Service Project Proposal and Report
How to Prepare Your Eagle Scout Service Project Proposal and Report
The Beginning of the Trail:
It is recommended that the applicant use this instruction document as a personal checklist to ensure that the Eagle Scout Service Project Proposal has been properly prepared prior to its submission to the Eagle Scout Advancement Lead for your District.
- Use the current version of the “Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook” to complete your project. Any older versions are not accepted. The Workbook is a fillable PDF document. This will bring you to the National BSA website. Follow the directions To Download the PDF.
Important Note
It is strongly recommended that you first save the downloaded form to your computer and then reopen it using Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not follow this procedure, you may have difficulty inputting data to the form and/or saving the form for future exiting.
If you choose to print out a paper copy of the Workbook and fill out the information by hand, you must fill in the information in black or blue ink (no pencil). The Workbook must appear exactly as it does online.
- Read pages 2 through 6 and Proposal Page A before you start and then follow the directions here and throughout the Workbook. Do not submit these pages with the proposal.
Note that there is no minimum size to an Eagle Scout Service Project. Projects will be evaluated primarily on impact; that is, the extent of benefit to the beneficiary and the leadership to be provided by the Life Scout. There must also be evidence of planning and development.
- Decide on whether to have a “project coach”, recognizing that the BSA strongly recommends you do. If you decide to have a project coach, the person must be registered with the BSA (in any adult position) and be current in BSA Youth Protection training, and may come from the unit, District or Council level. For more information on project coaches see page 6 of the Workbook.
A project coach is just that – a coach. The coach’s role is to evaluate a plan and discuss strengths and weaknesses with the scout, the coach does not have the authority to dictate changes or withhold approval. If your Troop does not have an approved coach, email your District Eagle Scout Advancement Lead (email addresses are provided below).
The following Eagle Scout Service Project Proposal pages must be filled in and submitted to Mayflower Council for approval prior to initiation of the work on the Project.
- Proposal Cover: Insert your name and a name for the Project.
- Proposal Page B – Contact Information: Fill in all the lines. For Your Council Service Center use: Mayflower Council, 83 Cedar Street, Milford, MA 01757. Phone: 1-508-872- 6551. For the “Council or District Project Approval Representative”, use the Council address and put the name and email address of the District Eagle Scout Advancement Lead for your District:
District Email
Cranberry Harbors:
Post Road:
- Proposal Pages C through E – Proposal: Read all instructions, fill in all sections and answer all questions. Include additional information (e.g. maps, diagrams, sketches, photos, etc.) if you believe it will help reviewers visualize the project.
- Proposal Page E – Tour/Activity Plan: Tour and Activity Plans are no longer required for Eagle Scout Service Projects.
- Proposal Page E – Signatures: Signatures are required of the Scout (see Candidate’s Promise on Proposal Page E), your Unit leader, your Unit Committee Chair or designee, and the representative of the beneficiary. When the beneficiary representative signs the Proposal, he/she must check the box confirming that you gave them the last two pages of the Workbook entitled: Navigating the Eagle Scout Service Project – Information for Project Beneficiaries.
- After signatures have been secured, except for the Council or District Approval, scan the Project Proposal pages (Cover and Pages B through E) to create a new PDF file and email this to your District Advancement email listed above under contact information. A member of the District Advancement team will contact you to schedule a time to meet to discuss the Project Proposal. After the District Advancement Lead signs the Proposal, You can begin the Project.
If the Project Proposal is not approved, you will receive information stating the reasons for that decision and suggestions for revisions that will render the Proposal acceptable.
- Fundraising Application: It is recommended that you file a Fundraising Application with your Eagle Project Workbook, even if money or material contributions come only from yourself, your parents or relatives, your scouting unit or its chartered organization, parents or members in your scouting unit, or the project beneficiary. Please make sure you have discussed the fundraising process with your unit leader and especially the beneficiary since you may be raising money in the name of the beneficiary. More information about Eagle Service Projects and fundraising can be found here.
Continuing on the Trail:
- Final Plan Cover and Pages A through E: Prepare a Final Plan for the project. This section is very important for planning and organizing the Project. Though not subject to anyone’s approval, the more effort you put into addressing the items listed in this section, the easier the Project will be to implement. Remember, you will be asking others to volunteer to assist you in carrying out the Project – they will expect you to be prepared. It is recommended that you share the Final Plan with your project coach or Unit leader so they can give advice to help you organize the Project.
- Project Report Pages Cover through Page C: This section is your final report on the Project. Provide written responses to all questions after the Project is completed.
Keep detailed records of the Project, from start to finish. Record what you did and when, every time you work on the Project, including your planning. All hours expended working on the Project should be included in the Table provided on Project Report Page B. Complete all sections of the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook prior to the date of your 18th birthday. - Project Report Page C – Signatures: Sign the Candidate’s Promise on Project Report Page C and secure the signatures of your Unit leader and representative of the beneficiary. Note: All signatures must be dated prior to the date of the Scout’s 18th birthday.
- Complete an Eagle Scout Rank Application Form per the instructions provided in the document entitled “How to Complete and Submit Your Eagle Scout Application Form”. This document is available online at the Mayflower Council website (
Additional Information on the Eagle Scout Rank can be found in Section 9 of the “Guide to Advancement”. This is available online at
Mayflower Council, Boy Scouts of America – Advancement Committee – November 26, 2018