Cranberry Harbors Dec. 2024 Roundtable Info

Due to conflicts involving virtually all of the Cranberry Harbors District Roundtable Team, the December session scheduled for 12/4 was cancelled. The draft slide presentation for the session, containing information which would have been presented is linked below, along with a copy of the Age Appropriate Guidelines for Scouting Activities which was the planned safety moment. Our next roundtable is Wed. Jan. 8 at the Furnace Brook Middle School in Marshfield.

Cranberry Harbors District Nov. 2024 Roundtable

Thanks to all who participated in our November Roundtable on 11/6, and thanks to Sean Kisler for his excellent demonstration “Hiking and Backpacking: keeping your load light”. Due to participant interest, Sean’s presentation was extended and the planned breakout sessions were deferred until December.
Slides from the session are posted below (adjusted to include the Mayflower Council announcement slide set which was not available when the RT slides were prepared) along with the safe hiking in the fall – hunting season awareness material discussed in our safety moment.
Our December Roundtable will be held at the Furnace Brook Middle School, Marshfield on Wed. Dec. 4 and will also be broadcast on the council’s zoom link. This will be a “Class B” session, and will conclude with a “bring your favorite Scout dessert” social. Planned topic will be how to celebrate the holidays in a multi-ethnic/religious sensitive manner. Breakouts are deferred from Nov., with cubs addressing “How to keep the momentum going after recruitment” and Troop/Crew/Ship addressing “Integrated Leadership Skills Training (ILST)”. Please plan to participate.
USFS hunting safety

Cranberry Harbors District Oct. 2024 Roundtable

Slide set from our Oct. 9 Roundtable, along with the food allergy safety minute, unit money-earing form, and membership renewal steps to ease implementation; are posted at the links below. Thanks for participating. Our next roundtable will be held on Wed. Nov. at the Furnace Brook Middle School in Marshfield, and will be broadcast over the council zoom platform (you must register in advance to participate virtually, see the council calendar for the registration link). All are encouraged to attend in person, as the benefits of in person interaction are difficult to duplicate virtually.

Cranberry Harbors District June 2024 Roundtable

Slides from our June 5 Roundtable are posted at the link below. Our next district roundtable will be held in September – look for announcements in August. Mayflower Council plans to hold council-wide virtual roundtables in July and August – look for announcements for dates, times and meeting links in the weekly Mayflower News email. Have a great Scouting Summer.

Cranberry Harbors District May 2024 Roundtable

Slide presentation from our May Roundtable, and the presentation on Charter-Membership-Renewal-Changes are linked below. If you have further questions/comments, please submit on the “parking lot” form – link is in the roundtable presentation. Next roundtable is Wed. June 5, hope to see you there.
Charter Membership Renewal Changes

Cranberry Harbors District Apr. 2024 Roundtable

Congratulations to all Cranberry Harbors District Annual Award recipients, and thanks to all who attended our April Annual Meeting, Elections, and Awards and Recognition ceremony. Thanks also to all who contributed to our “potluck social”. Announcement slides for April are posted below, along with Safety Moment suggestions for April and Draft information on how Units can pay for members in the new registration system. More information on the charter and membership renewal process revisions will be presented at our May Roundtable (May 1, Furnace Brook Middle School Cafeteria, Marshfield). Hope to see you there.
Key Safety Moments for April
Unit Pay for Member Renewal Draft 2

Cranberry Harbors District Mar. 2024 Roundtable

Slides from our March Roundtable are posted below, along with notes from the presentation on special needs awareness and information from the food allergies safety moment. A link to the “conflict resolution” video that we had difficulty with during the Scouts BSA breakout is also included. Thanks to all who attended.
Our April Roundtable (4/3) will be our Annual District Meeting, Elections and Awards Ceremony. If you have not yet submitted nominations for awards, you may do so at the web address noted on the district nominations slide (#13). Nominations are due March 15. (Note: time period for District Award of Merit nominations is past). Each unit is encouraged to submit ONE nomination for the “Scout Pocket Knife” award (must be approved by committee chair or unit leader, only one per unit). This roundtable will conclude with a pot luck Hors D’oeuvres/Desserts social — please bring something to share. We plan to provide coffee and hot water (please bring your own tea bag). This will be a “Class B” night, you are encouraged to show off your Class B gear. Due to the event nature, it will not be “simulcast” on zoom, and we won’t be presenting announcements. Please plan on attending in-person. Announcement slides will be posted following the session.

Cranberry Harbors District Feb. 2024 Roundtable

Slides from our February Roundtable are posted below. The following items are also posted:
Instructions for nominations for District Awards (District Award of Merit due 3/1, other awards due 3/15.)
World Scouting Emblem Fact Sheet
Religious Emblems night (2/22 via Zoom) flyer
Cranberry Harbors FOS Patch Flyer
Our next roundtable is Wed. Mar. 6 at the Furnace Brook Middle School in Marshfield. Main session topic is planned to be Disability Awareness, presented by Satina Craffey. The presentation will include a “hands-on” activity, please make every effort to attend in person.
At our April Roundtable (4/3) we will conduct the annual district meeting and awards ceremony. We will hold a “social hour” featuring pot-luck hors d’oeuvres and desserts – please plan on attending in person and bringing something to share.

Cranberry Harbors Dist Jan 2024 RoundtableRev1

The slide presentation from our January Roundtable is posted below, along with the safety minute information on energy drinks, the trained leader requirements document, Dr. Rue Wilson’s presentation on Scouting and Mental Health, and a listing of the references in Dr. Wilson’s presentation with active links. I apologize for the difficulties we had with the passcode issue for the Scouts BSA breakout – we will work to correct this for February.

Cranberry Harbors District Dec. Roundtable

Thanks to all who participated in our December Roundtable. Slides from the presentation along with the current version of the Basic Map and Compass Skills for Unit Leaders Guide, the Safety Moment on Winter Activity Safety, and recipes provided for our “Scout Favorite Dessert” social. I hope to see you at our January 10 Roundtable (one week later than usual due to holidays) at the Furnace Brook Middle School in Marshfield.
Basic Map and Compass skills for Unit Leaders