New Nobscot Trail Crew
Saturday, April 27 marked the launching of the new Nobscot Trail Crew.
On their first day, the founding Crew members spent time receiving outstanding training on Nobscot history, tools, trail management and first aid. Afterwards, they hiked to Tipling Rock practicing practical trail work along the way.
The Nobscot Trail Crew adult advisors, Chuck Hurwitz, Pat Maher and Stroker Rogovin are all Eagle Scouts, Vigil Honor Members and collectively have over 120 years of Nobscot experience. In addition Stroker is a long-time is a member of the AMC Board of Advisors. Trail Crew Members received t-shirts and will earn a Trail Crew patch, Certificate and free membership in the Nobscot Alumni Association. The next meeting will be announced. In the meantime, if you’re interested in joining this ongoing, elite crew contact Alumni Association President Larry Bearfield.