Slides for our March Roundtable are posted at the links below. Also posted is information on Campfire Safety and our “mini-hot-topics”: Leadership Succession Planning and Annual Unit Planning. Links to Scouting References are on the slide in the presentation. Thanks to those who participated.
Our April Roundtable will be held on Wed. April 2, live at the Furnace Brook Middle School in Marshfield and hybrid on the Council’s Zoom platform (see the council calendar for the link to sign up for the hybrid broadcast). This session’s planned topics include presentations on International Scouting Awards, Religious Awards, Other Non-advancement-related Awards, and the Camp Squanto Summer Program. Good news for you – these presentations are led by people other than me!
There will be no breakout sessions in April, the main session will run from 7-8 PM, and the hybrid broadcast will terminate at that point. Cranberry Harbors District will be presenting its final set of District Awards from 8-8:40 PM. Headwaters, Metacomet, Post Road and Sachem District Scouters should check with your District Leaders for your awards presentation schedule.
I hope you’ll join us in April.