District Overview
Recent News
2021 Camp In A Box Not Your Typical Summer Camp
Susquehanna, Mayflower, Juniata Valley, Washington Crossing, Five Rivers, Westmoreland Fayette and Baden Powell Councils are excited to offer for the 2nd year, an alternative summer camping experience in 2021 – Camp in a Box [...]
Adventures Begin at Resolute Base Camp!
The all-new Resolute Base Camp kicked off on Saturday, May 8 with a weekend program called Outdoor Experience. Participants were excited to be the first ones to climb the monkey bridge, shoot BB guns [...]
19 Cub Elective Adventures Retiring in 2022
Every year Cub Scout Adventures are reviewed to identify trends and determine interests of our youth, den leaders and Cub Scout families. In our ongoing efforts to keep the Cub Scouting Adventure program relevant [...]
Council Staff Realignment
Over the past several years, the Mayflower Council has struggled to achieve measurable gains in many of the initiatives stated in our Long-Range Strategic Plan, which mirrors the four functions of Scouting: Membership; Program; [...]
Council Primary Contacts
To sort list scroll to the bottom and select by responsibility, by team or by primary contact.
Changes Coming in My.Scouting
A new Position Manager tool, found on the Organization Manager page of My.Scouting, will be rolled out in the next few days. This new tool updates and replaces the current Organization Security Manager and [...]