Summer 2021 Camp Staff Opportunities
We are excited to be opening both camps this summer after a very difficult year and a couple months of limited opportunities for our Scouting families as we’ve continued to work through this pandemic. Unfortunately, the pandemic has created an environment where the summer camp staff member pool is more limited than usual, leaving us with a handful of vacancies.
In both Resolute and Squanto, we could use a handful of additional program staff, especially in aquatics, but also in sports, Scoutcraft, handicraft, COPE/climbing, and ecology. At Resolute’s Adventure Day Camp, we are also in need of den leaders. Additionally, Resolute also has a couple of key vacancies we are continuing to work toward filling, including program director (at Adventure Day Camp), climbing director, and shooting sports director.
Please consider working at one of our camps if your schedule allows it. Otherwise, please share this with others whom you are in contact with regularly and whom you believe has the capacity to serve in this role.