Cranberry Harbors District November Roundtable

Slides from our November Roundtable and the YPT flyer from the Training Committee are posted below.  Thanks to Steve Hurley for his excellent presentation on the BSA’s conservation awards and recognition program.

November Roundtable slides

Youth Protection Training

2020 Popcorn

2021 Philmont Flyer/Informational Session

2020 Outstanding Eagle Scouts Award

Special Cub Activity Ideas Sessions

Below are the presentations from our October Special Den Activity Ideas sessions in the present environment.  Thanks to Joe Hern for the Bear-Webelos Session and to Cory Mace and Alyssa Baracewicz for the Tiger-Wolf session.

Den Activities Bear-Webelos – October 2020

Tiger – Wolf_Requirements

Cranberry Harbors Charter Training Oct. 2020

Slides from the Oct. 15 Charter Renewal Training (special roundtable session) are available at the following link:

Charter Renewal Training Slides

Cranberry Harbors District October Roundtable

Link to the October “power failure challenged” Roundtable slide presentation is below.  Thanks to those who were able to attend.

October Roundtable Slides

Cranberry Harbors September Roundtable

Slides, Flyers and Handouts from our September 2 Roundtable are posted for download and use here.  Thank you for your participation.

September Roundtable Slides

Art Contest Flyer

Eagle Projects During Covid 

Mayflower Training September Newsletter

2020 Popcorn Flyer

Safety Moment_Digital Safety + Online Scouting Activities

Virtual 5K Race

Mayflower Council August Roundtable

Thank you everyone that attended the Council-wide roundtable held on Thursday, August 20.

Below are the slide presentations from each of the sessions that you can now download.

Opening Announcements

Cub Scouts

How to Meet: Den Leader Outdoor COVID Meeting Guide

Keep Your Pack Sound: Fundraising with COVID Restrictions

Scouts BSA

Rank Advancement in the Virtual World: Scout to First Class

Rank Advancement in the Virtual World: Star to Eagle

Council-wide July Roundtable

Thank you for joining us at the Council-wide roundtable held on Wednesday, July 15.  Below are a few slides presented at this meeting as well as videos from our Council Commissioner and the national announcement on the bar date.

A message from the Council Commissioner

Explanation of the Bar Date

Cranberry Harbors June Roundtable Items

Cranberry Harbors District May Roundtable

Cranberry Harbors April Roundtable