Commissioner Fireside Chat

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The purpose of this event is to prepare the Mayflower Council Commissioner Corps for 2019. We’ll talk about the role of a Commissioner and what resources you have to do your best.  The Council President and Scout Executive will then join us for a Fireside Chat – your opportunity to ask questions and share ideas with the Council Key 3.  We’ll wrap up the morning with a Commissioning and Awards ceremony. If you want to continue the conversation, or just like a walk in the woods, we’ll  head over to Nobscot Scout Reservation for a short hike.


8:30 – 9:00   Gathering
Coffee, Pastries, & Fellowship.

9:00 – 9:30   Being A Mayflower Commissioner
An Open Discussion with the Commissioner Cabinet.

9:30 – 10:45  Fireside Chat with the Council Key 3
A Candid Discussion with the Council Key 3.

10:45 – 11:15 Commissioning Ceremony
We Recognize You.

11:15 – 11:45 Internet Rechartering
Your Role in Rechartering

12:30 – 1:30 Hike Nobscot with the Council Commissioner (Optional)
Talk Shop with the Council Commissioner while we explore Nobscot Mountain.


This half-day event will be unlike any Commissioner Conference you have been to.  Instead of us sitting through classes, I want to hear what is on your mind and to answer your questions.  I want us to discuss, as a group, what we can do to provide the best possible Unit Service to the units in your town.
