District Overview
Recent News
Meet the Team: Laura (Moriarty) Romero
For our latest #meettheteammonday on Mayflower Council's social media, we sat down with Jen Piazza, Mayflower Council Membership Programs Specialist!
Meet the Team: John Bishop
For our latest #meettheteammonday on Mayflower Council’s social media, we sat down with John Bishop, Mayflower Council's Brand Ambassador...
Cranberry Harbors District Nov. 2024 Roundtable
Thanks to all who participated in our November Roundtable on 11/6, and thanks to Sean Kisler for his excellent demonstration "Hiking and Backpacking: keeping your load light". Due to participant interest, Sean's presentation was extended [...]
Meet the Team: Jen Piazza
For our latest #meettheteammonday on Mayflower Council's social media, we sat down with Jen Piazza, Mayflower Council Membership Programs Specialist!
Meet the Team: Rob Difazio
For our fifth #meettheteammonday on Mayflower Council’s social media, we sat down with Rob Difazio, Mayflower Council Membership & Community Partnerships Executive,
Meet the Team: Sarah Leach
For our fourth #meettheteammonday on Mayflower Council’s social media, we sat down with Sarah Leach, Mayflower Council Membership & Community Partnerships Executive,
Contact Us
Cranberry Harbors District Jun. Roundtable
Slides from our June Roundtable are posted below, along with the discussion questions from our breakout videos. Thanks for your participation this program year. Please plan to attend our 2023-24 program year kickoff, look for [...]
Cranberry Harbors District Apr. Roundtable
Slides from our April Roundtable are available at: AprRT_Slides_FinalPost We hope you'll plan to attend our May session, 5/3, 7 PM, Boys & Girls Club of Marshfield, and plan to attend our Annual District Dinner, [...]
Cranberry Harbors District Mar. Roundtable
Slides from our March Roundtable are now posted at the link below, along with the safety moment on energy drinks. Links for nominations for district awards are contained in the presentation, nominations are due April [...]
Cranberry Harbors District Feb. Roundtable
Thanks to all who participated in our February Roundtable, and apologies for our technical difficulties during the session - we are still developing our skills on remote operation and live "zoom streaming". Slides from the [...]
Cranberry Harbors District Jan. Roundtable
Thanks to all who participated in our January roundtable. Slides from the session are posted here, as is a 2019 document on Webelos to Scout transition and BSA safety guidelines for charcoal use. Next roundtable [...]
Cranberry Harbors District Dec. Roundtable
Thanks to those attending our December Roundtable and participating in our "Trivia Challenge". I hope you enjoyed it and that you'll incorporate some games into your unit program in the near future. Slides from the [...]