Cranberry Harbors District Apr. Roundtable

Slides from our April Roundtable are available at:
We hope you’ll plan to attend our May session, 5/3, 7 PM, Boys & Girls Club of Marshfield, and plan to attend our Annual District Dinner, 5/20, 7 PM, Plymouth VFW, sign up on the council calendar, or at the link in the slides.

Council Support For Units & Scout Families

What Does Mayflower Council Do For Units & Scout Families?

To help unit leaders, the council maintains a service center with administrative staff to:

  • Assist with online registrations, Scout Life subscriptions, and initiate special requests to the National Service Center and other organizations.
  • Maintain a supply of literature, insignia, forms, certificates, etc., needed by the leader to carry on the unit’s program.
  • Keep records of advancement, membership, training, etc. necessary to unit operation.
  • Publish a weekly newsletter to keep leaders informed of the latest local and national Scouting news, coming events, etc.
  • Produce notices, minutes, agendas, etc., for district and council committees that are developing programs for leader and unit benefit.
  • Handle inquiries and visitors to our service center for information related to unit operation and Scouting procedures.
  • Provide a myriad of forms, applications, certificates and literature helpful in the unit program.
  • Produce district and council calendars and schedules, programs, kits and special aids to assist leaders and their committees.
  • Manage reservations for long-term camping, short-term camps, camporees, jamborees, high adventure bases, training courses, meetings, annual council and district meetings, troop leader and den leader events.

To protect the unit leader, the council:

  • Maintains a liability policy for the protection of all leaders and chartered organizations.
  • Maintains accident and sickness insurance policy for all registered youth and leaders.
  • Screens requests for services and money earning proposals, guarding against improper use of Scouting for commercialism and exploitation.
  • Has staff members available on what is practically an around-the-clock, around-the-calendar basis to meet any emergency.
  • Manages and processes Criminal Offender Records Inquiry (CORI) checks
  • Provides assistance with any Youth Protection issues that may arise.

To help the leader develop unit program, the council provides without charge:

  • Program helps, calendar of activities, meetings and special events.
  • Awards, such as ribbons, certificates, recruiting awards, etc.
  • Recruitment supplies including posters, fliers, digital targeted advertising and other materials.
  • Sample ceremonies, parent’s night program outlines, training aids, etc.
  • Source materials and personnel.
  • Materials, books, pamphlets, folders, videos and special helps from the National Council and cooperating organizations.

In the field of camping and outdoor activities, the council:

  • Maintains three Scout camps, with a total of 1,500 acres, for year-round camping and Cub Scout family outdoor events. Our Scout camps serve as year-round activities, camping and training centers.
  • Offers units the use of equipment for short-term, weekend, and year-round camping.
  • Covers costs of camp improvement, repairs, replacement, maintenance, insurance and administration. These and other charges are not paid for by Scout’s fees.
  • Employs full-time camp rangers for the protection of the Scout camps and the convenience of units using facilities. They keep these facilities ready and available for unit and family use.
  • Provides campers’ early-bird savings discounts, unit leaders’ guidebook, camp videos, literature and other aids to help units with their program.
  • Provides scholarships or “camperships” for Scouts who need some financial help to have a summer camp experience.
  • Offers units and individual youth access to high-adventure bases like Philmont Scout Ranch, Northern Tier and Sea Base, national jamborees, field days, camporees and other special events. These would not exist without the council giving leadership and coordination.

In educational and relationship building programs, the council provides the leader with:

  • A library of videos, digital projectors and screens for use in training and promotional programs.
  • Informal and formal training courses with most of the cost of literature and materials, etc., and all the staff time included in the council budget.
  • Monthly roundtables for the benefit of leaders, committee persons, assistants, and den leaders, providing materials, staff and other costs.
  • Scouter’s Key, training awards, Den Leader’s Training Award, Silver Beaver, District Award of Merit and other Scouter recognitions.
  • A merit badge counselor corps in more than 130 subjects.
  • A variety of advancement forms and certificates without charge.

Providing the unit with district and council activities and service, the council:

  • Plans and conducts various types of activities in which units participate such as Freeze Out/Klondike Derby, Pinewood Derby and Scouting for Food.
  • Organizes camporees, Cub Scout day camps, jamborees, high-adventure trips, absorbing some overhead costs to keep participants’ expenses to a minimum.
  • Works with various community groups to arrange for Scout participation in civic affairs and Good Turn projects.
  • Recruits and trains a corps of commissioners for assisting with unit program and maintaining standards.

To assist leaders, the council employs a trained full-time staff who counsel, guide and inspire:

  • Through person-to-person counseling on unit relationships, administrative and operational challenges.
  • Through guidance of all committees, commissioners, roundtables, meetings, conferences, courses, district and council activities in the development of programs that directly benefit leaders and units.
  • Through contacts with the community resources (clubs, churches, government, etc.), secure help for all units that they alone could not obtain. The use of parks, recreational areas, use of buildings for special events, picnic areas, campsites, and meeting facilities are a few examples.

Workshop: Understanding New Barriers to Abuse

As part of our ongoing commitment to abuse prevention, the BSA is updating the adult supervision requirements for overnight activities.

In this workshop, we will discuss:

  • Enhancements to the minimum “two deep leadership” requirements.
  • The definition of an adult fee required position.
  • Limited exceptions for Cub Scout Parents and Guardians.
  • Scenarios and examples.
  • Required date for policy adoption.

Scouts Honor: Everett L., Troop 89 Medfield

“On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.”

That’s what the “Scout Oath” says. And for all BSA Scouts, that serious statement remains omnipresent. But for certain Scouts, the desire to live by the Scout Oath becomes a primary focus.

For that reason (and many others, certainly) Everett L., of Medfield’s Troop 89, will soon receive a Congressional Award gold medal – the U.S. Congress’ highest award for youth civilian service; an achievement that “recognizes initiative, service, and achievement in America’s youth.”

Much like Scouting, participants in the Congressional program set goals across four areas – public service, personal development, physical fitness, and exploration.

Those who earn the Congressional Award complete a minimum of 400 hours of community service, 200 hours of personal development, 200 hours of physical fitness, and a minimum of a five-day, four-night expedition/exploration (over two years).

In 2021, over 50,000 students across the US enrolled, with only 5,000 being recognized for any award and only 517 receiving the gold. Nearly 2,000 of the applicants came from New England, and last year, just one gold was given out in New Hampshire and eight in Massachusetts for 19 total across the six New England states.

Since the program’s inception in 1979, approximately 6,000 gold medals have been awarded and Scouts BSA has been a partner program of the Congressional Award since 1999.

“Most of my activities for the Eagle Scout rank counted towards the requirements of the Congressional Award,” explained Everett, whose family lives in Meredith, New Hampshire. “I also looked for ways to use technology in service projects; STEM tutoring for local students, 3D printing of objects for the handicapped, and creating educational drone videos.”

Of course, service is a way of life for the Scout, who attends New Hampton School (also in New Hampshire) as a member of the Class of 2024, twice earning the NHS award for “100 Hours of Service.”

“Everett is a very hardworking, independent young man. He accepts new challenges without second guessing and is a perfect model of a community citizen,” said Mr. Ryan Daye, Everett’s advisor at NHS. “I am grateful to have him in my advisory group here at The New Hampton School.”

“Everett comes in and gets the work done,” added Mr. Tony Mure, also of NHS. “Everett is a shining example of hard work, discipline, and focus. His ability to work independently and follow directions is second to none.

“He is a natural-born leader.”

Everett’s Scouting resume says the same.

“Everett is a ‘Scout’s Scout’ who came in as a sixth grader with no background in Cub scouts,” said Scoutmaster Jim Hatch in his commendation for the Eagle Badge [completed in May of 2022].

”His passion for engineering is very clear,” added Hatch. “His integration of his love of technology and the medal’s service requirements is very creative.”

A member of the Tantamous Lodge of the Order of the Arrow, where his ordeal and vigil hours counted towards his Congressional Award service requirements, Everett used Scouting as a scaffold for the Congressional program.

“It really builds off of Scouting,” he said. “And then it gives you the flexibility to create service projects that you design, which is where I was able to look for ways to use technology and engineering to help my community.”

Meanwhile, pursuing the Congressional award is also a family affair, Everett’s mother, Wendy,, was recognized for the Bronze Medal out of Culpeper, Virginia as a high school senior in 1994. Everett’s sister, Lillian, Inter-Lakes class of 2026, is currently pursuing a medal.

“Service is important to our family, the award is a great program, and Troop 89 is a wonderful way for young people to learn about helping others,” said Wendy.

“I’ll get a degree in engineering,” added Everett. “My service projects have really shown me how to use technology and science for the betterment of the community and I will continue that.”

However, for now, the Scouting adventure continues.

Everett is one of the 14 members of Troop 89 who will be hiking through the New Mexico back country at Philmont Scout Ranch in July of 2023 and plans to attend the Troop’s annual week at Camp Squanto near Plymouth, MA.

Congratulations and “Good Scouting!” Everett.

Fred Lybrand contributed to this report.

Changes to Council Activity Fee Aug. 1, 2023

Dear Mayflower Families,

Thank you for your commitment to Scouting. We truly appreciate you being part of our council and an essential part of your local unit.

We know how important it is for a Scout (and a family) to be “thrifty.” Our non-profit organization looks to model that point of the Scout Law in everything we do. Moreover, like many, our leadership group felt the need to tighten the Scout belt over the last few years, to stem the tide of rising post-pandemic costs and inflation.

The Mayflower Council also works constantly to raise the bar and expand our program while remaining focused on ensuring its safety and high caliber. In order to maintain our commitment to quality, innovation, and safety, we will soon implement our first activities fee increase since 2021.

Effective August 1, the activity fee will increase from $36 to $48 per youth member. While we never like to raise our fees, we hope that this nominal increase — just an extra dollar per month — doesn’t burden your family too significantly.

We believe our program costs remain reasonable, especially considering the scope, quality, and safety of the Mayflower Council mission. But if this increase (or other circumstances) creates an unnecessary financial hurdle, please click here to learn about our financial aid opportunities.

Finally, if you have any questions about this or any other aspect of Scouting in the Mayflower Council, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Yours in Scouting,

Ian Johnson
Council President

Rich Carlson
Council Commissioner

Bryan Feather
Scout Executive / CEO

Cranberry Harbors District Mar. Roundtable

Slides from our March Roundtable are now posted at the link below, along with the safety moment on energy drinks. Links for nominations for district awards are contained in the presentation, nominations are due April 15. Please remember that additional guidance concerning implementation of the new youth protection policy (effective Sep. 2023) may be provided over the next few months. Also, our April Roundtable is moved to April 12 due to Passover. Thanks for all you do for our youth.
CH RT Mar2023 Energy_Drinks

District Award Nominations

All districts are accepting nominations for District Award of Merit as well as recognitions for other outstanding Scouters:

Nomination for District Awards – due April 15

  • Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, Venturing crew advisor, committee chair (for any unit) and charter organization representative of the year awards
  • Unsung Hero Award – someone who goes above and beyond in the district.
  • “Sparkplug” – each pack, troop, or crew can recognize one of their adult leaders for going above and beyond.

Nomination for the District Award of Merit – due April 15

The District Award of Merit is a council award presented by districts in the same manner that the Silver Beaver is a national
award presented by councils. The award is available to Scouters who render service of an outstanding nature at the district level. This nomination form must be sent via email to:  Mayflower Awards

The district will typically present the awards at the annual district recognition dinner.

New Board Member Believes Scouting Is Integral

In 2017 when her son Arnav earned Eagle, Sangeet Srikanth told fellow parents at his Troop 355 Newton Court of Honor: 

“It structures their lives and gives them the most valuable experience that even the best high school education cannot provide.”

“None of the experiences in Scouting can be measured in terms of letter grades, GPA, test scores – but you can witness and experience it everyday in your son’s life,” added Srikanth. “As a parent, I can attest that scouting makes parenting easier.

“But Scouting also does something no other activity can: It helps [children] develop a strong, positive moral character – it is integrity, courage, fortitude, honesty, loyalty, being fair and just; caring, trustworthy, and responsible.

“As a high school teacher, I can say that our education system does not teach several life values &  skills in classrooms; you learn them outdoors. 

“It is a latent collection of all these experiences that make them, in the end, self-reliant human beings!”

In his famous essay “Self-Reliance,” transcendalist philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson said of boyhood education:

“The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried.”

Over 180 years later, Emerson’s fellow philosopher Srikanth — who emigrated to the United States to achieve a Master’s Degree at Boston University — told the BSA’s official blog, “As a driven and motivated woman, I have been in pursuit of academic achievement all my school years.

“But after coming to the U.S. and getting exposed to a lot of activities that kids can get involved in, I wanted them to be holistically educated and not focus only on academics.”

Through Scouting, Sangeet, a recent addition to the Mayflower Council board, says her son and now her daughter Anishka have done just that and have tried much more than they would have solely in the classroom.

“Many scouting skills prepare them to face a challenge, learn teamwork, and plan ahead of time. And if things go wrong, they go wrong,” Srikanth recently told “You bounce back and try to try a different way or a different thing.

“For example, when they’re doing an Eagle project, many things go differently than planned. The deadlines, the project proposal, and many aspects help them understand it’s not always as you plan; you must just be ready for things to change.” 

“And you should be willing to change and make newer plans because the old one doesn’t work anymore,” she said.

Of course, Scouting recently changed, too, just in time for Sangeet’s daughter Anishka to join Newton Troop 209G.

“Fortunately, the BSA started enrolling girls in 2019, and the next thing she did was enroll in Scouting,” said the elder Srikanth, who marveled at the maturity and confidence her daughter garnered through Scouts BSA. “She became accommodating but at the same time stood up for justice and started speaking for herself. 

“Her ability to differentiate and make correct choices helped her mature much faster than some of her peers.”

Through the eyes of her children and with her own Scouter’s eyes (Sangeet is also the Scoutmaster of Troop 209G), Srikanth recently enlarged her Scouting family – several hundred times over.

You see, Sangeet joined the Mayflower Council Board with a focus on Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion (DEI), and alongside peers across the BSA landscape, will look to ensure Scouting truly is for everyone.

Srikanth believes the national organization is moving closer to the truth of the Scout law through its inclusion initiatives.

“Now that we have started taking girls, it’s more diverse… including kids from different socioeconomic backgrounds, people of color,” she explained. 

“My son, I think, was the only South Asian child. But now I see many Indian families putting their kids into Scouting, whether a boy or a girl,” continued Mayflower’s Diversity Chair. “And I know quite a few families that I can proudly say got inspired by my talking to them in the last three years about how Scouting has shaped my son. 

“And I can definitely tell you that if my son were not in Scouts, with those seven years of Scouting and what it did for him, he would’ve been a completely different person in terms of his personality, taking up responsibilities, and being able to face failure,” she said. “In high school and college, he faced many failures, but he accepted failure and dealt with it much better than I did when I was his age.”

To that point, Sangeet believes Scouts give kids a safe space to try, fail, and try again.

“Failing in front of a boss, a team, or an office, or even in college, is scary,” explained Srikanth, whose son Arnav will soon graduate from the University of Illinois. “But if things have gone wrong [at times in] 5th, 6th, and 7th grade and in front of 20 other Scouts, they learn how to deal with it pretty fast.”

Today, and with those valuable experiences in mind, the new board member is ready to spread the message about the merits of Scouting to an ever-expanding group. Being independent, speaking up to themselves, and being able to go in front of an audience and present themselves are all skills developed through Scouting, explained the Scoutmaster. 

Meanwhile, the fun — especially fun found outdoors — remains a program highlight.

Seeing her children have experiences she did not makes Sangeet Srikanth want to give others the same opportunities.

“The camping and outdoor trips, outdoor experiences with the hiking and the swimming and all the activities that we do, [Arnav and Anishka] both have enjoyed and loved the outdoors,” she said. “I come from a background where I never had any of these [experiences]. I grew up in India and was raised in a very conservative time; there were not many things girls were allowed to do… There were so many restrictions. 

“So I had always wanted to do something adventurous but couldn’t,” she added. “When Scouting came my way, it was like living my life again through my kids.”

And Sangeet’s adventure continues! Look for more from Srikanth and Mayflower Council’s DEI work in the coming months.

Cranberry Harbors District Feb. Roundtable

Thanks to all who participated in our February Roundtable, and apologies for our technical difficulties during the session – we are still developing our skills on remote operation and live “zoom streaming”. Slides from the session are posted below, along with the safety sheet on cold weather preparations, a “save the date” poster for our annual district dinner, the brainstorming list on main session topics, and the listing of desired Scouts BSA breakout topics. If you have any other topic suggestions, for the main session or either of our breakouts, please send Dennis Gleason a note. In addition, we are always looking for knowledgeable presenters on these or other topics – if you have any suggestions in this regard, please forward them. I hope you’ll plan to attend our March session, Wed. Mar. 1, 7PM, at the Marshfield Boys & Girls Club.

Post Road February Roundtable Material

We missed posting the January slides in a timely fashion, so we are trying to be proactive and get February’s up early!

Below is a link to the slides for both months. If you have questions, please reach out to the commissioner corps.

January 2023 Roundtable Slides

February 2023 Roundtable Slides