What’s the intent of advancement requirements?

Several requirements along the trail to the Eagle Scout rank seem very straight-forward: demonstrate tying knots, participate in a flag ceremony, sleep in a tent you helped pitch, etc. However, there’s depth to each and every task a Scout must perform.

Upgrades to Internet Advancement Now Live

Good news for unit leaders who use Internet Advancement to track their Scouts’ progress along the Scouting trail. The BSA has introduced an array of upgrades designed to make your life easier. The improvements make inputting advancement updates faster, allow leaders to search advancement history in a snap and give Scouters more control over printable reports — like the kind used to make purchases at the Scout Shop.

New Headwaters Eagle Scouts – March 2019

Please join the Headwaters District advancement team in congratulating the following Scouts on their achievement of the rank of Eagle Scout with the completion of their Boards of Review on March 7th and March 20th, 2019.

  • Royston V., Troop 45 Worcester
  • Zachary R., Troop 41 Marlborough
  • Garrett P., Troop 232 Ashland
  • John W., Troop 100 Westborough
  • Jonathan M., Troop 101 Northborough
  • Nick G., Troop 101 Northborough

Altogether, these Scouts and their volunteers provided over 637 hours of service to their project beneficiaries!

It is an honor and privilege to congratulate these exceptional Scouts and for their achievement. As less than 5% of Scouts become Eagles, these are truly the best of the best, the most dedicated, and the most determined to succeed!


2019 Guide to Advancement Update Now Available

It is important that unit leaders and committees understand the advancement guidelines, and follow them. There is a summary of the changes near the beginning of the Guide.
The 2019 update to the Guide to Advancement is now available online here.

Limited Exception to Eagle Age Requirements

The Boy Scouts of America will offer a one-time, limited exception to its age requirements for the Eagle Scout award, giving new Scouts BSA members, male and female, a fair chance to earn the program’s top honor.

Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook Updated

Advancement Update: A revised Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook for 2019 has been posted and is available here. The content is basically unchanged and revised to reflect gender-neutrality.

Free Scoutbook Subscriptions

Starting January 1, 2019, Scoutbook subscriptions will be free to all BSA units! Scoutbook is an online unit management tool that ensures that you never miss a Scouting moment—from tracking advancements to milestone achievements along the Scouting adventure.

When units with Scoutbook accounts need to renew these unit subscriptions this fall, they will not pay any renewal fees effective September 1, 2018. For units currently without a Scoutbook account, they can begin their free Scoutbook unit subscription on January 1, 2019.


Learn More Here

Scoutbook Youth Advancement Sync

Calling all unit leaders—the Scoutbook Youth Advancement sync is officially underway!

All Scouting units with active Scoutbook subscriptions have recently been invited to complete the Scoutbook Youth Advancement Sync with ScoutNet. The Scoutbook Unit Admins have been notified and given instructions on how to activate this sync by December 31, 2017.

This sync will allow units to approve advancement in Scoutbook, which can then automatically sync with the BSA national database. Scoutbook users will no longer need to access Internet Advancement to track and report their unit advancement.

Scout Shop staff should know that the Advancement Report from Scoutbook and the Advancement Report from Internet Advancement are both certified and should be accepted. The bottom of the Advancement Report from Scoutbook looks like this:


Starting January 1, 2018, units with active Scoutbook subscriptions will only be able to approve advancements for Scouts who are in the advancement sync. If you have not activated your unit and/or Scouts within your unit, you will not be able to approve advancements for that Scout(s).

Note that as a unit activates the sync, the unit can un-approve Scouts who have not yet been registered (entered into ScoutNet or My.Scouting) and continue the sync for the rest of the unit. Once registration is complete for the outstanding Scouts, the unit can then approve them and they will then be included.

Check out the user guide for more.

If you have any questions about the Scoutbook Youth Advancement Sync or if your Scouting unit has not received the sync instructions, please email Scoutbooksync@gmail.com.