District Overview
Recent News
Summer 2022: Seven Weeks at Camp Squanto
New video highlights Mayflower Council’s 650-acre destination for adventure… Hey, did you know it’s winter? “Wonderful” snow, sleet, and freezing temps for at least a few more months. As the commercial jokes, “495 is [...]
Exploring The History of Scouts BSA
It’s pretty easy to find articles and videos about the beginning of the World Scouting Movement and its “uncle” Lieutenant General Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell — Baden Powell or “BP” (Be Prepared) for short. [...]
The BSA Uniform: Always In Style
From Army hand-me-downs to Oscar de la Renta, the Boy Scout uniform is, itself, a story… As you put on your Scout uniform, did you ever catch yourself wondering, how did we get here? [...]
Headwaters January Roundtable Material
Thank you to everyone that participated in January's Roundtable! The conversation about the care and feeding of your unit's adult leadership was fantastic. Below is a link to the slides from the Roundtable. If [...]
What is a Pinewood Derby Garage?
Cub Scout Pack 3104 in Hudson prepares for the big race… For the majority of Cub Scouts, two words bring visions of pole positions, paint jobs, and – principally – victory. “Pinewood Derby.” Unfortunately, [...]
Scouting for Inspiration: Hannah Holmes
One year ago, this Scout became the first girl to earn all of Scouts BSA’s 137 merit badges. Each week at troop meetings around the country, scouts do amazing things. However, sometimes a Scout [...]