Scouts Honor: Dante D Earns Legion Eagle Award

Earlier this summer, the Venturing Crew 29 and BSA Troop 64 Scout earned the accolade during the American Legion Camporee at Gardner’s Camp Collier.

Recently, the Mayflower Council was thrilled to learn that Dante D. received the American Legion Eagle Scout of the Year Award at the America Legion Camporee, held June 17-19, 2022, at Camp Collier in Gardner, Mass.

“My Eagle Scout Project was to re-side the tool shed at my middle school, Mullein Hill Christian Academy, and to clean up the surrounding area,” explained Dante in the write-up of his project, which garnered the attention of the American Legion. 

“Before I could start any work on the shed, I had to take measurements to see how much siding I would need to cover the shed,” added the Scout. “Then I had to research and see which siding would be the best based on durability, longevity, appearance, and cost.”

No Eagle Scout Project is easy. But Dante’s was especially detailed. Author’s note: Dante’s dedication while completing the task is evidenced by the no less than six Scouters who wrote in this summer to mention it and his American Legion award.

“I contacted a local contractor to ask him if he could donate any materials for the project,” explained Dante in his documentation. “He helped me come up with a list of needed materials, such as corner pieces, flashing, and other smaller items that would be required to finish the project. 

“Once I had a list of the needed supplies and a budget, I contacted local businesses to get donations not just for materials for the project but also for other items such as food and water for the volunteers.”

Working in a short amount of time, Dante made the most of his materials and volunteers.

“The work happened over two days,” continued the Scout. “On the first day, we removed any protruding objects and replaced any of the rotting wood found at the base of the shed.

“On the second day, we finished siding the shed,” he wrote. “Then we had to wrap the shed in Tyvek wrap to prevent future water damage to the shed or siding. We then began to side the shed, having two groups of people, one cutting the siding and the other placing it onto the building. 

“We also placed down a rock bed around the perimeter of the shed and pulling weeds. Once this was all done, we put up some signage and did some touch-up painting around the roof and door of the shed,” wrote Dante.

The results speak for themselves. The work performed by Dante and Co. will have a significant impact.

With the shed re-sided and no longer exposed to the elements, the school’s equipment — the bulk of it being landscaping equipment and machinery — would not be damaged. The new siding also extended the shed’s longevity, helping the school save money on buying and repairing damaged gear.

As a result of Dante’s hard work, the Massachusetts American Legion later recognized him as their Eagle Scout of the Year.

Click here to learn more about Eagle Scout Projects (and the Mayflower Council).

Scouts Honor: Eric H., Troop 28BT Cohasset

Eric H. of Troop 28 Cohasset Earns Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams National Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award

Eagle Scout created “first responder sensory kits” to help first responders 

Wrentham, Mass. — The National Eagle Scout Association established the Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams National Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award to recognize valuable service of an exceptional nature by a Scout to a religious institution, a school, community, or other entity. 

The award recognizes a Scout for their Eagle Scout leadership service project, which is part of the requirements for earning the Eagle Scout Award. Each year, local councils select a council-level winner, and each region selects a region-level winner from that pool. A national winner is then chosen from the four regional finalists.

On June 13, 2022, The Mayflower Council, BSA proudly presented the 2021 Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams National Eagle Scout Service Award of the Year to:

Eric H.
Troop 28 Cohasset
Sensory Kits for First Responders

Eric’s project raised awareness of autism while providing first responders with the resources and tools they need when they assist people with special needs. His project included: providing 80 sensory kits to multiple towns in the surrounding South Shore towns of Cohasset, Hanover,

Hingham, Hull, Norwell, Scituate.

Eric saw this need for sensory kits after experiences with his older brother, who has autism, where first responders were not equipped to respond to his brother’s needs. To address this need, Eric spoke with a family friend who was a former EMT and Eric’s brother’s teacher at the Amego School in Franklin, Mass., to form his idea of creating a “first responder sensory kit” go bag. 

The kits contain items to help first responders communicate with the person in need as well as bring them comfort.

Following the presentation of the Adams Award, Eric also received a citation and a medallion from Brigadier General (Ret.) Emery Maddocks of the Military Order of the World Wars.

“We have a really outstanding project to recognize,” said Gen. Maddocks of Eric’s Sensory Kits. “For dedication to the principles of the Boy Scouts of America as evidenced by not only by his achievement of the highest achievement in Scouting – the Boy Scout Eagle Award –but further by [earning] the 2021 Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams National Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award.”

Capture Scout Memories Via Smartphone

“The best camera is the camera you have on you…”

As mentioned before, the BSA’s “Bryan on Scouting” is a terrific resource for Scouters. Moreover, some of the best stories on the blog give readers a solid kick in the pants.

“Get out there and try it,” is a cause celeb for Bryan and co. Reasonable, given the traditions of the BSA.

However, this time around, the blog reminds Scouters – via the advice of BSA pro photog Michael Roytek – “The best camera is the camera you have on you.”

In other words, your smartphone might be the best camera any of us might ever acquire.

Writer Aaron Derr explained why so  in a piece entitled, “How to take and share the best photos of your Scouts this summer … and beyond”:

Some folks might prefer to carry around heavy pieces of photography equipment with long, powerful lenses, and that’s great. For the rest of us, we have the modern smartphone, which has the capability to produce photos good enough to save as memories — and to share online with friends, fellow Scouting families, and maybe even members of your community.

In the article, even the most trepidatious photographers will learn about:

  • The rule of thirds
  • Action Shots
  • Sharing photos

My favorite advice in the piece reads, “Nothing tells the story of Scouting more than great photos of Scouts having a blast in their natural environment, whether that’s at summer camp or any fun Scouting activity.

“If you can get those photos in front of the eyes of some non-Scouting families … who knows? Your unit just might recruit for itself, thanks to all the fun you’re having.”

Check out the accompanying video:

How to Take Better Scouting Pictures!

And be sure to read the article – then get out there and take some photos!

Scouts Honor: Carlie B., Troop 209GT Newton

Just before Memorial Day, one Mayflower Council Scout collects clothes for veterans…

Beyond trips to the beach, hot dogs, and lawn mowing, Memorial Day retains one true purpose: Remember.

And while some Scouts will carefully place flags beside the graves of those who served, and many others will proudly march in parades, one Eagle candidate sought to remember and honor those veterans who still walk among us.

Carlie B. of Newton’s Troop 209G explained her project on its GoFundMe page.

“My name is Carlie,” she posted. “I’m a 13 yr old Life Scout in troop 209 located in Newton, MA. I’ve partnered with the… New England Center and Home for Veterans as part of my Eagle Scout Project.”

That partnership – noticed by WHDH – garnered Carlie and the project some well-deserved attention at this important time of the year.

“I think that joining scouting teaches you plenty of great lessons in life,” said Carlie. “it really helps you out.”

And in turn, Carlie – who raised almost $17,00 – helped out many veterans; 250 or so were gifted clothing, toiletries, and shoes.

Speaking of the good turn, Carlie implied she simply followed the example of another Scout.

“My dad, he’s an Eagle Scout,” she told WHDH’s camera. ”And so, when I receive Eagle in the next few months, I will become an Eagle Scout just like him.”

 Here at the Mayflower Council, we think her fellow Scouts should follow Carlie’s example, too.

Newton’s Srikanth Family Is An Inspiration

Troop 209G Scoutmaster and her Scouts garnered national attention from Bryan on Scouting…

Scoutmaster Sangeet Srikanth is a trained educator. But she insists that some of the most important lessons are taught outside the classroom.

“None of the experiences in Scouting can be measured in terms of letter grades, GPA, test scores,” she told Bryan on Scouting. “But you can witness and experience it every day in your son and daughter’s life.”

It was a chance exposure to Scouting that changed the lives of Sangeet, her son Arnav, and her daughter Anishka.

Bryan Wendell of explained that Srikanth “first learned about the BSA in 2010 on a family trip to Boston when they happened upon an event celebrating the BSA’s 100th birthday. Her son, Arnav, wanted to sign up right away. Her daughter did, too, but this was before the BSA had opened all its programs to young women.”

Enter Troop 355 of Newton. Or, make that, Arnav entered the venerable unit. Then, fast forward to 2017, and an Eagle Scout court of honor.

“Every rank advancement was a clear sign of leadership building,” explained Sangeet. “Every merit badge was a new life skill.”

Two years later, it was Anishka’s turn to join Scouts BSA.

“Every day, my admiration for her increases as she excels in her maturity and ability to deal with the challenges of life,” Srikanth said.

However, it’s not like Arnav or Anishka were alone on their journey. Their mother was there – unofficially – every step of the way. 

Later, after a two-year stint as an assistant Scoutmaster, Sangeet was named Scoutmaster of Troop of 209G.

It’s a commitment, but Srikanth indicated it’s more than worth it.

“It’s about five to six years from start to finish — weekly meetings, camping trips, outdoor trips, and finally the long-awaited Eagle project,” she says. “Some families find it hard to commit with their own busy careers.”

That said, the end rewards, particularly for Eagle-earners, are worth it. 

Meanwhile, Sangeet hopes that other families, particularly those in the Indian community, see Scouting as a viable adjunct to traditional education.

“Scouting structures their lives and gives them the most valuable experience that even the best classroom education may not fully provide,” she said.

Scouting is Part of You

If you have been watching this spot on, it comes as no surprise that ScouterStan on YouTube is a favorite stop on the “InterWebs.”

Stan Richards, an Orlando-based Eagle Scout and Silver Beaver award recipient was part of a professional Scouting family. He continued his Scouting journey when his son became a Cub Scout. Later, Richards joined a district commissioner staff and now spreads his love of Scouting via YouTube, beginning that career via a Wood Badge project in 2006.

7 Knots Every Scout Should Know ™ – First Knot Tying Video on YouTube – Scouting Knot

Now six seasons into his ScouterStan show/podcasts, Richards, a unit commissioner in his council, recently posted a pick-me-up video for any Scouters feeling the weight of nearly three years of tough headlines, pandemic-planning, virtual meetings, and canceled plans. 

The video “Scouting is a Part of You” takes things down to brass tacks and reminds all of us who “wear the shirt” why we do what we do and why it is so important.

The video and its text are below:

Scouting is a Part of You

“Scouting is a part of you. You know how important it is for all of today’s youth. Scout leaders work hard for the benefit of others to achieve. All the while, remembering your commitments to the Scout Oath. Living an exemplary life, and putting the Scout Law into action in all that you do. You truly know that leadership is more than anyone ever thinks it is. It’s living and acting as the example, and not the exception. The young people you work with will always remember you. How you act with others will leave them smiling, and thinking about how to do better. Leaders often face many challenges and need to know they are not alone. Use all your skills and resources you have to make things better for all Scouts and Scouters. Occasionally, the difficulties cannot be resolved. When this happens your leadership is more of an example than you might think. Your character in accepting things you can not change will prove your wisdom. Always looking forward to solutions that help others find a better path. Mentoring Scouts and helping them make good decisions can only benefit everyone. As you know, Scout leaders are there, for all scouts, no matter what. One day, when your good turn is done… You can look back on all the young lives your leadership has influenced. Their success was made possible by your guidance… your leadership. When you recall all their success, remember you are a part of it. Never forget them shaking your hand and looking up at you. This is what it’s all about! You have made a real difference, and you have made a better world for being there. Scouting is a part of you… Now go make the world better for being a Scout leader.”

Meanwhile, speaking to the level of commitment necessary to be a Scouter, Stan posted a new video entitled, “Making the Most of Your Time in Scouting.”

Again, Stan spoke from the heart, honestly and purposefully, to give a lot of information on creating a fantastic program for our youth.

Making the Most of Your Time in ScoutingAre you interested in volunteering for your local units or the Mayflower Council? Email me here and I will help you learn how.

Mott Receives National Recognition

While we’re all in it for the youth of Massachusetts; however it’s great when our leaders and volunteers are recognized for their hard work.

Recently, The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks Lodge (No. 1476 Plymouth) reported Plymouth’s Michelle Mott was awarded “the Marvin M. Lewis Award” by the Elks National Scouting Committee. posted:

Eight years ago, Mott’s son joined Pack 47 in Plymouth, Cranberry Harbors District, Old Colony Council, now part of Mayflower Council. Within the first year, Mott was serving as den leader for her son’s Tiger Den. She continued as den leader with her son for Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, and Arrow of Light rank. Mott also became more involved in Pack 47 eventually becoming the Cubmaster, serving for three years. She also volunteered on the Cranberry Harbors District Committee. For the past four years, she has been involved with the Activities Committee helping to organize District and Council events ranging from 200-750 scout attendees. Chuckwagon, Webelos Woods, Webelos Klondike and Polar Challenge are some of the many events she has helped organize.

“Although fully position trained with many awards and recognitions, Mott had planned to end her tenure as a scouting volunteer when her son crossed over into a troop,” added WickedLocal. “However, the BSA made changes that affected Mott. In 2018, girls were allowed to join Cub Scouts and form girl dens, which meant Mott was going to repeat the journey she had made with her son, Adam, except this time with her daughter, Rachel. 

“During all this, Mott continued to expand her Scouting skills and training.”

Due to her hard work, Mott received the Lewis Award, which recognizes Elks members that:

  • Have brought Scouting to more youth 
  • Have assisted local Elks lodges in forming Scouting units 
  • Are fully trained in the skills of Scouting and are outstanding role models 
  • Have contributed significantly to Elks and Scouting by bringing the two movements together to serve the community 
  • Have offered Scouting to all youth regardless of race, creed or income level, and have been instrumental in organizing Scouting units, especially in inner-city or other low-income communities

For the full article from, click here. And join us in congratulating Michelle Mott for all that she does for Scouting and the Elks.If you know of a Scouter who deserves some recognition, be sure to email us here at Mayflower Council.

Resolute Ramps Up the Outdoor Experiences

So, it’s March. The Freeze-Out is done. The Klondike Derby is over. Meanwhile, there are only so many times you can play “Manhunt” in and around your troop, pack, or den meeting space. 

Moreover, you have some Scouts who need, need, need to do something — anything — outdoors. Well Scouters, we here at your Mayflower Council have the solution. Actually, we have many solutions.

Resolute Base Camp continues this month, and runs programs into June (and returns in the fall, too).

Here are the deets:

  • Resolute Base Camp Outdoor Experience is a daytime program offered on weekends at Camp Resolute in Bolton, MA. Outdoor Experience is an exciting new program offered on weekends throughout the year. It can be a fun bonding experience or outing for families, Scouts, and units. 
  • All activities are run by trained and certified staff. Units can work towards specific advancements and awards while non-Scouts can participate in fun outdoor activities and skills development. Outdoor Experience is designed to allow participants to go at their own pace. 
  • Outdoor Experience is open to all youth currently in grades K-12.  A parent/guardian or unit leader must stay with any youth attending Outdoor Experience.

Okay, okay. I get it. I had you at “Resolute Base Camp.”

So, click here to register.

You’re welcome!

Grace W. Opens Friends of Scouting Campaign

Scouters, Scouts, Friends, and Family Remain Impressed with Mayflower Council Standout…

Sometimes you just have to stop and listen. Such was the state of affairs at the annual Friends of Scouting (FOS) opening event held in January.

Newton’s Grace W., one of the first-ever young women to earn Scouting BSA’s highest honor – Eagle Scout – spoke to a packed room of loyal Scouting supporters. 

Conversations paused, and tasty appetizers remained plated; young and old alike listened to White as she reminded everyone about the many merits of Scouting.

In short, Grace loves it all.

“With my troop behind me and with the motivation of the adult leaders,” began Grace, “I was able to achieve my dream of reaching Eagle.”

“But if I were to sit down and pick out one aspect of Scouting that has shaped me the most, I could not tell you,” she continued. “There have been so many parts of Scouts that have shaped me as a person.” 

However, the final journey to Eagle remains omnipresent in Grace’s mind.

“The whole Eagle process, in general, was really impactful,” said Grace, who now attends college in Boston. “As you all know, every Eagle Scout that you meet they have gone through a lot to get to where they are.”

For Grace, the work toward Scouting’s ultimate goal had a hard stop, particularly as she began her work only a year and a half before her 18th birthday. But while the Scout handbook and merit badge work were daunting, it’s the Eagle service project that dominates Grace’s story.

Meanwhile, with her project set smack dab in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, White looked to make an immediate impact with her project – an outdoor classroom.

“I thought that I could benefit my community by building a safe outdoor space for students to learn,” she explained. “During the project, I learned a lot about leadership, and with my time constraints, I had to work extra hard to make sure that everything in my project was absolutely perfect.”

However, even a special Eagle service project has its defects.

“And if I’m being honest, [the project] wasn’t perfect,” admitted Grace. “But I think that’s the thing about doing these projects, especially as a young person, is that it’s not going to be perfect, but you get to learn something from it.”

And, amid her efforts, Grace learned the power of community.

“For me, I learned how nice people can be,” she emphasized. “I got a lot of help with my project; from people in my troop, my friends, and my family – everyone was so supportive, and it felt great to have that kind of people around.”

Of course, at the FOS dinner, Grace was  surrounded by “that kind of people.”Moreover, you can join that fantastic crowd by lending your pledge to help Scouts like Grace reach the pinnacle of Scouting and, in turn, serve others in the process. Click here to begin.

Scouts Honor: Jack B., Troop 12, Framingham

Eagle Scout service project brings “tactile reading” to children Watertown’s Perkins School…

They say, what goes around comes around.

And for Life Scout Jack B. of Troop 12, Plymouth Congregational Church, Framingham, coming back around led him to Watertown. 

As a toddler, Jack participated in an infant-toddler program at Perkins School for the Blind.

Perkins, founded in 1829, was the first school for the blind in the US. Today the school “is the worldwide leader in education services for children and young adults who have multiple disabilities and visual impairments.”

But, according to Dara, Jack’s mom, “Perkins was kind of like a lifeline.”

According to The Boston Globe’s Grace Gilson, who profiled Jack on February 18, the Scout was “​​trying to think of things that were important for me, and my mom remembered the story box, and I did some research, and we realized how important they were for literacy development.”

What’s a “story box,” you ask? Well, it was one way that young Jack engaged with reading.

Gilson explained:

[A] “story box,” [is] an interactive literary tool for children with visual impairments that includes physical objects as part of the storytelling experience.

And for Jack, diagnosed with a visual impairment as an infant, initiatives like the story box were critical. Thankfully, the Scout’s vision improved in time; however, the family never let Perkins drop from sight.

So as part of Jack’s Eagle service project, he and his troop fundraised for and produced 40 story boxes. Each box includes objects important to stories like “Goodnight Moon,” “Brown Bear, Brown Bear,” and “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.” A QR code points to audio of one of Troop 12’s Scouts reading the story aloud.

As a result, Perkins has new resources, and Jack owns a sense of accomplishment.

“I was really happy to finally give back to the full circle idea,” Jack told The Boston Globe.

If you want to read the full article, click here. To learn more about Troop 12, click here.