Den Leader Appreciation Month


Den Leader Appreciation: Matthew Kelly

Today, we conclude Mayflower Council's Den Leader Appreciation Month for 2024. Beyond focusing on the Scout Law and Oath, Lord Baden Powell said good leaders often see things from the Scout's point of view, and that adage still holds However, one local Cub Scout Den Leader from Pack 49 Norwood also takes BP's old Scout [...]

Den Leader Appreciation: Rob DeMarino

As we continue Den Leader Appreciation Month, the nominations keep rolling in. This week's top nominee comes from Maynard, Massachusetts, where Cubmaster Jarrod Kennedy singled out Rob DeMarino for special recognition as Den Leader of the Week. Rob DeMarino of Pack 130 Maynard Maynard Cub Scouts "Rob has served as a den [...]

Den Leader Appreciation: Todd Johnson

As you know, May is Den Leader Appreciation Month in the Mayflower Council. Today, we recognize Todd Johnson of Pack 748 Medway as our third Den Leader of the Week for May 2024.  Todd Johnson of Pack 748 Medway Pack 748 Medway "Todd has the liveliest den in the pack," wrote Cubmaster [...]

Den Leader Appreciation: Matt Schickling

May is Den Leader Appreciation Month in the #MayflowerCouncil. Today, we recognize Matt Schickling of Pack 55 Northborough as our second Den Leader of the Week for May 2024.

Den Leader Appreciation Month

We know our den leaders truly light the way for our youth, creating the safe adventures, learning, and fun that makes Cub Scouts the perfect activity for boys and girls in kindergarten through fifth grade. Mayflower Council has marked the month of May as Den Leader Appreciation Month. Mayflower [...]

By |2024-12-30T10:47:35-05:00May 4th, 2024|Den Leader Appreciation Month, Featured|

Den Leader Appreciation: Christina Carlson

It's Den Leader Appreciation Month in the Mayflower Council. Today, we recognize Christina Carlson of Pack 100 Westborough as our first Den Leader of the Week for May 2024.

The Doctor Is In (The Spotlight)!

Dr. Sara Grady is the complete package, from land-loving Cub Scouts to shore-loving horseshoe crabs, this amazing volunteer has every living creature’s best interest in mind. Tiger Den Leader for Pack 47 Plymouth, Sara is a watershed ecologist and — when she is not with her unit — can most often be found in [...]

Fabled Fabion

Adam Fabion paces Pack 56. A proud Eagle Scout, Adam Fabion of Pack 56 in Holdbrook returned to Scouting when his son joined Cub Scouts as a Tiger.  Of course, Adam immediately became a den leader and started helping to plan the Pack events. Moreover, like many adults in Scouting, Mr. Fabion loves taking [...]

By |2023-05-17T22:21:25-04:00May 17th, 2023|Council Wide, Den Leader of the Week|

Mary Millette of Den 1 in Pack 3104 in Hudson

Mary the Mentor Now in her third year in charge of Den 1 (her son Ben’s den; older brother Connor recently crossed over to Scouts BSA, Troop 77 in Hudson), Mary says this year’s highlights include volunteering with “Kylee’s Care Kits” and the “Feed A Neighbor” programs. “I like connecting scouting to our community [...]

By |2023-05-03T17:25:38-04:00May 3rd, 2023|Den Leader of the Week|
