Mayflower Council Activity Fee Waiver Application
The purpose of the program fee waiver program is to provide financial assistance to deserving Scouts who would otherwise not be able to afford participating in Scouting. The Mayflower Council, in administering funds provided by concerned individuals, foundations, and others, will act as good stewards by offering careful judgment in providing program fee waivers and will act in complete confidence.

Since program fees are due as part of the registration process applications for program fee waivers should be submitted as soon as possible. The committee will be meeting monthly to distribute available funds. The earlier you get your application in the better chance you have of receiving assistance.

All information on this application must be complete for the application to be considered. If the form is not complete you will not be able to submit it.

If you have more than one Scout a separate application for each additional Scout must be completed. 

All information provided will be kept strictly confidential.

In order to give as many program fee waivers as possible with the funds available each family and unit is expected to share part of the expense. Amount granted is made on the basis of need and availability of funds.

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Scout Information
Scout's First Name *
Scout's Last Name *
Scout's Age *
Address *
City/Town *
Zip Code *
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