Update to Webelos Uniform Transition Plan

Last week, we communicated that the Webelos uniform will undergo a rolling change for fourth and fifth grade Webelos (effective for the 2021-2022 Scouting year).

Please note the decision has been made to hold off on this planned change until further notice. Any updates (if any) to uniform requirements will be communicated in future newsletters.

Awards Highlight

The BSA offers numerous awards to recognize the accomplishments of Scouts and Scouters. Some are much better known than others. Some of the lesser known awards include:

Founders Bar: Worn by youth and adults who are founding members of a new unit.
National Den Award: Recognizes Cub Scout dens for having a quality, year-round program.
National Medal for Outdoor Achievement: Earned by members of Scouts BSA, Sea Scouting, and Venturing who excel in high-level outdoor activities. There are six areas of emphasis: camping, aquatics, hiking, riding, adventure, and conservation.
Spirit of the Eagle: An honorary posthumous award to recognize the contributions of a youth Scout who lost his or her life.

March Roundtable Handouts

Below are the March Roundtable flyers.   Thanks for all you do for our youth and for Scouting.

Mayflower March Training Newsletter 

Nomination Forms

Philmont Informational Session

Virtual Freeze Out

FOS Common Questions and Answers

Wanted: New Merit Badge Counselors

There was a recent purge of merit badge counselors from Scoutbook because many had not renewed their registration last year. With virtual merit badge events happening in the Mayflower Council, we are looking for volunteers who would be interested in renewing their counselor registration or becoming a new merit badge counselor. We do have plans to hold more virtual merit badge classes this year and need resources for class leads and assistants.


First step for those who believe they are registered merit badge counselors, log into my.scouting or Scoutbook to confirm you are still registered for the badges you are willing to teach. If you were able to confirm, you do not need to continue with this application.


If you are a first-time counselor, or a former counselor no longer registered as a counselor, visit this site www.mayflowerbsa.org/merit-badge-counselors. You will need an adult application (yes, even if you are registered as a leader with a unit), CORI form, (you do not need a CORI form is you are currently registered in another Scouting position) and complete the online Merit Badge Counselor Information Form to apply for the badges you wish to teach. It will ask you for your qualifications for the badges and those are reviewed by the advancement committee for approval.


If you confirmed that you are registered as a counselor but want to add more badges to your approved list, you can do so by completing the online Merit Badge Counselor Information Form.

If you no longer wish to be a merit badge counselor, you can use the online form and request to be removed.


We utilize Google Classroom for virtual merit badge sessions. We will set up the mayflowerbsa.org emails and classrooms as well as provide an orientation on the tools. If you don’t have experience using Google Classroom, we do recommend that you create your own account and practice using it to add students, assignments, document uploads, etc. Then you will be ready when we launch the next event.

Be sure to subscribe to Mayflower Today, our Mayflower Council Facebook page and visit our website for details as they become available.

Headwaters Volunteer Award Recipients 2019-2020

Headwaters District has some INCREDIBLE volunteers!

We recognize these volunteers at our Annual District Dinner.  Our district leadership relies on the generosity of our unit leaders, parents, and friends to nominate the great volunteers we have each year for these awards.  To help remind everyone of who has received these awards in the past few years, this post includes our complete list of District Award recipients.

You can find nomination forms at this webpage here: LINK

Cubmaster of the Year

2019 – Jennifer Smith

2020 – Ryan Turncliff

Scoutmaster of the Year

2019 – Matthew Peters

2020 – Chris Botchis

Crew Advisor of the Year

2019 – Emily Sricharoenchaikit

2020 – Caroline Cronin

Committee Chair of the Year

2019 – Marie Riddell

– Jennifer Parrella

– Ed Reitz

2020 –  Lauren Rowe

– Jim Rhein

Charter Organization Representative of the Year

2019 – Rob Jackson

2020 – Ted Newman

Unsung Hero Award

2019 – Keith Zontini

2020 – Bill Murphy

Spark Plug Award

2019 Recipients

  Stephen Lavoie Joan Provencal
Brian & Kelly Poirier John Rosala
Chris Houle Kevin Rudden
Christopher Bruno Laureen Soumoulis
Darren Grant
Mark Derderian
Gene Papula
Mike & Nancy Giombetti
Greg Schorn Paul Jackson
Jeff Somers
Peter & Janet Alberti
Jim Ares Sharon McCabe

2020 Recipients

Adrianne Marzoratti
Jim Conners
Diane Gaughran Michele Duffy
Gerald Bubb Michelle DeCosta
Jack Wixted Pam Ercolani
Jay Jorgensen
Pinky Jose
Renee Schoch

District Award of Merit Recipients in Headwaters District

Al Marquez Eric Theis Paul Callahan
Al Vautour Francis McCarthy Paul Casello
Alan Koufos George Brenckle Paul Gadd
Andy Defrancesco George Giannotti Paul LeDuc
Ann Bach Hank Rauch Pauline Chute
Arnold Oyola Harry Schreffler Pete Lane
Arthur Haviland Jay Kanavos Peter Geromini
Bill Mills-Curran Jeff Maloney Polly Thayer
Bill Murphy Jim Tashjian Randy LaRosa
Bob Collins Jim Watson Ray Hirx
Brad Saunders Joan Wordell Rebecca Mangus
Brian VanLaarhoven John Breen Rick Keough
Candy Martel John Gillespie Robert Luongo
Charles Clayton John Harrington Rob Pike
Charlottee Bramley John Houlihan Rod Pfannenstiel
Chris Anderson John Magoun Ronald Johnson
Chris Miga John Maguire Ronald Koshko
Dan Mitchell John Polanowicz Rosaleen Sullivan
David Bach Kathleen Bubier Scott McWilliams
Dennis Rawley Kenneth Lizotte Shawn McConnell
Dick Mangus Kevin Rudden Skip Peterson
Donald Chute Lawrence Sullivan Steven Symes
Donald Matchinski Leslie Jacobs Susan Gillespie
Donna Cucinotta Maureen Searl Tim Howe
Eileen McCarthy Michael Merolli Tom Moore
Ej Dotts Mike Barry William Stanney
Mike McGuire

Life-to-Eagle Seminar Presentation

This year, 2021, the council advancement committee has committed to offering five Life-to-Eagle seminars.

These seminars are for educating our prospective Eagle Scouts to learn what needs to happen to advance to Eagle Scout.  These seminars can also be incredibly helpful for Scoutmasters, Eagle coaches, advancement chairs, and committee chairs; and all districts are welcome to attend any of the presentations, the necessary information is the same for all districts, and we will touch on any small differences.

For those who attend, the slide show is available below for you to review at any time.

Click on the photo to download the presentation.

Headwaters March 2021 Roundtable Documents

Headwaters District Roundtable was held on Thursday March 4th:

Helpful Links:

  1. Link to our reminder email with the powerpoints, links to topics and forms – HERE
  2. Links to our Powerpoint:

The BSA also has Advancement Educational Presentations PowerPoint Presentations—for group instruction or individual review. This is great to let parents or advancement coordinators of any unit or any Scout learn about the complex advancement procedures and practices!

We hope you join us for roundtables, connect with our district and other unit leaders and volunteers, and represent your unit!

Cranberry Harbors District March Roundtable

Here is the slide presentation from our March Roundtable (3/3).  Also posted is the Safety Minute on depression, the March Training News, District Leadership Summit (3/24) invitation, award nomination information (due 3/15), and info on the Philmont 2022 information session, the virtual Freeze Out and information on the 2021 Friends of Scouting campaign.  Thanks for all you do for our youth and for Scouting.

March Roundtable Slides

District Leadership Summit 2021

Safety Minute – Depression

Mayflower March Training Newsletter 

Nomination Forms

Philmont Informational Session

Virtual Freeze Out

FOS Common Questions and Answers

Silver Beaver & North Star Award Recipients

Mayflower Council is proud to honor and recognize our 2020 Silver Beaver Award recipients and North Star Award recipient. They are shining examples of Scouting service in our council!

March Training Newsletter