Special Jamboree On The Internet!

School’s been canceled. Restaurants are closed. Libraries are closed. The gym’s closed. Scouts?

Still going strong!

Join us on April 3-5 for an opportunity to talk with Scouts from around the world during a special Jamboree on the Internet! This is a truly rare opportunity for Scouts and Scouters to come together, share ideas about keeping Scouting moving during this unique time, and learn first-hand from Scouts in other parts of the world what is going on in their backyards.

This will help meet requirements for Cub Scout and Scouts BSA advancement opportunities, so be sure to document your JOTI participation for credit! To learn more, click on the button below.

2020 Camp Squanto Open Positions

Camp Squanto has open positions for the following:

1. Provisional Scoutmaster– Male or female registered Scouter over the age of 21.

Responsible for the oversight of the Provisional Scout Program at Camp Squanto. Formation of individual Scouts into a functioning Provisional unit weeks 2-6. Must be be YPT trained and have previous camp or troop/crew experience as Assistant Scoutmaster or Scoutmaster. Will consider full summer or part time weeks if several applicants apply.

2020 Camp Resolute Open Positions

Position Minimum Age Requirement
Assistant Reservation Director – Program Res 21 or over Must be able to complete BSA National Camp School Program Director Cert
Assistant Reservation Director – Program Day 21 or over Must be able to complete BSA National Camp School Cub Program Director Cert
Assistant Reservation Director – Camper Exp. 18 or over
Admin Assistant 18 or over
Aquatics Director 21 or over WSI Certification required, must be able to complete BSA National Camp School Aquatics Cert
Aquatics Instructor (Day) x 2 16 or over Lifeguard Cert a plus but will train
Shooting Sports Dir/BB Instructor (Day) 18 or over
Archery Instructor – Day 18 or over
Arts Center Director – Day 18 or over
Den Leader x 6 16 or over
COPE Director 21 or over Climbing experience a plus, must be able to complete BSA National Camp School COPE Cert
Climbing Instructor 18 or over Climbing experience a plus, must be able to complete BSA National Camp School COPE Cert
Field Sports Instructor 16 or over
Scoutcraft Instructor (Day) 18 or over
Ecology Instructor 16 or over
Trading Post Clerk 16 or over
Kitchen Staff x 3 16 or over
Assistant Health Officer – Day 18 or over First Aid and CPR Cert but can also provide training
Crossover Den Leader – Day 18 or over

Rank Advancement and COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Questions and Answers

Cub Scouting/Scouts BSA/Venturing/Sea Scouting
Rank Advancement and COVID-19

The following questions regarding advancement have arisen as we deal with closures, cancellations, or other issues caused by the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus). Although there are difficulties and constraints, advancement can continue. Youth, parents, and leaders should work together to implement creative, common sense ways to facilitate advancement while adhering to the Guide to Safe Scouting and following the rules of Youth Protection training.

Please follow this link to the Guide to Advancement (GTA), which remains the primary source for information related to Scouts BSA advancement. It is referenced throughout the answers provided here.


All Scouting Programs

Q: How can advancement be tracked remotely?
A: Scouting units should use ScoutBook to record and track advancement.

To track advancement remotely, parents should:

  1. Connect with their child’s member profile via an invitation that the unit leader sends within ScoutBook.
  2. Once a connection is made, the parent should use the Scouting app, found in both the App Store and Google Play, to stay connected with their unit.
  3. The Scouting app provides parents the ability to report any advancement that was completed at home.

Go to help.scoutbook.com to learn more about how to start using ScoutBook and how to connect parents to their Scouts.


Cub Scouts

Q: May parents sign off on Webelos and Arrow of Light requirements?
A: Yes. Through July 31, 2020, parents and other adults in the Cub Scout’s family, may sign off on Webelos and Arrow of Light requirements. We strongly encourage that parents use the Scouting App or ScoutBook to record completion of their child’s requirements.

Q: If my den is behind in advancement due to COVID-19, can my Cub Scout continue to work on advancement through the summer?
A: Yes. Cub Scouts can continue to work on their current den’s advancement through July 31, 2020.  This is to provide any additional time a Cub Scout needs to complete their badge of rank; if they earn their badge of rank prior to July 31, 2020, they may advance to the next rank.


Scouts BSA, Venturing and Sea Scouts

Q: May merit badge requirements or rank requirements be modified?
A: No. All requirements must be completed as written. If meetings or activities are canceled or limited, youth should continue to work on requirements as far as possible. By employing common sense and creative solutions, many requirements–even Scoutmaster conferences–can be fulfilled through videoconferencing or telephone calls.

Q: Can merit badge counseling or Nova/Supernova counseling be done using digital technologies like Zoom or WebEx?
A: Yes, registered merit badge counselors or Nova counselors/Supernova mentors may work with youth using digital platforms, ensuring that all youth protection measures noted in the Guide to Safe Scouting and BSA’s social media guidelines are in place. In addition to youth protection, the advancement guidelines in GTA Section 7 are required.

Q: May time missed due to canceled unit meetings count toward active participation requirements?
A: Yes. If youth are registered and in good standing, a disruption from COVID-19 virus can be the “noteworthy circumstance” that prevents participation. This policy has been in place for many years and is explained in GTA Topic

Q: May time missed due to canceled unit meetings count toward position of responsibility requirements?
A: Yes. If youth are registered and unable to meet the expectations of their positions because of COVID-19 disruptions, then units may need to waive or rethink the expectations. Just as youth must not be held to unestablished expectations, they must not be held to expectations that are impossible to fulfill. See GTA Topic, “Positions of Responsibility,” with its six subtopics.

Q: Does the National Council grant extensions of time to complete rank requirements beyond the 18th birthday for the Eagle or 21st birthday for Summit or Quartermaster?
A: Yes, but only for the Eagle Scout rank as described in GTA Topic or for Venturing Summit or Sea Scout Quartermaster as described in GTA Topic Unit leadership must become familiar with the five tests under The tests were designed to accommodate such obstacles as those presented by COVID-19 disruptions.

Q: Will youth who are not yet Life Scouts be allowed to apply for an extension to earn the Eagle Scout rank?
A.    Extensions are considered only for Scouts who are Life rank. If, once a Scout achieves Life rank, it turns out that COVID-19 disruptions along the way have left them with insufficient time to complete Eagle requirements, then this may be cited when the time comes to submit an extension request.

Q: May local councils grant extensions?
A: Normally, that is not allowed. However, due to the current situation—effective immediately and through September 30, 2020—council Scout executives may grant extensions, or delegate authority to the Council Advancement Committee to grant extensions under the following limitations:

  1. It can be established that COVID-19 disruptions were the only circumstances that delayed work on Eagle Scout/Summit/Quartermaster advancement requirements, such as the service project or merit badges. If any other causes were involved, the extension request must go to the National Council following the process outlined in the GTA.
  2. Extensions shall only be granted to youth in Scouts BSA who have already achieved Life rank.
  3. When the council receives a COVID-19-related request for a time extension, the council reviews the request and approves it if appropriate. A written response stating the outcome of the extension request must go to the youth. If approved, the notification must be attached to the youth’s Eagle/Summit/Quartermaster rank application. For Eagle, the extension must not exceed 3 months from the youth’s 18th birthday; for Summit/Quartermaster, the extension must not exceed 3 months from the youth’s 21st birthday.
  4. Upon turning 18, the Scout must submit a completed adult application and successfully complete YPT; their participant code will now be UP for SBSA or VP for Venturing and Sea Scouting.
  5. Extension requests for more than 3 months beyond the youth’s 18th/21st birthday must be sent to the National Service Center following the process outlined in the GTA.

Note: A “month” in BSA advancement is defined as a day from one month to the next. For example, March 5 to April 5.

In Mayflower Council our Scout Executive has delegated the authority to grant extensions to the Council Advancement Committee.  The authority for councils to grant extensions is temporary, lasting only through Sept. 30, 2020.

Q: If youth have already received an extension, can they request additional time due to COVID-19?
A: Yes. Council Scout executives may grant extensions, or delegate authority to the Council Advancement Committee to grant extensions under the limitations listed above. In Mayflower Council our Scout Executive has delegated the authority to grant extensions to the Council Advancement Committee.

Q: What should be done while an extension request is being considered?
A: Youth should continue to work on advancement in so far as they are able—e.g., independently, or over the phone or videoconference—and at Scouting activities once they resume.

Q: Are extensions required when an Eagle/Summit/Quartermaster board of review must be delayed?
A: No. Councils may grant Eagle/Summit/Quartermaster boards of review up to six months after the youth’s 18th/21st birthday. See GTA Topic, “Eagle Scout Board of Review Beyond the 18th Birthday.”

See also, GTA Topic, “Boards of Review Through Videoconferencing.”

Q: Are electronic or digital signatures acceptable for rank advancement or for the Eagle/Summit/Quartermaster packets/applications?
A: Yes. Electronic or digital signatures will be accepted through September 30, 2020.

Q: How can a youth continue to work on advancement requirements if they don’t have internet or high-speed internet for videoconferencing?
A: Youth may take a picture of their completed activity/requirement and share the work with unit leaders. In keeping with Youth Protection Training policies, all communications from youth should be sent to at least two adults. Parents or guardians may send advancement work on behalf of their child.

Scouting At Home

Are Your Scouts At Home?

Scouting can take place anywhere – even in the comfort of your home!

Here you will find a resource hub for parents and leaders to help support Scouting at home, with stay-at-home educational activities for any Scout rank, tips for continuing to work on advancements and kid-friendly content that connects Scouting with their daily lives. We will continue to add new content and resources to this hub regularly.

Our goal is to make it easier to deliver the Scouting program by making plans more accessible to leaders and those who can help leaders like our parents.

Cub Scouts

Cub Scout 30 Day Challenge

Introducing the 30-Day Cub Scout Challenge, a great way to keep your Scouting skills sharp without leaving home. Packed full of adventure and elective requirements, use this daily checklist as a roadmap to rank advancement.

Advancement that can be completed at home (click to expand):

Lion – Kindergarten

Animal Kingdom – This Adventure is all about community. – Required Adventure
Build it Up, Knock it Down – This Adventure is all about building. – Elective Adventure
Gizmos and Gadgets –  This Adventure is all about motion, force and creating objects. – Elective Adventure
I’ll Do It Myself –  This Adventure is all about being prepared. – Elective Adventure
Pick My Path –  This Adventure is all about to do a good turn daily. – Elective Adventure
Ready, Set, Grow – This Adventure focuses on plants and gardens. – Elective Adventure

Tiger – First Grade

Backyard Jungle – This Adventure and is very hands-on with planting something and building birdhouses — this can be done as a solo family Adventure. – Required Adventure
My Family’s Duty to God – This is often an “at home” adventure anyway because faith beliefs in Scouting are determined by the family. – Required Adventure
Tiger Bites – An Adventure that covers food choices and preparation, manners and nutrition. – Required Adventure
Curiosity, Intrigue, and Magical Mysteries – An Adventure about magic, codes, sign language and more. – Elective Adventure
Family Stories – An Adventure about family heritage. – Elective Adventure
Sky is the Limit –  Adventure all about the night sky, constellations, astronauts, etc. – Elective Adventure
Stories in Shapes – An Adventure about art. – Elective Adventure
Tiger-Safe and Smart – An Adventure all about home and neighborhood safety. – Elective Adventure
Tiger Tales – An Adventure all about story-telling, tall tales, singing. – Elective Adventure

Wolf – Second Grade

Paws on the Path – An Adventure covering hiking skills and nature and maps. – Required Adventure
Adventures in Coins – An Adventure about Coins. – Elective Adventure
Code of the Wolf – An Adventure that uses math games and secret codes. – Elective Adventure
Digging in the Past – An Adventure about dinosaurs, fossils and archaeology. – Elective Adventure
Finding Your Way – An Adventure about map and compass, hiking and a scavenger hunt. – Elective Adventure
Germs Alive – An Adventure about keeping clean and germs. – Elective Adventure
Grow Something – An Adventure about planting and make a terrarium. – Elective Adventure
Motor Away – An Adventure about cars, boats and paper airplanes. – Elective Adventure
Paws of Skill – An Adventure about fitness, sports, sporting event and obstacle courses. – Elective Adventure

Bear – Third Grade

BALOO the Builder – An Adventure covering using tools and wood tools. – Required Adventure
Bear Claws – An Adventure all about knife use and knife safety. – Required Adventure
Fellowship and Duty to God – This is often an “at home” adventure anyway because faith beliefs in Scouting are determined by the family. – Required Adventure
Paws for Action – An Adventure that’s all about history/patriotism, visiting a law enforcement facility, basic emergency preparedness, energy conservation and a cleanup service project. – Required Adventure
Bear Picnic Basket – An Adventure about cooking. – Elective Adventure
Make It Move – An Adventure about fun Engineering. – Elective Adventure
Roaring Laughter – An Adventure about Fun, Jokes, Stories and Games. – Elective Adventure
Robotics – An Adventure about robots. – Elective Adventure
Super Science – An Adventure about Fun Science experiments. – Elective Adventure
A World of Sound – An Adventure about World Music and Instruments. – Elective Adventure

Webelos & Arrow of Light – 4th & 5th Grade

Duty to God and You – This is often an “at home” adventure anyway because faith beliefs in Scouting are determined by the family. – Required Adventure
First Responder – An adventure, covering basic first aid and emergency preparedness. – Required Adventure
Adventures In Science – An Adventure about science. – Required Adventure
Art Explosion – An Adventure about art. – Elective Adventure
Aware and Care – An Adventure about Disabilities Awareness. – Elective Adventure
Build My Own Hero – An Adventure about Citizen Heroes. – Elective Adventure
Engineer – An Adventure about engineering. – Elective Adventure
Fix It – An Adventure about home repairs. – Elective Adventure
Game Design – An Adventure about games. – Elective Adventure
Looking Back, Looking Forward – An Adventure about Your Own Timeline. – Elective Adventure
Maestro – An Adventure about music. – Elective Adventure
Moviemaking – An Adventure about moviemaking. – Elective Adventure
Project Family – An Adventure about family life. – Elective Adventure

Scouts BSA

  • Conduct virtual patrol leaders council meetings via teleconference or web video conferencing. Ensure to maintain two-deep leadership throughout the virtual meeting.
  • Encourage patrol leaders to communicate digitally with their patrol members.
  • Conduct online merit badge counselor meetings using web video conferencing tools such as Google HangoutsZoomSkype, UberConference, FreeConference or Facebook. Ensure to maintain two-deep leadership throughout the virtual meeting. Note completing a worksheet and emailing it does not constitute a “virtual discussion”, rather use interactive video or phone conversations. See this post for more information.
  • Hold Scoutmaster Conference using web video conferencing. Ensure to maintain two-deep leadership throughout the virtual meeting.
  • P.R.A.Y. is extending grade-level eligibility for Scouts to earn certain religious awards; learn more about that and ways to complete religious award requirements at home during P.R.A.Y.’s Facebook live broadcast at 2:00pm on March 24.
  • The World Organization of the Scout Movement will hold a “special edition” Jamboree on the Air/Jamboree on the Internet on April 3-5.

Scouts BSA 30 Day Challenge

Introducing the 30-Day Scouts BSA Challenge, a great way to keep your Scouting skills sharp without leaving home. Use this daily checklist as a roadmap to rank advancement.

Merit Badges that can be completed at home include:

Other things you can do:

  • Plan and cook a meal for your family.
  • Encourage Scouts to post online stories from history and how humanity was able to overcome such difficulties and give people hope.
  • Hold a virtual gaming meet. Or use Kahoot to host an online quiz.
  • Encourage Scouts to communicate with Scouts around the world. Learn about the World Organization of the Scouting Movement (WOSM). Introduce JOTA/JOTI.
  • Coordinate a community-based support network. Work with your chartered organization to develop a plan. Offer your unit assistance in helping the needy.
  • Post examples of how Scouts are helping the community on social media.


Venturing BSA 30 Day Challenge

Introducing the 30-Day Venturing Challenge, a great way to keep your Venturers skills sharp without leaving home. Use this daily checklist as a roadmap to rank advancement.

Looking for more at home Scouting hacks? Check out Bryan on Scouting for more great ideas and resources.

Virtual Board of Review Resources

Scouting Magazine has recently posted an article regarding using video conferencing to conduct Board of Reviews.

Board of Reviews are an integral part of the Advancement program for Scouts BSA Troops, Venturing Awards, and Sea Scout ranks.  While making considerations for other people’s health and safety through social distancing, we encourage all Unit leaders to look at this article and consider using these resources and guidelines to conduct the Scouting program through virtual Boards of Review.

From Scouting Magazine article: How to conduct a board of review through videoconferencing

What guidelines should be followed in a video board of review?

The following is adapted from the BSA’s Guide to Advancement (section

  1. For Eagle Scout boards of review, the local council must grant permission to hold it by videoconference. Other ranks do not need approval but should follow the requirements below.
  2. Test all equipment, including cameras, lighting, microphones, software, and internet connection.
  3. Make sure everyone is visible — including all members of the board of review, the Scout and any observers with the Scout. No one within hearing range on either side shall be off-camera. It is important to consider your technical capabilities when planning how many board of review members to involve. Observers should be minimized for any board of review, and this applies especially to videoconference reviews. Their presence can change the discussion dynamics.
  4. A parent or guardian of the Scout, or two registered adult leaders (as required by the Guide to Safe Scouting) who are familiar with these requirements for videoconference boards of review, must be directly present with the Scout at the beginning of the conference. The Scouters may be from the nearest council, district or unit. Their role is to verify that the Scout is in a safe environment and that the board of review appears to be in compliance with these requirements. Once all the members of the board of review are present on their end of the call and introductions are completed, and the review is about to begin, anyone present with the Scout must leave the room or move out of hearing distance unless they have specifically been approved to remain as observers.
  5. Once the review process has been concluded, if the Scout is under age 18, the Scout’s parent or guardian, or two registered adult leaders, must rejoin the Scout. Their purpose is to be available to answer any questions that may arise, to join in the celebration of the Scout’s accomplishment, or to be party to any instructions or arrangements regarding the appeals process or the reconvening of an incomplete review. Once this is done, the board members end the call and sign off.
  6. Videoconference boards of review must not be recorded.
  7. If an appeal is necessary (as outlined in the Guide to Advancement), this may be conducted via videoconference as well.

Videoconferencing tips

  • Look presentable. Just as you would want to look sharp in your uniform for an in-person board of review, the same should apply to one conducted via video.
  • Find a quiet space with a clean background. Try to minimize audio and visual distractions.
  • Test your equipment. Enlist a friend or family member to help you test your connection, making sure they can see and hear you with minimal lag.
  • Try for eye contact. Though your instinct will be to look at the screen to see the board of review members, spend some time looking directly into the camera. It may feel strange, but it will look better to the people watching.

Free videoconferencing options

Note: Each of the options below has a paid option, but I’m outlining the features of the free tier.

  • Google Hangouts: Easy to use, no time limit, allows up to 10 participants
  • Zoom: Great features, 40-minute time limit (for group meetings), allows up to 100 participants
  • Skype: Good stability, four-hour time limit, allows up to 50 participants
  • UberConference: Excellent video quality, 45-minute time limit, allows up to 10 participants

Eagle Service Project Fundraising Guidelines

Mayflower Council Eagle Scout Service Project Fundraising Guidelines

There are many worthy Eagle Scout Service Projects that can be carried out at minimal cost, if any. Fundraising is allowed to the extent required to cover the expected expense but projects whose sole purpose is to raise funds do not qualify as Eagle Leadership Service Projects. All fundraising or requests for material donations should be done in a restrained manner, similar to simple unit fundraising efforts. The expense of the project is not considered in the determination of the appropriateness of Eagle Scout Service Projects.

While youth members are normally not permitted to solicit funds on behalf of other organizations while representing the BSA, the Mayflower Council grants an exception for youth members raising funds for an Eagle Scout Service Project, with another organization being the project beneficiary; all funds raised above the amount needed for the project must be given to the beneficiary or returned to donors, not kept by the Eagle candidate or the unit.

Before soliciting donations of materials and monetary funds or conducting any fundraising efforts, Eagle Scout candidates must submit the “Eagle Scout Project Fundraising Application” located in the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook to the Scout Service Center two weeks in advance of your fundraising efforts.


The Eagle Scout Service Project Fundraising Application is not required for contributions coming only from the candidate, their parents, guardians, or relatives, their unit or its chartered organization, parents or members of their unit, or the beneficiary.
For any amount of fundraising beyond those mentioned above, the Mayflower Council Advancement Committee recommends that Scouts fill out the Eagle Scout Service Project Fundraising Application and get the required signature from the benefiting organization before their project is approved by their District Advancement Committee.
This is to ensure that Scouts and benefiting organizations understand the proposed budget for the project, the BSA’s guidelines and limitations for fundraising, who holds the donations, and what is done with excess funds upon completion of the project. All money left over, regardless of the source, goes to the beneficiary.

The requirements for planning, developing, and giving leadership must be met through the project itself, not through the fundraising effort. For this reason, approaches such as online fundraising are acceptable and may be handled exclusively by a parent or unit leader. A list of District Eagle Advisors available to provide coaching can been made available to Scoutmasters and Unit Commissioners, please contact your District Advancement Chairman – emails can be found at https://www.mayflowerbsa.org/program/youth/advancement/

Crowdfunding for Eagle Scout Service Projects

  1. The Guide to Advancement allows for the use of “crowdfunding” via the internet for Eagle Scout Service Projects but not for general troop fundraising. The Mayflower Council neither recommends nor prohibits the use of crowdfunding or any specific crowdfunding source. Wikipedia provides a comparison of crowdfunding services. If this route is taken, the website’s fine print should be carefully reviewed by someone in a position of responsibility. The unit leaders and parents will need to consider these questions:
    • Are the website’s terms of service in conflict with any BSA policies?
    • What kind of financial cost will the provider charge for this service?
    • Will you be able to keep donations even if you don’t reach your stated monetary goal (required)?
    • Does the site have an auto-shut off upon reaching the funding goal?
    • How long does it take to get your funds after the donating window closes?
    • Are you required to offer some sort of reward to backers? If so, what will the rewards be?
    • What are the site’s requirements if you raise more than you need? For example, certain providers require excess funds be used solely for the project, not just turned over to the project beneficiary.
    • When using a Crowdfunding site to fund an Eagle Project, the project MUST be set up under the Tax ID# of the beneficiary with all funds going to the beneficiary. The beneficiary of the service project is responsible to ensure all IRS guidelines related to contributions/donations are being met such as refunding donor money and contribution statements if applicable. The Eagle candidate may register and promote the site, but an adult must set it up under the beneficiary’s Tax ID#.
  2. If using a crowdfunding website, be sure that the details pertaining to the project are clearly presented. In addition, the project beneficiary must be clearly identified and it should not appear or represent that the BSA or any of its scout units are beneficiaries of the funds.
  3. It is worth repeating that any funds raised via crowdfunding belong to the beneficiary organization, not the Eagle candidate or the troop.

For more information, see Fundraising Issues at http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/GuideToAdvancement/EagleScoutRank.aspx

Metacomet District Award Recipients

Congratulations to all of the Metacomet District Award Recipients!

Coming Soon!

Sachem District Award Recipients

Congratulations to all of the Sachem District Award Recipients!

District Award of Merit:

  • Tom Vincent, Troop 1022/8 Weymouth
  • Rob Lyons
  • Kat Caruso

Cubmaster of the Year – Mary McGurran, Pack 303 Weymouth

Scoutmaster of the Year – Brendan Farrell, Troop 138 Braintree

Crew Advisor of the Year – Justin Crisafulli, Ship 323 Weymouth

Committee Chair of the Year – Kirsten MacDonald, Troop 1046 Brockton

Charter Organization of the Year – St. John’s Episcopal Church, Holbrook

Unsung Hero – Gary Miskinis, Troop 17 Brockton

Headwaters District Award Recipients

Congratulations to all of the Headwaters District Award Recipients!


Cubmaster of the Year – Ryan Turncliff, Pack 3001 Ashland

Scoutmaster of the Year – Chris Botchis, Troop 126 Franklin

Advisor of the Year – Caroline Cronin, Crew 129 Franklin

Committee Chair of the Year

  • Pack Committee Chair of the Year – Lauren Rowe, Pack 42 Marlborough
  • Troop Committee Chair of the Year – Jim Rhein, Troop 100 Westborough

Charter Organization Rep of the Year – Ted Newman, Church of Nativity

Unsung Hero – Bill Murphy

District Award of Merit Honorees

  • Robert Luongo, Troop 77 Hudson
  • Jay Kanavos, Troop 303 Marlborough
  • Rob Pike, Headwaters District

Sparkplug Award

  • Adrianne Marzoratti, Pack 17 Franklin
  • Renee Schoch, Pack 100 Westborough
  • Gerald Bubb, Pack 3104 Hudson
  • Jay Jorgensen, Troop 1 Northborough
  • Pinky Jose, Troop 4 Hopkinton
  • Diane Gaughran, Troop 100 Bellingham
  • Jack Wixted, Troop 101 Northborough
  • Michele Duffy, Troop 219 Milford
  • Pam Ercolani, Troop 303 Marlborough
  • Michelle DeCosta, Troop 314 Milford
  • Jim Conners, Troop 512 Hudson
  • Anna dos Santos, Troop 29 Franklin