the frequently asked questions about the fee increase. As more information is released, we will share the most up to date information here.

Thank you for your continued dedication to our Scouts. As Scouting navigates these turbulent times, we stand together to achieve our shared mission: helping young people in our community learn, grow, and thrive.

If you have specific questions regarding these changes, please contact your district executive or email us.

Yours in Scouting,

Mike Rotar
Council President

Josh Paulin
Council Commissioner

Bryan Feather
Scout Executive / CEO

Cub Scout Summer Camp Update

May 18, 2020

Hello Scouting Families,

As you’ve proven over the last few weeks, our Scouting communities are resilient, prepared, and able to adapt to any situation. Now, as we look ahead to the 2020 camping season, the question on everyone’s mind is, “What is Adventure Day  Camp going to look like and is it safe to attend?”

To alleviate some concerns, we thought it would be helpful to share with you our current decisions as well as modifications to our pre-camp preparations and to the camp experiences offered this summer.

First and foremost, the health and safety of our Scouting families, volunteers and staff remains our number one priority as we continue to adapt to this unprecedented situation. Our council continues to develop new plans and review existing procedures that will keep our Scouts and volunteers safe.

The decision to operate our council camps will be based on our ability to operate safely within the CDC’s summer camp guidelines, in addition to recommendations from local, state and BSA authorities. Rest assured that the council will only conduct camp if it is legal, safe, and practical to do so.

This summer may not look like all the summers that have come before or any of the summers that will come after. What we do know is that camp plays a vital role in the lives of our Scouts and Scouters. At this time, we are taking steps to determine how we can best serve our Scouting community this summer.

As of today, May 18, 2020, we are announcing the following decisions: 

The following Cub Scout camps and activities have been cancelled for 2020.

  • Adventure Overnight Week: August 2 – 5
  • Adventure Overnight Week Plus: August 6 – 7
  • Camp Norse Day Camp: Cancelled by the Narragansett Council

The Adventure Day Camp has been postponed to later in the summer. The modified schedule is as follows:

  • July 13 – 17
  • July 20 – 24
  • July 27 – 31
  • August 3 – 7
  • August 10 – 14

The following Adventure Day Camp modifications will be made:

  • Weekly attendance will be limited to 36 participants
  • There will be no bus service to/from day camp

For those that had signed up for any of these events, you will receive an additional email with steps regarding refunds, transfers, and additional information about the event. For any event cancelled, you will receive a 100% refund. If you are interested in signing up for Adventure Day Camp we suggest doing so soon, as we anticipate camp selling out given the reduced capacity.

So what can you expect this summer? 

Just because some of our planned outdoor experiences cannot happen as expected, we are still committed to helping you and other families experience camp in a safe environment. We understand the importance of an outdoor in-person experience, and we will find ways to help your family experience the fun of camp this summer. It will look different from a traditional camp and that is ok. In the coming days you will see us roll out the opportunity to participate in a virtual day camp this summer, for those not comfortable with the in-person experience.

Allow us to share a glimpse of some of the additional elements of what “safely operating” our camps in this new environment will entail. While this list is not comprehensive and our review is an ongoing process, you can expect some significant updates to many of the following:

  • Check-in Screening – Upon arrival at our camps, staff and participants will be screened and their temperature will be taken. Those with temperatures above 100.4 will not be allowed entry; those who travelled with them will also not be allowed entry.
  • Sickness at Camp – Participants presenting symptoms of COVID-19 will be sent home.
  • Visitors – Will not be allowed into camp.
  • Group Size – group size will be reduced from 10-12 participants last year to 5-6 this year
  • Family BBQ & Closing Campfire – Will NOT be held this summer.
  • Hand Washing – Participants will be directed to wash their hands often.  Additional hand washing and sanitizing stations will be available.
  • Restrooms – Restrooms will be cleaned 3 times a day.
  • Protective Gear – We will be reviewing best methods for use of gloves, masks, etc., while on our properties.
  • Camp Equipment – We will properly sanitize all community and reusable program equipment after each use.
  • Social Distancing – We will avoid activities where appropriate social distance cannot be maintained.

These items and many more are all under review as part of the comprehensive evaluation now underway of our standards and policies. As we move forward, you can expect a comprehensive list complete with instructions.

We thank you for your continued commitment to Scouting and for helping us prepare and adapt to any situation. We will continue to monitor the situation daily and relay any updates as they become available on our council website and through our social media channels. If you have specific questions please email them to and we will respond to them as quickly as possible.

Please stay safe and keep Scouting!

Mike Rotar
Council President

Josh Paulin
Council Commissioner

Bryan Feather
Scout Executive / CEO

Inaugural Class of Female Eagle Scout Extension

Details on Extension for Eagle Boards of Review for Those Who Wish to Be in the Inaugural Class of Female Eagle Scouts

These are historic times for our Movement. The coronavirus pandemic is having a direct impact in many Scouts’ ability to continue on their trail to Eagle – especially having completed all their requirements prior to the boards of review that are to be held from 10/1-31/2020.

Because we want all girls who joined in 2019 and wish to be a part of the Inaugural Class of female Eagle Scouts to have the benefit of such an experience, and after carefully considering recommendations from stakeholders, including feedback from volunteers and professionals, we will be extending the period for boards of review from 10/1/2020 – 1/31/2021. To further support the Inaugural Class, all boards of reviews will be dated with the same date by the National Service Center.

While this notice discusses the Inaugural Class of female Eagle Scouts, the lengthening of the Eagle board of review window is applicable to all Scouts who were granted the inaugural extension, regardless of gender.

As a reminder, all requirements must be completed while the individual is a registered member of Scouts BSA, or as a member of a Venturing crew or a Sea Scouts ship after achieving First Class in Scouts BSA, per the Guide to Advancement.

Scouting At Home Award

Scouting At Home Award
For Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturers & Leaders

Mayflower Council would like to recognize Scouts and adults who are Scouting at Home with a patch that is sure to be a collector item. Requirements for Scouts and leaders to earn this award are simple.


  1. Complete the requirements for the appropriate rank
  2. Complete online award completion form
  3. Order your patch.
    • The link to order your patch will be provided when you submit your online completion form
    • Patches are $4 each
    • Our patch design is above and we think it’s so cool
  4. Award is available for a limited time requirements must be completed by June 30 and patches must be ordered by July 15.
  5. Contact Joe Livingston or Rick Riopelle if you have questions about the award.

We ask the parents work with the Scouts to please post a picture on social media of each requirement and share it with pictures of these completed requirements in a style like this:

Scouting taught me about my Duty to Self. Because of that I took time for myself today outside reading (insert picture reading) #mayflowerscoutsinaction

Scouting taught me to be Friendly. Because of that I cooked this delicious dessert for my family (insert photo) #mayflowerscoutsinaction

Scouting At Home Award Requirements

To earn the patch, complete the following requirements inspired by the Scout Oath and Law:

Mandatory Requirements (Complete all 3,  applicable to all levels of the program)

  1. Duty to God/Country: Stay home and only visit with friends virtually
  2. Duty to Others: Track a chore that you do around the house
  3. Duty to Self: Spend as much time as you can outside everyday (weather permitting)

Program level specific requirements (Complete requirements for your program)

Cub Scout Elective Requirements (complete 5 out of this list)

  • Trustworthy: Honestly report your progress on this patch
  • Loyal: Participate in 2 virtual den meetings
  • Helpful: Help prepare one meal or snack for your family
  • Friendly: Complete an activity loop or pin with your family
  • Courteous: Invite a friend to a virtual pack event
  • Kind: Help sew a protective face-mask for yourself or a family member.
  • Obedient:Help your parents complete a home or automobile repair or project.
  • Cheerful: Spend one hour playing a non-electronic game or games with your family
  • Thrifty: Find a way to repurpose something in your house
  • Brave:
    • (Bears – AOL) Camp one night out in your yard with your parent(s) or family.
    • (Lions – Wolves) ‘camp out’ one night in a room of your house  without TV or electronics.
  • Clean: Help clean up your yard, a room of your home, or your bedroom (as chosen by your parent)
  • Reverent: Participate in a virtual service for your religion

Scouts BSA Elective Requirements (complete 7 out of this list)

  • Trustworthy: Honestly report your progress on this patch
  • Loyal: Participate in 2 virtual troop meetings
  • Helpful: Cook supper for your family using basic ingredients
  • Friendly: Lead your family in a game night(s) totaling three hours of non-electronic gaming
  • Courteous: Perform a service project for your family approved by your parents
  • Kind: Help sew a protective face-mask for yourself or a family member.
  • Obedient: Complete a merit badge virtually
  • Cheerful: Entertain your family with your favorite skit
  • Thrifty: Find a way to repurpose something in your house
  • Brave: Teaching another scout a new skill virtually
  • Clean: Help clean up your yard, a room of your home, or your bedroom (as chosen by your parent)
  • Reverent: Participate in a virtual service for your religion

Venturing Elective Requirements (complete 7 out of this list)

  • Trustworthy:  Honestly report your progress on this patch
  • Loyal: Participate in 2 virtual crew meetings
  • Helpful: Perform a service project for your family approved by your parents
  • Friendly: Cook a breakfast, lunch, supper and a dessert for your family using basic ingredients.
  • Courteous: Create and perform a ‘safety checklist’ for your home.  This should include things like checking smoke detectors, fire extinguishers and identifying hazards in the home.
  • Kind: Help sew a protective face-mask for yourself or a family member.
  • Obedient: Grant your parents 1 wish, and fulfill it without complaint
  • Cheerful: Lead your family in game nights totaling five hours of non-electronic gaming.
  • Thrifty: Find a way to repurpose something in your house
  • Brave: Create a 10 minute instructional video about something that interests you. Share this video on a social media platform with the #mayflowerscoutsinaction
  • Clean: Help clean up your yard, a room of your home, or your bedroom (as chosen by your parent)
  • Reverent: Participate in a virtual service for your religion

Adult Leader Elective Requirements (complete 7 out of this list)

You thought we forgot about our amazing volunteers? Scouting has a fun opportunity for you to earn this patch as well!

  • Trustworthy: Provide feedback on how Mayflower Council can better support you utilizing this form.
  • Loyal: Attend your virtual district roundtable.
  • Helpful: Find a way to help your neighbor.
  • Friendly: Interact with the council’s or district’s Facebook pages- find a new Scouting friend and share an aspect of Scouting you are passionate about.
  • Courteous:  Help your troop engage in virtual meeting or merit badge classes.
  • Kind: Help sew a protective face-mask for yourself or a family member.
  • Obedient: Follow the Mayflower Council guidelines for social distancing while Scouting.
  • Cheerful: Post your best tips on staying upbeat during this difficult time for other Scouts and Scouters.
  • Thrifty: Help your Council identify a business or donor willing to help fund Scouting (social media post will be worked out with donor or business).
  • Brave: Have a conversation with someone you disagree with. Find common ground on a topic.
  • Clean: Pack/organize your backpack and gear for your first Scouting adventure post COVID-19. Share where you’re planning to go on the council Facebook page.
  • Reverent: Participate in a virtual service for your religion.

Requesting Extensions for Advancement

Step 1 – Is the Scout eligible for an Extension?2021-02-05T16:35:11-05:00

  • These extensions are available only to youth members who qualify under the three tests listed in the below explanation from the 2021 edition of the Guide to Advancement (GTA)
  • “Time Extensions” – posted below

Note from Mayflower Council:
Council Advancement Committees have been told that after Dec. 31, 2020, there is no plan to authorize COVID-19 extensions as has been allowed during 2020. It is possible, however, that as of Jan. 1, 2021, COVID-19 could become a circumstance that warrants an extension if it qualifies under the three tests listed in, below. Time Extensions

If a Scout foresees that due to no fault or choice of his or her own, it will be impossible to complete the Eagle Scout rank requirements before age 18 may apply to the local council for a limited time extension.  These should be granted only when necessary and are reserved only for work on Eagle.  When a time extension is requested, the Scout should continue working on the requirements until a final decision is delivered.   In most cases, unless the National Council has issued other direction, a request must meet the three tests listed below to be approved.

Sea Scouts or Venturers who foresee that due to no fault or choice of their own, it will be impossible to complete the Quartermaster or Summit requirements before age 21, must use the same tests, process, and form described in topics,, and to request a limited time extension.

The Three tests to see if a Scout is eligible for an extension:

Test #1:
1. The member joined or rejoined (or became active again after a period of inactivity, or became refocused on advancement after a period of inattention) in time to complete all requirements before turning 18.

Test #2:
2. Through no fault or choice of the Scout, an unforeseen circumstance or life changing event with severe consequences has come to exist that now precludes completion of the requirements before the deadline.

Examples might include, but are not limited to, a hospital stay, disabling injury, significant personal or family incident or issue, natural disaster, severe unseasonable weather, or the actions of others (see below the line, “Misinformation from adults in positions of authority”). If the circumstance is health related, it should have been unforeseen and of recent onset, or a complication or intensification of an ongoing issue.

Test #3:
3. The circumstance is beyond the control of the Scout, could not have been anticipated or planned for, and was not or cannot be resolved in time to complete the requirements.

Misinformation from adults in positions of authority
Since we teach obedience as one of the Scout Laws, it follows that guidance and direction from an adult leader carries significant weight. Adults who are misinformed about advancement requirements and timing have, at times, created circumstances that necessitated extensions. Councils must consider the circumstances of each case. If it can be established that a Scout followed incorrect guidance and direction in good faith, then Test #2—as it relates to the actions of others—may be considered fulfilled, even though the Scout has a handbook and should have read it.

Applying the three tests
Whether a request for extension meets the three tests above requires the exercise of carefully considered and debated judgement. If the council advancement committee is unsure about whether an extension should be granted, the National Council encourages local councils to find in favor of the Scout.

Step 2 – Process for Requesting and Reviewing a Time Extension – GTA Section

See “Process for Requesting and Reviewing a Time Extension,”, written below:

To begin this process, please use this form: Request for Extension of Time to Earn the Eagle Scout Rank

Please email to let them know to expect this, and to get their guidance and suggestions on how to proceed

Who is able to get an extension? – These are available only to youth who qualify according to the three tests listed in “Time Extensions,” (please read section above).

Who can request an extension for a Scout? – A Scout, his or her parent or guardian, unit leader, or members of the unit committee may file such requests.

Who reviews these requests for extension? – The Council Advancement Committee must research and evaluate requests and recommend decisions to the Scout Executive.  A subcommittee in the Council Advancement Committee will be in touch with all individuals involved in the reason for the extension.  A letter from the Committee and the Scout Executive will be sent out if/when the extension is granted.  This is explained in items #2 and #3 below.

How long may these extensions be? – Councils have the authority to grant Scouts only enough time to complete the requirements, but not more than a total of six months after the 18th birthday. Under most circumstances, however, three to four months has proven sufficient. This is explained in item #4 below.   If a council denies a request or the Scout needs more than six months, an appeal process is discussed in “Appealing a Time Extension Denial,”, this is explained in item #5 below.

Note from the BSA: Definition of a month

Note as stated on page 2 of the Guide to Advancement a month is a month regardless how many days it has. It is not defined as 30 days or four weeks. For example, the maximum extension of six months means the time period beginning on the Scout’s 18th birthday up to the corresponding day six months later, for example, February 2 up to August 2 or August 30 up to February 28 (or 29th if leap year). In essence, the extension expiration date acts like a pseudo 18th birthday, prior to which all requirements must be fulfilled. Six months does not mean 180 days.

How to Request an Extension2021-02-05T16:38:02-05:00

  1. Requesting an extension

Requests for time extensions must be submitted to the Mayflower Council Advancement Committee via email to or by mail to the attention of the staff advisor for advancement or other council designated advancement administrator.

The form, “Request for Extension of Time to Earn the Eagle Scout Rank” (GTA Appendix, may be used for this purpose.

Since council-granted extensions expire no more than six months after the Scout’s 18th birthday, it is wise to submit requests well before a Scout turns 18 years old. For the same reason, Scouts should be encouraged to continue work on advancement throughout the extension request process.

Requests must:

(a) Explain why or how the circumstances necessitate an extension

(b) indicate the number of months believed to be necessary to complete the requirements

(c) explain how that period of time was determined and,

(d) include documentation of the circumstances. (See “Time Extensions,” above on this webpage)

    • If a cause is health related, a statement from a health professional must be provided. All documentation and supporting evidence submitted must be dated and include the name of the author.
  1. The council’s role in evaluating extension requests

The Mayflower Council Advancement Committee understands that time is of the essence.  This committee meets monthly through most of the year, however, ad hoc meetings are called to discuss and vote on special case extension situations.

A request for extension will be investigated by a subcommittee of the Council Advancement Committee composed of registered adults who are familiar with Scouts BSA advancement.  They will conduct interviews with as many people with knowledge of the case as possible and obtain detailed written statements from them or prepare written summaries of what is said.  A thorough review will likely include the Scout themselves, Scoutmasters, parents, adults registered in the Troop, Eagle coaches, or more in the process, as necessary.  This effort must also include any adults who committed errors or provided misinformation and who are reasonably available.

The results of the investigation are then reported to the council advancement committee to deliberate and vote on a recommendation to the Scout Executive, who has final authority on the extension decision (see item #3 below).

All documentation, statements, notes, and any other information collected are retained.  They are retained for any situation including the successful rank advancement through a board of review, where this material must be included, OR in the event of a denial and subsequent appeal. (See item #5 below, “In the event of denial.”, for information and form)

  1. The Scout executive’s role

If after receiving the recommendation of the council advancement committee, the Scout Executive approves an extension, a letter is sent to the Scout, his or her parent or guardian, the unit leader, and the petitioner who initially submitted the request. A copy of the letter is placed
in the council’s unit file. The letter will include the following: (a) the date the extension expires—no later than six months after the 18th birthday (see above, “Definition of a month”), (b) a statement that the Scout must complete the requirements prior to that expiration date, and (c) a requirement that a copy of this letter must be attached to the Eagle Scout application when it is submitted to the council. The board of review and submission of the Eagle application and other paperwork may take place after the expiration date. The Eagle application is entered into the BSA system.

In the event the Scout Executive disagrees with the council advancement committee’s recommendation—whether about approval, the length of an extension, or denial—the Scout executive is consults with the advancement committee chair in order to clarify any misunderstanding of advancement policies and procedures or any recommendation requires more supporting evidence. If agreement is not reached, the Scout Executive’s decision stands.  See item #5 “In the event of denial” for more steps that can be taken after that.

  1. Extensions of more than six months

A six-month extension allows for completion of time-oriented requirements such as position of responsibility, active participation, and those found in some required merit badges.  Council’s are given guidance from the BSA that in the unlikely event a Scout requires more than six months, the Council must deny the request.

  1. In the event of denial

If a Scout is denied an extension, a letter is prepared and sent to the Scout, his or her parent or guardian, the unit leader, and the petitioner who initially submitted the request. The letter will explain the reason for the decision and how to appeal it to the National Council. A copy of the letter is placed in the council’s unit file. Only the Scout or his or her parent or guardian may initiate an appeal of an extension denial.

See  “Appealing a Time Extension Denial” GTA section and form from the GTA: Appeal of Extension Request Denial

Scouts with disabilities — choosing between extension or registration beyond the age of eligibility2021-02-05T16:39:21-05:00

Note from Mayflower Council: Requesting an extension for Rank advancement is typically because of an unforeseen, sudden circumstance that hinders a Scout that would have otherwise been able to finish their rank advancement.  Registration beyond the age of eligibility is for Scouts that have permanent and severe disabilities that gives them special consideration to continue as a participant in the Scouting program (advancement, activities, training, etc.) beyond the age of 18.   The age of eligibility is defined as (18-y-o for Scouts BSA, 21-y-o for Venturing and Sea Scouts)

Please read the descriptions below from the GTA to understand if your Scout should request an extension or registration beyond the age of eligibility:

In most cases, Scouts are expected to overcome life’s ordinary trials. Cause for an extension requires an extraordinary circumstance uncommon to the Scout. Known circumstances, such as moderate learning disabilities or ADD/ADHD, that the Scout has faced over many years and has coped with in the past should not suddenly become an issue shortly before the Scout’s 18th birthday. Council advancement committees, however, might consider exceptions and grant extensions to Scouts with significant disabilities that do not meet the level of severity or permanence required for registration beyond the age of eligibility, but are such that they essentially preclude advancement within the timeframe allowed.

Scouts with permanent and severe disabilities such as those described in section 10, “Advancement for Members With Special Needs,” have the opportunity to be registered beyond the age of eligibility. (See link: “Registering Qualified Members Beyond Age of Eligibility,” They do not need to request an extension, but please read the documentation required for the Council to review and deliberate in order to grant this registration.

Examples from Section of the GTA of conditions that, if severe, may be criteria that qualify a youth for registration beyond the age of eligibility:

    • Autism spectrum disorders
    • Blind or sight-impaired
    • Deaf or hard of hearing
    • Cognitive disability
    • Developmental delay
    • Down syndrome
    • Emotional or behavioral disorder
    • Physically disabled
    • Traumatic brain injury
    • Multiple coexisting disabilities

Advance copies of these topics and forms are also published at

Rank Advancement and COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Questions and Answers

Cub Scouting/Scouts BSA/Venturing/Sea Scouting
Rank Advancement and COVID-19

The following questions regarding advancement have arisen as we deal with closures, cancellations, or other issues caused by the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus). Although there are difficulties and constraints, advancement can continue. Youth, parents, and leaders should work together to implement creative, common sense ways to facilitate advancement while adhering to the Guide to Safe Scouting and following the rules of Youth Protection training.

Please follow this link to the Guide to Advancement (GTA), which remains the primary source for information related to Scouts BSA advancement. It is referenced throughout the answers provided here.


All Scouting Programs

Q: How can advancement be tracked remotely?
A: Scouting units should use ScoutBook to record and track advancement.

To track advancement remotely, parents should:

  1. Connect with their child’s member profile via an invitation that the unit leader sends within ScoutBook.
  2. Once a connection is made, the parent should use the Scouting app, found in both the App Store and Google Play, to stay connected with their unit.
  3. The Scouting app provides parents the ability to report any advancement that was completed at home.

Go to to learn more about how to start using ScoutBook and how to connect parents to their Scouts.


Cub Scouts

Q: May parents sign off on Webelos and Arrow of Light requirements?
A: Yes. Through July 31, 2020, parents and other adults in the Cub Scout’s family, may sign off on Webelos and Arrow of Light requirements. We strongly encourage that parents use the Scouting App or ScoutBook to record completion of their child’s requirements.

Q: If my den is behind in advancement due to COVID-19, can my Cub Scout continue to work on advancement through the summer?
A: Yes. Cub Scouts can continue to work on their current den’s advancement through July 31, 2020.  This is to provide any additional time a Cub Scout needs to complete their badge of rank; if they earn their badge of rank prior to July 31, 2020, they may advance to the next rank.


Scouts BSA, Venturing and Sea Scouts

Q: May merit badge requirements or rank requirements be modified?
A: No. All requirements must be completed as written. If meetings or activities are canceled or limited, youth should continue to work on requirements as far as possible. By employing common sense and creative solutions, many requirements–even Scoutmaster conferences–can be fulfilled through videoconferencing or telephone calls.

Q: Can merit badge counseling or Nova/Supernova counseling be done using digital technologies like Zoom or WebEx?
A: Yes, registered merit badge counselors or Nova counselors/Supernova mentors may work with youth using digital platforms, ensuring that all youth protection measures noted in the Guide to Safe Scouting and BSA’s social media guidelines are in place. In addition to youth protection, the advancement guidelines in GTA Section 7 are required.

Q: May time missed due to canceled unit meetings count toward active participation requirements?
A: Yes. If youth are registered and in good standing, a disruption from COVID-19 virus can be the “noteworthy circumstance” that prevents participation. This policy has been in place for many years and is explained in GTA Topic

Q: May time missed due to canceled unit meetings count toward position of responsibility requirements?
A: Yes. If youth are registered and unable to meet the expectations of their positions because of COVID-19 disruptions, then units may need to waive or rethink the expectations. Just as youth must not be held to unestablished expectations, they must not be held to expectations that are impossible to fulfill. See GTA Topic, “Positions of Responsibility,” with its six subtopics.

Q: Does the National Council grant extensions of time to complete rank requirements beyond the 18th birthday for the Eagle or 21st birthday for Summit or Quartermaster?
A: Yes, but only for the Eagle Scout rank as described in GTA Topic or for Venturing Summit or Sea Scout Quartermaster as described in GTA Topic Unit leadership must become familiar with the five tests under The tests were designed to accommodate such obstacles as those presented by COVID-19 disruptions.

Q: Will youth who are not yet Life Scouts be allowed to apply for an extension to earn the Eagle Scout rank?
A.    Extensions are considered only for Scouts who are Life rank. If, once a Scout achieves Life rank, it turns out that COVID-19 disruptions along the way have left them with insufficient time to complete Eagle requirements, then this may be cited when the time comes to submit an extension request.

Q: May local councils grant extensions?
A: Normally, that is not allowed. However, due to the current situation—effective immediately and through September 30, 2020—council Scout executives may grant extensions, or delegate authority to the Council Advancement Committee to grant extensions under the following limitations:

  1. It can be established that COVID-19 disruptions were the only circumstances that delayed work on Eagle Scout/Summit/Quartermaster advancement requirements, such as the service project or merit badges. If any other causes were involved, the extension request must go to the National Council following the process outlined in the GTA.
  2. Extensions shall only be granted to youth in Scouts BSA who have already achieved Life rank.
  3. When the council receives a COVID-19-related request for a time extension, the council reviews the request and approves it if appropriate. A written response stating the outcome of the extension request must go to the youth. If approved, the notification must be attached to the youth’s Eagle/Summit/Quartermaster rank application. For Eagle, the extension must not exceed 3 months from the youth’s 18th birthday; for Summit/Quartermaster, the extension must not exceed 3 months from the youth’s 21st birthday.
  4. Upon turning 18, the Scout must submit a completed adult application and successfully complete YPT; their participant code will now be UP for SBSA or VP for Venturing and Sea Scouting.
  5. Extension requests for more than 3 months beyond the youth’s 18th/21st birthday must be sent to the National Service Center following the process outlined in the GTA.

Note: A “month” in BSA advancement is defined as a day from one month to the next. For example, March 5 to April 5.

In Mayflower Council our Scout Executive has delegated the authority to grant extensions to the Council Advancement Committee.  The authority for councils to grant extensions is temporary, lasting only through Sept. 30, 2020.

Q: If youth have already received an extension, can they request additional time due to COVID-19?
A: Yes. Council Scout executives may grant extensions, or delegate authority to the Council Advancement Committee to grant extensions under the limitations listed above. In Mayflower Council our Scout Executive has delegated the authority to grant extensions to the Council Advancement Committee.

Q: What should be done while an extension request is being considered?
A: Youth should continue to work on advancement in so far as they are able—e.g., independently, or over the phone or videoconference—and at Scouting activities once they resume.

Q: Are extensions required when an Eagle/Summit/Quartermaster board of review must be delayed?
A: No. Councils may grant Eagle/Summit/Quartermaster boards of review up to six months after the youth’s 18th/21st birthday. See GTA Topic, “Eagle Scout Board of Review Beyond the 18th Birthday.”

See also, GTA Topic, “Boards of Review Through Videoconferencing.”

Q: Are electronic or digital signatures acceptable for rank advancement or for the Eagle/Summit/Quartermaster packets/applications?
A: Yes. Electronic or digital signatures will be accepted through September 30, 2020.

Q: How can a youth continue to work on advancement requirements if they don’t have internet or high-speed internet for videoconferencing?
A: Youth may take a picture of their completed activity/requirement and share the work with unit leaders. In keeping with Youth Protection Training policies, all communications from youth should be sent to at least two adults. Parents or guardians may send advancement work on behalf of their child.