Cumberland Farms
Sysco Boston
Last Chance Kickoff Meeting
You asked and we listened! We will hold one additional Trail’s End popcorn kickoff meeting. The meeting will be on Monday, August 19, 6:30 – 7:30pm via video conference. You must sign up to receive your instructions to log into this video conference. A bonus incentive will be given to all that attend.
Would You Like To Receive Your Popcorn Early?
That is right! You can have your popcorn in hand on Wednesday, September 4th (Westborough) or Friday, September 6th (Plympton). Your unit can start selling earlier than everyone else. We need lots of volunteers (must be 18+) to help sort the popcorn to get ready for Saturday morning pickups. Commitment is from 1:00 – 4:00 pm on one of those days. We could also use a few hands on Saturday morning to help load cars. Please note, if you are helping at either warehouse, you will need to wear close toed shoes.
Fund Your Scouting Adventures?
One of the best fundraisers for a scout is selling Trail’s End Popcorn. It teaches your Scout important life skills, it can fund their scouting adventures, earn college scholarship money, and earn great prizes for both scouts and units.
Need to learn more, contact your District Popcorn Kernel.
Time To Place Your Order
Start planning what you are ordering for your biggest selling season! Orders for your Show N Sell are due no later than midnight on: Friday, August 23rd!
If you need to see what you ordered last year, just log on to your account and change the date to view the 2018 selling campaign.
When placing your order please note the following quantities in each case:
Chocolate Lovers and Cheese Lovers = 1 per case
Kettle Corn and Unbelievable Butter = 6 per case
White Cheddar = 8 per case (this is a change from last year)
Chocolatey Caramel Crunch, Salted Caramel, Premium Caramel, Classic Caramel, and Popping Corn = 12 per case
Planning Your Next Den Meeting Just Got Easier
If you’re a den leader, you’re going to love the latest update to Scoutbook! The Boy Scouts of America’s online tool for tracking Scouting advancement just rolled out a new update that’s going to make it easier than ever for den leaders to prepare for and lead meetings, track advancement and attendance, and more.
New Headwaters Eagle Scouts – April-July 2019
Please join the Headwaters District Advancement team in congratulating the following Scouts on their achievement of the rank of Eagle Scout with the completion of their Boards of Review in the months of April, May, June and July 2019:
Eagle Boards of Review
- William D. – Troop 1 Hopkinton
- McKay C. – Troop 51 Marlborough
- Owen O. – Troop 232 Ashland
- Derek L. – Troop 1 Northborough
- Samuel C. – Troop 382 Westborough
- Daniel D. – Troop 4 Hopkinton
- John R. – Troop 4 Hopkinton
- Luke B. – Troop 44 Mendon
- Andrew M. – Troop 44 Mendon
- Gregory E. – Troop 51 Marlborough
- Ethan K. – Troop 77 Hudson
- Jack B. – Troop 92 Southborough
- Bradley D. – Troop 100 Bellingham
- Joshua K. – Troop 101 Northborough
- Isaiah B. – Troop 126 Franklin
- Bailey C. – Troop 126 Franklin
- Joseph C. – Troop 126 Franklin
- Max C. – Troop 232 Ashland
- Patrick B. – Troop 4 Hopkinton
- Ethan K. – Troop 4 Hopkinton
- Jacob D. – Troop 112 Franklin
- Jordan K. – Troop 232 Ashland
- Monzer K. – Troop 232 Ashland
- Carl D. – Troop 382 Westborough
It is an honor and privilege to congratulate these exceptional Scouts for their achievement. As less than 5% of Scouts become Eagles, these are truly the best of the best, the most dedicated, and the most determined to succeed!
Once an Eagle Scout, Always an Eagle Scout!
What’s the intent of advancement requirements?
Several requirements along the trail to the Eagle Scout rank seem very straight-forward: demonstrate tying knots, participate in a flag ceremony, sleep in a tent you helped pitch, etc. However, there’s depth to each and every task a Scout must perform.
Suggested Eagle Scout News Release
Mayflower Council
2 Mount Royal Avenue, Suite 100
Marlborough, MA 01752
Contact: (Full name, title)
(Office and home phone numbers)
(Full name, age), of (address), has earned the highest advancement award offered by the Boy Scouts of America, the Eagle Scout Award. This achievement is reached by only four percent of all Scouts BSA.
(Last name) will be recognized in ceremonies on (day, date, and time) at the (location).
A member of (chartered organization, Troop #), (last name) is an exceptional scout, having served as (leadership position) and receiving (Scouting honors), according to Scoutmaster (full name).
Each candidate must earn 21 merit badges and successfully plan, design, and lead a service project benefiting the community, a religious institution, or a school in order to earn their Eagle; (last name) chose to (describe project).
(Last name) joins other outstanding American citizens who have become Eagle Scouts, among them former President Gerald R. Ford, Jr., cinematographer Steven Spielberg, Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, and over 40 U.S. astronauts.
(Last name) is a member of (religious institution) and is active in (school activities, i.e.: debate team, drama club, band, sports) at (name) High School, where (he/her) is a member of the class of (year).
(He/She) is the (son/daughter) of (parents) of (city).
(photo attached)
Eagle Letters of Recommendation Procedures
On your Eagle Scout Rank Application, you are asked to list a number of individuals that are willing to provide a recommendation for you as an Eagle Scout candidate. You should ask each of these individuals to write a brief letter on your behalf describing your worthiness to become an Eagle Scout.
You need to request letters from:
- Your parents;
- A teacher, guidance counselor, or staff member at your school;
- A religious reference from someone at your place of worship (if none, you must have your parents address in their letter how you meet your “Duty to God” and demonstrate “Reverence”, as you promise to do when you recite the Scout Oath and Law);
- An employer , if you have or had one; and
- Two (2) other people, who know you well.
When you ask someone to write you a letter, you should give that person a copy of the document entitled Eagle Scout Reference Letter Request and a pre-addressed, stamped envelope. The document should be used by your reference as guidance regarding the type of information being requested and the envelope is to be used for submitting the reference letter.
The pre-addressed, stamped envelope should be addressed as follows:
- In the upper left hand corner of the envelope (return address), provide the name and address of the person writing the letter.
- The envelope should be addressed to the advancement administrator of your Unit or other contact person designated by your Unit.
- In the lower left of the envelope, provide the words: “Eagle Recommendation For (insert YOUR NAME here)”.
The Unit’s advancement administrator, or other designated contact person, will retain the letters
UNOPENED for delivery to the Eagle Scout rank board of review.
Mayflower Council – June 1, 2018
The Scout below must appear soon before a “Board of Review” to satisfy the requirements for the highest rank in Scouting – Eagle Scout. You, who know them best, can supply evidence of his/her adherence to the Principles of Scouting in their daily life. Please write a frank, confidential appraisal of the Scout’s dependability, citizenship, leadership, and consideration of others. Your comments will be kept strictly confidential and will be seen, not by the Scout, but only by the members of the Board of Review. After completing your letter, please place it in the provided pre-addressed envelope and mail it.
Scout’s name: _______________________________________ Phone #________________________________
Using the four points listed below, please give your observations concerning the Scout. Feel free to add any other observations that you think are pertinent.
The Scout Oath or Promise and the Scout Law are the code of ethics by which a Scout strives to live.
Scout Oath or Promise
On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my Country and to obey the Scout Law;
to help other people at all times;
to keep myself physically strong, mentally aware, and morally straight.
Scout Law
A scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent.
- Describe how well he/she puts into practice in their everyday life, the principles embodied in the Scout Oath or Promise and the Scout Law.
- Give information relating to his/her ability and willingness to accept and “follow through” on responsibilities.
- Describe his/her attitude relative to instruction and criticism.
- What recommendations would you make to the Scout for improvement?
Thank you very much for taking the time to provide this letter of recommendation to us. The input of people like you is very helpful to the Board of Review as it considers the Scout’s readiness to become an Eagle Scout.
Mayflower Council Advancement Committee