2019 Eagle Scout Service Project Of The Year
Mayflower Council NESA Committee
Is now accepting nominations for the
2019 Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year
The National Eagle Scout Association established the Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams National Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award to recognize valuable service of an exceptional nature by a Scout to a religious institution, a school, community, or other entity. The award recognizes the Scout for his Eagle Scout leadership service project, which is part of the requirements for earning the Eagle Scout Award. Each year, the Mayflower Council National Eagle Scout Association Committee may select a winner from the applications received.
The recognition consists of a bronze device for the Eagle square knot, and a $250 award. Our winner’s Service Project will be submitted to the NE Region NESA Committee for consideration of their $500 award. If the Region selects his project, he will be in consideration for the National $2,500 award
You must have completed your Eagle Board in calendar 2019.
How to Apply
For more information and to download the Application for the Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams National Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year, please visit:
A complete duplicate copy of your Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook (previously submitted by you to the Eagle board of review committee) must be attached to your application. Please note this copy will NOT be returned to you.
Applications must be received in the Council office or E-mailed on or before January 21, 2020
Your completed application should be sent to:
US Mail to:
NESA Eagle Scout Service Project Award
Mayflower Council BSA
2 Mount Royal Avenue, Suite 100
Marlborough, MA 01752
Or Email a PDF copy to: nesa@mayflowerbsa.org